01-16-07 Council
January 16, 2007
The Scandia City Council held a regular meeting on the above date. Mayor Dennis Seefeldt called
the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present: Pete Crum, Michael
Harnetty, Donnette Yehle, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Absent: Dolores Peterson. Staff present:
Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, City Engineer Tom Peterson, Treasurer
Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Ninth grade students from Stillwater Junior High School presented a Firewise Community
Assessment of New Scandia Township. Last fall the students evaluated aerial photos of the
township and later visited homes near the St. Croix River. These areas were evaluated according to
standards outlined by Firewise, a national and state program designed to help reduce the risk of
wildfire to homes in the woods. They rated the area as an intermediate risk and provided guidelines
to reduce this risk. The Scandia Fire Department has received a summary of this report.
There were no other public comments.
Mayor Seefeldt introduced two additions to the agenda: Item 5.h) to the consent agenda accepting a
donation from FLAA; Item 8.e) Accepting a verbal report from Administrator Hurlburt on the City
of Scandia logo contest.
Pete Crum made a motion to approve the agenda. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
The following consent agenda was presented:
a) Minutes of Town Board 12-19-06 and City Council 01-02-07 meetings.
b) Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance 12/01/06 782,642.25
Receipts 723,770.25
Expenditures - 108,207.22
Payroll 17,320.20 392,078.40
Adjustments Stop Payment - 20.00
Ending Balance 12/30/06 $1,380,865.08
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Approve Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for Fire Relief Association (February 24, 2007
Firemen’s Ball) and Approve Renewal of Consumption and Display Permit for the Scandia
Community Center.
e) Accept donation to the Scandia Fire Department from Mir and Shirley Verner.
f) Approve contract with Hennepin Technical College for Safety Training.
g) Approve hiring of temporary snow-plow operator Bruce Swenson.
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h) Accept donation of $300.00 from Forest Lake Athletic Association to support the Family Open
Gym program.
Donnette Yehle made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Pete Crum seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Mayor Seefeldt opened the floor to public comments. No speakers came forward and the floor was
closed. The council verified that the fees as set forth in the draft ordinance were similar to those
previously in place. The increase from $150 to $500 in a rezoning application was set to discourage
frivolous applications, as this is considered a major amendment. The sign permit application will
have the word “permanent” added to distinguish from temporary sign permit applications, which
will continue to be processed at no charge.
Michael Harnetty made a motion to adopt Ordinance 95 Establishing Fees for Planning and
Zoning Applications to the City of Scandia. Donnette Yehle seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Administrator Hurlburt discussed the concern from the City’s insurance agent in regards to the hay
ride activity planned during the Community Sliding and Skating Party on January 28, 2007. The
contract with Bunker Park Stable, Andover, MN, includes a provision releasing and holding
harmless the operator from all liability for personal injury or property damage. The City would
assume all risk if the contract were signed as written. The League of MN Cities Insurance Trust has
recommended that the City not sign this contract. Bunker Park Stable will not conduct any hay ride
unless the customer agrees to assume liability.
Donnette Yehle made a motion to not enter into an agreement with Bunker Park Stable to
provide a hay ride activity on January 28, 2007 due to lack of insurance coverage on the part
of Bunker Park Stable. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted
2007 Road Project
City Engineer Tom Peterson presented the environmental study of 197 and 205 road segments.
Recommendations to minimize impacts were discussed. Run-off to Gilbertson’s Creek from 205
Street would be greatly reduced or eliminated by tipping the new pavement to the north. The new
street layout will incorporate curves to avoid removal of large trees. Rock checks in the ditch are
recommended to treat any run-off before it reaches the river. The proposed design of 197 Street to
reduce the steep grade will require rock excavation and installation of guard rail, curbing, storm
sewer, draintile and ditch to reduce drainage and erosion. Council member Harnetty would like to
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have a cost/benefit understanding before going ahead with this portion of the paving project. A
special Council meeting will be scheduled for February 7, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. to meet with residents
of these two roads to review the findings. Mr. Peterson will have costs available at this meeting.
The Council may then consider whether or not to include these street segments in the project.
Scott Graven – 22811 Perkins Avenue
Tom Peterson was given authorization to obtain a quote from Roger Rydeen to correct a drainage
problem that was brought to the attention of the Town Board at the December 19, 2006 meeting. It
will be necessary to construct a small topsoil berm to keep water in the road ditch and prevent
erosion to Mr. Graven’s driveway and septic system.
Fire Chief Steve Spence reviewed the details of the 800-megahertz radio purchase that is required
of the Fire Department. Washington County received a one million-dollar Homeland Security grant
from the federal government towards the purchase of the updated radios. The amount allocated to
Scandia will be $36,654.06. Fire Chief Spence estimated that the radio system will go into effect
near May-June 2008. The Fire Department proposes to spend what the grant allows this year, and
re-apply for the balance in 2008.
