8-17-04 recon annualAugust 17, 2004 On the above date New Scandia Township Annual Meeting from March 9, 2004 was reconvened. The following New Scandia Town Board Members were also present: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden. The Clerk called the meeting to order and asked for nominations for a Moderator for the August 17, 2004 meeting. Dennis Seefeldt was nominated. The Clerk presented the following levy for the year of 2005: General Fund 195,928 Road and Bridge 379,245 Fire 153,552 Park 33,825 Police 80,500 Community Center 40,100 Watershed 8,000 Uptown Sewer 35,000 201 Project 0 Capital Improvements 21,000 Fire Truck Certificate 21,000 1999 Blacktop Project 0 2002 Blacktop Project 50,000 Fire Hall/Public Works Bond 150,000 2004 Blacktop Project 200,000 Total Levy $1,368,150 Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the 2005 Levy in the amount of $1,368,150.00. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn. Dol res Peter New Scandia T nship Clerk