6-15-04 tbJune 15, 2004
New Scandia Town Board was called to order by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The following
Board Members were in attendance: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz,
Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn, Nancy Madden.
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Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the following consent agenda.
1. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 05-18-04 and 06 -01 -04 -Town Board and 06-01-04
Planning Commission
2. Treasurer's report
Balance April 30, 2004 $1,438,520.39
Receipts 43,834.67
Expenditures 118,799.74
Bank Charges _ 39.20
Balance May 31, 2004 $1,363,522.82
3. Approval of June vouchers
Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Fire Chief/Steve Snence
Mr. Spence stated that 90 % of the New Scandia Firefighters have completed the National
Standards course requirements. Mr. Spence also reported the New Scandia Fire Department does
not offer C.P.A. classes due to the high fees charged by the American Heart Association.
Park and Recreation/Blair Joselyn
Marty McKelvey representative of the Cleat Kids Summer Program requested additional expense
for shirts for the children and one assistant for the program.
Lisa Crum made a motion to approve the extra operating costs in the amount of $330.00
for shirts and $350.00 for one assistant for the Cleat Kids Program. Nancy Madden
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Mr. Joselyn reviewed the interview questions for New Scandia Township Park and Recreation
Planning Consultants for the June 22nd meeting. It was agreed to send the interview questions to
each applicant and also inform the firms the Board did not want a long presentation regarding
their firms.
Mr. Joselyn reviewed the organization of the Park and Recreation Committee and suggested the
committee elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary and provide an outline for the
description of the officers.
New Scandia Town Board
June 15, 2004
Page 2
A letter was reviewed from the League of Minnesota Cities Loss Control Services Administration
regarding the BMX Track. It listed 7 unsafe conditions at the site. It was agreed to level the
BMX Track and receive a quote from Scandia Trucking to rebuild another BMX Track.
The letter also reviewed the bleachers at the Scandia Lighted Ballfield. Mr. Jon Ludwig, New
Scandia Township Building Inspector will instruct the Public Works Department how to correct
the unsafe conditions.
Park Dedication Fees
Lisa Crum made a motion to increase the park fees for Minor Subdivisions and Major
Subdivisions as follows: $1500.00 per lot or 7% of the land. Michael Hinz seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Tom Peterson/Township Engineer
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the 1st pay request to Universal Enterprise of
Mid Minnesota in the amount of $461,520.54. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the buried electrical cable for Xcel energy at 22739
Olgilvie Avenue North. Lisa Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the buried telephone cable for Frontier
Communications at 23138 Oldfield Avenue. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the quote from Universal Enterprise of Mid
Minnesota in the amount of $24,669.05 for repair road work on 197`h Street. Dennis
Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Bid Opening For Seal Coating Project 2004
The following is a list of bids for the Seal Coating Project of 2004:
(1) Allied Blacktop
(2) Astech Surface
(3) Caldwell Asphalt
(4) Pearson Bros Inc.
Michael Hinz made a motion to award the bid for,the 2004 Seal Coating Project to Allied
Blacktop in the amount of $101,602.00. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
New Scandia Town Board
June 15, 2004
Page 3
At this point in the meeting the New Scandia Town Board Meeting was closed for a personnel
The New Scandia Town Board will convene in a closed session for preliminary consideration of
allegations or charges against Brian Jemelka an employee of the Township. Pursuant to
Minnesota State Statues 13.1306 Subdivision 2 (3) and Subdivision 3 (A).
Mr. Jemelka has received written notice of the closed meeting. The regular meeting shall reopen
at the conclusion of the closed session.
The regular meeting was reconvened.
Mr. Seefeldt stated the following allegations regarding Township Employee Brian Jemelka:
(1) The cutting up of a oak tree and removing it from Mr. Fred Heinonen property using
Township equipment, during working hours.
(2) The failure to keep the Public Works building in a neat, clean and orderly manner.
Inappropriate items in the Public Works building.
(3) Purchasing of a tire when the Township was changing all the tires on the tractor.
(4) History of oral reprimands
(5) Using Township equipment to pull a downed tree from private property on Quinnell Avenue.
(6) Allegations regarding to tailgate a women at Highway 35 and 243.
(7) A letter in reference to inappropriate items and signage on Township vehicles.
(8) Use of Town truck for personal business.
(9) A conformation with a Township Supervisor.
The Town Board agreed there Have been oral and written reprimands, but it appears this has not
improved the problems involving Mr. Jemelka.
Blair Joselyn made a motion to order a suspension for Mr. Brian Jemelka. for 3 working
days, June 23, 24, and 28th without pay. The wood is to be returned and explain and
apologize why he removed the wood. Nancy Madden seconded the motion. The following
amendment was made to the motion: The wood shall be returned and if not returned
restitution to Mr. Heinonen. A written apology to Mr. and Ms. Heinonen. Motion and
amendment adopted unanimously.
Mr. Heinonen presented pictures of the tree that was on his property and stated that 1/3 of the
wood from the tree is missing. Mr. Seefeldt and Mr. Hinz would view the wood that was
returned to the Heinonen property.
Freezer for Community Center
Nancy Madden made a motion to purchase a freezer for the Community Center in the
amount of $1043.26. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
New Scandia Town Board
June 15, 200
Page 4
Sneed Zone for 240`h Street
Michael Hinz made a motion to accept the petition for the speed zone on 240'h Street and
submit the information to the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation. The
Town Board realizes this is a through -fare street and 240`h Street was built for collector
standard and designed to collect and move traffic. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Ms. Carol Kuschke/2002 Road Assessment
Ms. Kuschke had been to the New Scandia Township Board of Review regarding the property
value of Lot 7, Block 1, Oakridge Acres. Ms. Kuschke had Elkin Soil Testing and Inspections
did soil borings of the property and Ms. Kuschke presented a letter stating under the present code,
this lot is not buildable. Ms. Kuschke had been assessed for two buildable lots on the 2002 Road
Project and had paid the assessment in full in the amount of $4260.00 in 2002.
Michael )Elim made a motion to refund $2130.00 for the assessment on Lot 7, Block 1,
Oakridge Acres if Ms. Kuschke has prove of combing the two lots. Lasa Crum seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Town Board Special Meeting With Public Works Department
The Town Board will have a special meeting on July 6, 2004 at 7:00 a.m. with the Public Works
Department at the site.
Ouinnell Avenue Repair
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the concrete repair on Quinnell Avenue with the
quote Mr. John Morrison received in the amount of $700.00. Lasa Crum seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn.
Dolores Pet9fson
New Scandia Township Clerk