7-6-04 specialJuly 6, 2004
On the above date New Scandia Town Board held a Special Meeting at 7:00 a.m. with the Public
Works Department at the New Scandia Fire/Rescue and Public Works Building. The following
Board Members were present: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Lisa
Crum, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden.
Dennis Seefeldt Chairman of New Scandia Town Board called the meeting to order at 7:10 a.m.
Mr. Seefeldt stated the reason for meeting was to improve the communications and work
performance in the Public Works Department.
Mr. Jemelka was informed to mow the 201 Septic Systems area every three weeks instead of once
a week. Mr. Jemelka was instructed to use the John Deere Lawn Mower and set the blade at five
(5) inches.
The ten hour sifts were discussed for Mr. Morrison and Mr. Jemelka it was stated that ten hour
shifts start the first of May to September I'`. I checked when the ten -hours sifts went in effect and
this year the ten-hour shifts started on June lst.
Mr. Poidinger stated that he works Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Poidinger was
directed to mow alternate directions and reverse the areas in the next mowing and to have the
mower set at two (2) inches.
Mr. Jemelka stated he does not have the correct blade on the truck for the new shouldering
machine and must go back with the grader after he puts down the material. It was suggested that
they double team when the shouldering is done.
The following information was reviewed regarding tree removal: Cut the tree up as soon as
possible and put the cuttings in the ditch. Leave the wood and ask the property owner if they
want the wood. If they are not able to locate the property owner notify the township office.
If the residents do not want the wood you as an employee may take the wood, but you must
remove it with your own vehicle.
Ms. Madden stressed the importance of an orderly building and putting items back in its place
after usage. Mr. Seefeldt stated that all equipment shall be kept at the New Scandia Fire/Rescue
and Public Works Building.
It was agreed that the Public Works Department meet every Tuesday morning at 11:30 a.m. in the
township office to coordinate and review of on going projects and quality of work completed.
Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia Township Clerk