Fire Chief Spence addressed the retention/recruitment issues facing the department. A recognition
program will be implemented this year for those volunteer members who have reached milestone
years of service to the department. The program will be self-funded through proceeds from the
annual Fireball. Recognition during city council meetings will be planned. This first year’s program
will include recognition for most members, as those serving 10-14 years will receive a 10 year
recognition award, 15-19 years to earn a 15 year recognition, etc. Addressing recruitment, Fire
Chief Spence made a suggestion to the council that when a decision is made to hire a maintenance
employee, a bonus or condition be required that the employee become a member of the Fire and
Rescue Department.
Deputy Chris Howard reported on a recent call of burglaries to homes on 185 Street. Deputy
Howard reminded residents to lock doors and be alert to suspicious vehicles. Councilmember
Harnetty asked for a summary of trends in crime. Deputy Howard noticed that drugs and drug
arrests are on the decline in Scandia, although crime activity seems to be random and sporadic.
City Logo Contest
A second press release sent in early January resulted in many submissions by the January 12, 2007
deadline. A subcommittee will narrow the choices to the top three to five designs that will come
before the council for a final decision. Council members Dolores Peterson and Donnette Yehle will
serve on the subcommittee.
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City Communications
Administrator Hurlburt reported on the further discussion of enhancing city communications that
Councilmember Harnetty brought forth at the January 2, 2007 council meeting. Three areas were
identified as a means of communicating accurate and timely information to residents on issues and
council actions. A press release will be provided to media contacts to report on significant council
actions, a program or event, and any appointments to a board or committee. An annual newsletter
has been sent to all township residents the past two years. It has been recommended to publish two
newsletters; one near April 1 and the other near October 1. The newsletters would contain basic
reference information and summaries of new laws and ordinances, along with park and rec program
offerings in the spring edition and election updates in the fall edition. Newsletter design and layout
would continue to be assisted by Cheri Cunningham. The third outlet will be to develop an
expanded website. GovOffice, offered by the Minnesota League of Cities, is a flexible method used
by many small cities to create professional looking sites. This offers the advantage of managing the
website directly rather than through a contractor, and provides more offerings to the user. After
start-up, the total costs of the website would not be greater than current costs. Administrator
Hurlburt is using a test model of this product and was directed to continue to explore this option.
Micheal Harnetty made a motion to proceed with an agreement with the GovOffice website
tool. Pete Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Land Protection Planning
Parks and Recreation committee member Karen Schik was present to discuss a proposal for a
planning process to identify and map lands for protection (greenway planning). Ms. Schik has met
with representatives of the Trust for Public Land and the Minnesota Land Trust to discuss potential
funding that might be available from the Embrace Open Space Campaign. The EOS could provide
up to $3,000 to provide for professional assistance to develop an outline for this planning process.
There would be no cost to apply for this potential grant. Greenway Planning is considered to be a
major part of the Comprehensive Plan.
Michael Harnetty made a motion to submit a funding request with the Trust for Public Land
to provide start up funds for land protection planning. Donnette Yehle seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
Gambling Ordinance Update
A draft ordinance to adopt lawful gambling regulations was reviewed. Washington County
previously handled gambling regulations. It was suggested to copy the Lions, Forest Lake Athletic
Association and the Scandia Women’s Softball Association on the draft ordinance for input, as
these organizations will require permits from the city under these regulations. The ordinance was
discussed with a minor change to wording in Section 14(B). The ordinance will be considered for
adoption at the February 20, 2007 City Council meeting.
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Council and Advisory Committees
Councilmembers Crum and Harnetty met with Administrator Hurlburt on January 10, 2007 to
review committees. Councilmember Crum reported the following recommendations: 1) Eliminate
the Road Committee and move these duties to the Capital Improvement Committee; 2) Eliminate
the Architectural Review for Commercial Property Committee and the Landscape Committee. Ad-
hoc appointments may be made as necessary. 3) Eliminate the Rural Landscape Preservation
Committee, as a sub-committee of this type may come out of the Comprehensive Plan Committee.
4) Recommendations on the number, type and duration of appointments to the Capital
Improvements Committee, Ice Rink Committee, Comprehensive Plan Committee and Commercial
and Retail Development Committee were addressed. The summary nets seven total committees that
provide better coordination and effective planning. A draft of specific duties and functions of the
Park and Rec Committee was reviewed. This will give specific direction that more clearly sets the
responsibilities and parameters to the committee. This document was given approval to be reviewed
at the February 5, 2007 Park and Recreation Committee meeting with a return to the Council for
final approval. Councilmember Harnetty suggested that each committee draft a charter early on so
that the mission of the group is outlined. The committees will be advised not to dispense funds
without council approval. These groups are in place to advise and make recommendations only
with implementation by the council.
Donnette Yehle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Pete Crum seconded the motion and
meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City of Scandia Deputy Clerk