4-6-04 tbApril 6, 2004
New Scandia Town Board was called to order by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The following
Town Board Members were present: Chairman Dermis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Binz,
Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden.
Dennis Hegberg/Washington County Commissioner
Mr. Dennis Hegberg presented the Washington County Commissioner's Service Award to
Dolores Peterson for 30 years of service as New Scandia Township Clerk.
Dennis Seefeldt/Chairman of New Scandia Town Board
Dennis Seefeldt presented a framed picture with a written proclamation on behalf of the New
Scandia Township for 30 years of service to Dolores Peterson as New Scandia Township Clerk.
Ms. Lisa Crum read the following proclamation:
Whereas Dolores Peterson was elected New Scandia Township Clerk in 1974 and re-elected
every term until position of Clerk became and appointed position and
Whereas Dolores Peterson was appointed to the position of New Scandia Township Clerk in 1994
Whereas Dolores Peterson has served thirty years as New Scandia Township Clerk and
Whereas Dolores Peterson has faithfully kept all township records and books and
Whereas external audits have always found the township books in excellent order and
Whereas Dolores Peterson always takes pride in the appearance and image of the office and
community center
Whereas Dolores Peterson's professional and courteous attention to all matters makes the office
and community center truly the "center of the community" and
Whereas Dolores Peterson has presided over more than forty township, county, state and national
elections in a flawless and professional manner and
Now therefore be it resolved that the New Scandia Town Board on behalf of all its citizens
congratulates and thanks Dolores Peterson on thirty years of faithful and dedicated service to the
people of New Scandia Township and
Be it further resolved that we wish Dolores continued good health and continued service.
April 6, 2004 Dennis D. Seefeldt, Chairman of New Scandia Board
New Scandia Town Board
April 6, 2004
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Nancy Madden made a motion to accept the proclamation on behalf of New Scandia
Township. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Public Hearing for Agricultural Preserves for Granton Larson, Ann Golden Carlson and
Deb Havener
A public hearing was held for the application of long-term agricultural preserves for the EI/2 of
the SE 1/4 of Section 3, Township 32, Range 20. Except part of the SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of said section.
Being E 375 feet of North 660 feet, Subject to Easement.
Nancy Madden made a motion to designate the Agricultural Preserves for Grant Larson,
Ann Golden Carlson and Deb Havener. The E % of the SE 1/4 of Section 3, Township 32,
Range 20. Except part of the SE 1/4 of SE % of said section being E 375 feet of North 660
feet, Subject to Easement. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted
Dan Willius/St.Croix Valley Scenic Byway
Mr. Willius stated the St. Croix Scenic Coalition is applying to the State for designation as a state
scenic byway of a route to be the St. Croix Valley Scenic Byway and are proposing a route on
southern Denmark Township at U.S. Highway 10, which is part of the federal Great River
Road, and run north from there on county highway 21 to 22n St. north of interstate 94, then east
on 22nd
to state highway 95, then north on state highway 95 to Taylor Falls, and thence through
Chisago County and Pine County on various county roads to Sandstone, where it would intersect
with State Highway 23, which from there to Duluth.
Lisa Crum made a motion to adopt the proposed resolution To Support the Designation by
the State of Minnesota a St. Croix Valley Scenic Byway. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
Waste Management/Robert Juehl
Mr. Juehl representing Waste Management requested a letter from New Scandia Township
stating not to enforce road restrictions when the township roads are posted for 5 ton. He stated it
is necessary to pickup trash from Scandia residents and their trucks should be classified as school
buses and utility trucks. No action was taken on the request.
Doug Pratt/Marine Water Management Organizations
Doug Pratt presented a proposal for water quality monitoring of Goose Lake, which lies within
the orphan area of the Marine Water Management Organization.
Dennis Seefeldt made a motion to approve line item four (4) in the amount $1060.00 and the
funding shall be funded by the General Fund for 2004. Nancy Madden seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
New Scandia Town Board
April 6, 2004
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Michael Hinz/Public Works Hours
Michael Hinz made a motion that the hours for the Public Works Department shall be eight
(8) hour days Monday to Friday except in the months of May, June, July and August ten
(10) hour days four days a week. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted
The Public Works Department shall be infonned when a tree has fallen over the road it shall not
be placed in the ditch. The brush can be placed in the ditch. Cut it in four -foot logs and inquire if
the resident wants the wood.
Letter From Michael Gabler Regarding the Use of ChemicalHerbicides
A letter from Michael Gabler was presented regarding the use of chemical herbicides on township
property. It was agreed to continue to spray the dandelions but to spray only when there are no
functions at the Community Center and post the area that has been sprayed. It was also suggested
the possibility of a block add in the Country Messenger stating when and where the spraying will
be done.
Frontier Communications
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve buried telephone cable for Frontier
Communications in Wyldewood Acres. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
New Scandia Town Board Spring Tour
The Town Board set the following date for the spring tour of the township: April 24, 2004 from
9:00 a.m. to noon.
Kevin Corbid/Assessment Services for Washington County
A letter was received from Devin Corbid regarding a county wide assessment system instead of
the township and cities having their own assessor.
Mair Joselyn made a motion to send a letter to Mr. Kevin Corbid, Washington County
Assessment stating that New Scandia Township is opposing the county wide assessment
system. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Skating Facility
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve payment for material of repair of the Skating
Facility and Mr. Mike White will do the repair work. Lisa Crum seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
New Scandia Town Board
April 6, 2004
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Fee Schedule for Building Permits
A proposed fee schedule recommended by the State of Minnesota was presented and the proposed
increase was 8.9 percent. No action was taken on this issue as the New Scandia Town Board felt
the building permits for the township at this time are high enough.
Appointments of Park and Recreation Committee
Blair Joselyn made a motion to appoint the following persons to the Park and Recreation
Committee: Dan Skupien, Nicolle Hayek, Janice Hogle and Lori Gordon. Nancy Madden
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Michael Hinz made a motion to adjourn.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia ownship Clerk