9-7-04 tb,pcSeptember 7, 2004
On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting. The
following New Scandia Town Board Members were also in attendance: Chairman Dennis
Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to adopt the Development Code
Amendment to Chapter 2, Section 9.13 (1) with the addition of "sheet metal, sheet iron and sheet
aluminum" to the first sentence.
Nancy Madden made a motion to adopt the Planning Commission recommendations for the
amendment to the Development Code Chapter 2, Section 9.13 1 (1) with the addition of
"sheet metal, sheet, iron and sheet aluminum" to the first sentence. Blair Joselyn seconded
the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
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Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance request for James
and Sandra Continenza, 17715 Kingsbury Circle, Lakeville, MN 55044. Lot 6, Big Lake 2°d
Addition. Property location at 13350 188t" Street. North, Marine, MN 55047. Lot Size from 2.5
acres to 14,016 square feet, Lake Frontage from 150 feet to 30 feet and Road Frontage from 150
feet to 65 feet, be approved on the grounds that the addition of the proposed screen porch on an
existing deck will not encroach farther into the setbacks than the current deck does, and the non-
conforming pre-existing lot was developed before the adoption of the current Development Code
and is thus grandfathered in. It appears as if the applicant and the neighborhood would benefit
by working with the Watershed to address obvious run-off conditions by designing and
implementing a BMP plan. Findings are as the lot is nonconforming, it is a pre-existing condition
not created by the landowner, and the proposed addition is a reasonable use of the existing
property and will not alter the nature of the neighborhood.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations with
the following amendment to the motion. Instead of condition on the Best Water
Management with the Watershed it shall be stated as a recommendation. Michael Hinz
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
The variance request was tabled until a Certificate of Survey and garage plans could be
submitted. Mr. Poyerd signed the 60 -day wavier.
Scandia Creamery. Three CUP's: Hall Rental, Cold Storage Rental, Avonite Countertop
manufacturing. The rental hall premises look well maintained. The area previously designated
for cold storage rental has been renovated and is now also a rental hall for wedding receptions,
wine tasting parties, et al.
New Scandia Planning Commission
September 7, 2004
Page 2
Mr. Range now has both a restaurant and liquor license. He stated that there is no food
preparation or dishwashing on the premises. All food is catered in. Parking on the north side has
been bituminous surfaced and striped. Mr. Range has an agreement with Todd's Hoarse Center
next door to use their northern overflow parking if and when needed. In all there are about 60-70
parking slots. The Avonite Countertop manufacturing operation is an ongoing business. The
premises look well maintained. Recommendation: No recommendations for the rental hall
CUP. No recommendations for the Avonite Countertop operation. The cold storage CUP should
be allowed to expire.
LeRoux All Seasons. The premises are well maintained. The business appears to be thriving
resulting in substantial equipment inventory stored in fenced yard. The trailer housing their parts
inventory is still on location. In 2002 the Planning Commission recommended that the trailer
issue be revisited in one year (2003), however, this was not followed up. The owner stated that
an expansion of the business may be considered in the foreseeable future. He has no plans to
dispose of or move the trailer and pointed out that similar trailers are parked next to the Creamery
and behind Todd's Home Center. Recommendation: Either approve use of the trailer
indefinitely or set definitive date for its removal.
Ms. LeRoux brought up the issue that Todd's Home Center has trailers for storage and now the
Creamery has also brought in a trailer. The Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Range and Todd
Cunningham regarding their trailers. Devin Nickelson stated he was in favor of allowing some
leeway for businesses that need temporary storage. Ms. LeRoux also questioned as to why they
need a CUP when Todd's Home Center was not required to have one when it was closed down
and changed owners. The LeRoux business is essentially the same type of business that was at
the location previously. Dennis Seefeldt brought up the issue of the extra signs at LeRoux's. The
ordinance allows two signs -one attached to the building and one detached. Ms. LeRoux indicated
their franchise requires those signs. Attorney David Hebert indicated that franchises has to
comply with local ordinances. The Planning Commission indicated they would revisit these
issues next year (2005) when the CUP comes up for renewal.
Am -Tech Design, Hawkinson Business Park. Premises are reasonably well maintained.
Recommendation: Send a letter suggesting clean up behind (south of) the facility.
Peterson Excavating, Hawkinson Business Park. Premises are reasonably well maintained.
Recommendation: Send a letter suggesting clean up behind (south of) the facility.
P & N Products, Hawkinson Business Park. Premises are reasonably well maintained.
Recommendation: Send a letter suggesting clean up behind (south of) the facility.
New Scandia Planning Commission
September 7, 2004
Page 3
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Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the Minor Subdivision request
of Gerald and Michelle Raschke, 14071 Scandia Trail, Scandia, MN 55073. SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of
Section 15 and part of NW '/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 22, Township 32, Range 20. To divide a
39.97 acre parcel into two parcels of 20.01 acres and 19.96 acres on the grounds that it is
consistent with the New Scandia Development Code. Conditions are that neither lot call be
further subdivided which should be indicated in a Development Agreement, a site is approved for
an Individual Septic Treatment System by Washington County and a park fee of $1500.00 be paid
in lieu of land. Findings are itis a reasonable use of the property.
Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations for the
Minor Subdivision for Gerald and Michelle Raschke. Nancy Madden seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia T nship Clerk