7-20-04 tbJuly 20, 2004
New Scandia Town Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The
following Board Members were in attendance: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman
Michael Hinz, Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden.
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the following consent agenda.
1. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 06-15-04 'Town Board, 06-21-04 Special
Meeting/Hearing, 06-22-04 Special Meeting Interviewing Firms for the Comprehensive
Plan for Park and Recreation. 07-06-04 Special Meeting with Public Works Department.
07-04-04 Town Board and 07-04-04 Planning Commission.
2. Correction from 06-15-04 Town Board. The minutes for 05-18-04 and 06-01-04 Town Board
were not in the packets the minutes and the minutes from 06-01-04 Planning Commission
were not in the packets. The motion for the consent agenda will include all the above minutes.
Motion to approve Treasurer's report
Balance May 31, 2004 $1,363,522.82
Receipts 1,222,310.73
Expenditures 596,926.39
Reverse bank charge + 32.50
Service charge - 27.00
Balance June 30, 2004 $1,998,912.70
4. Motion to approve vouchers for July, 2004
Lisa Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Fire Relief Assocation/Steve Yehle
Steve Yehle presented information from the Annual Meeting of the Fire Relief Association of
July 13, 2004. Dave Redman and Tom Tuccitto retired in 2003 and Dan Schuldt voluntary
terminated his position. Tom Hinz and Jason Helke have been added to the roster of Fire/Rescue
Department. Approved termination of 1938 money management account structure on existing
investment funds to reflect qualified retirement plan. Mr. Yehle also presented three (3) 2005
lump sum pension plan proposals for the year of 2005. These options will be reviewed at
August IOtl' Budget Workshop for the Township.
Fire/Rescue and Public Works Dawn Renovation
Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the quote of $1425.00 from horticulture Services
for Lawn Renovation and the seeding shall not be until September V. Lisa Crum seconded
the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
New Scandia Town Board
July 20, 2004
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Fire Chief/Steve Spence
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the hourly pay scale for the New Scandia
Fire/Rescue Department effective as of July 1, 2004. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion.
The following Board Members voted yes: Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn, Nancy Madden and
Dennis Seefeldt. Michael Hinz abstained. Motion adopted.
Township Engineer/Tom Peterson
Mr. Marney Morstad questioned the installation of a driveway for his property on 192'd Street. It
was agreed that Dennis Seefeldt, Michael Hinz and Tom Peterson would meet Mr. Morstad at the
site on August 3d at 4:00 p.m.
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve buried telephone cable at 22801 Meadowbrook for
Frontier Communications. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the placement of a pole mount unit next to
terminal at Parade Avenue for Frontier Communications. Lisa Crum seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
Mr. Hinz informed the Township Engineer that New Scandia Township should consider having
2 -foot shoulders on all the Township roads if possible.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the 2nd pay request for Universal Enterprises of
Mid -MN in the amount of $96,680.54. Michael seconded the motion and motion adopted
David Schwelling stated his driveway had been raised five (5) feet during the reconstruction of
Norrell Avenue. It was agreed to contact Scandia Trucking to correct the issue.
Park and Recreation/Blair Joselyn
Mr. Joselyn presented a draft for the responsibilities of Parks and Recreation Comrnittee
Chairperson, Vice -Chairperson and Secretary. The Town Board Members informed Mr. Joselyn
the draft was excellent format.
Mr. Joselyn reported on the BMX Track and it was agreed that the Park and Recreation
Committee meet with the parents and users of the BMX Track on July 26h at 7:00 p.m.
New Scandia Town Board
July 20, 2004
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Lisa Crum made a motion to accept the quote from Scandia Trucking for reconstruction of
the BMX Track in the amount of $770.00 if it is agreed at the meeting on July 26th to
reconstruct the BMX Track and the Township shall pay the entire cost. Michael Hinz
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Wyldewood Acres/Steve May Classic Home Design/Development Agreement
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the Development Agreement with the correction on
the tree language after inspection of the Wyldewood Acres Plat on July 21, 2004 by Dennis
Seefeldt and Nancy Madden. The Park Fee of $18,000.00 and Letter of Credit shall be paid
in the amount of $537,471.00. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted
Greg RRdefeldt/Manning Overlook/Secondary Septic System
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve a secondary septic system site in the Plat of
Manning Overlook. The site shall be in Outlot B adjacent to Lot 1, Block 2 and the Home
Owners Association must approve the easement. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
U.S. Cable Commission
Dennis Seefeldt made a motion to appoint Michael White to the U.S.Cable Commission.
Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Brian Jemelka/Letter and Findings and Decision Regarding Disciplinary Proceedings
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the letter written by David Hebert Township
Attorney to Brian Jemelka regarding disciplinary proceedings. Nancy Madden seconded
the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the findings and decision regarding disciplinary
proceedings for Brian Jemelka. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted
Allegations Regarding Township Emplovees
The allegations regarding Township employees was not discussed as Dennis Seefeldt and
Michael Hinz would meet with each of the employees to review the allegations.
Suring Tour Report
Nancy Madden made a motion to send each of the residents on the list of the spring tour a
letter regarding ordinance violations. Lisa Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted
New Scandia Town Board
July 20, 2004
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Appointment of Election Judges
Michael Hinz made a motion to appoint the following Election Judges for the Primary and
General Election: Patti Funni, Barbara Maile, Jerry Fearing, Gary Hogle, Donna Larson,
Beverly Pratt, Florence Daninger, Avalon Okerson, Kathy Carlisle, Edith Hadlich, Judy
Rydeen, Ann Hoheisel, Nancy Hermes, Kathy Adamek, Judy Smith, Sue Tuomi, Mary
Hulleman and Dolores Peterson. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted
Capital Improvement Committee
Julie Ruddy and Kevin Nickelson were appointed to the Capital Improvement Committee. The
committee shall meet on September 14, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.
Budget Workshop
August 10, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. was the date set for the Budget Workshop for the levy of 2005.
Lori Huberty/Wavier of a Subdivision
Michael Hinz made a motion to wavier the formal requirements for a subdivision for Lori
Huberty and James Joyce land configuration prepared by Landmark Surveying dated June
30, 2004. Lisa Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn.
Dol res Peterson
New Scandia ownshipp Clerk