07-17-07 Council July 17, 2007 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Dennis Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present: Peter Crum, Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, City Engineer Tom Peterson, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public comments. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Administrator Hurlburt introduced Item 5)g to the consent agenda. Mayor Seefeldt added discussion of the August 21, 2007 City Council meeting date to the agenda. Councilmember Yehle added discussion of the F-450 maintenance pick-up truck. Councilmember Peterson added discussion of noise disturbances and police protection. Donnette Yehle made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda was presented: a) Minutes of June 19, 2007 Council Meeting and July 10, 2007 Meeting with Planning Commission. b) Treasurer’s Report: Beginning Balance 6/01/07 $2,122,027.77 Receipts + 132,128.78 Expenditures 560,784.37 Payroll 17,095.46 - 577,879.83 Adjustments: Duplicate Safe Box + 35.00 Bank Credit + 56.45 Ending Balance 6/29/07 $1,676,368.17 c) Payment of Vouchers. d) Approve Reduction of Letter of Credit for Big Marine Development, LLC (Tii Gavo) to the new amount of $1,214,344.00. e) Approve Payment to Scandia Trucking for Perkins Avenue and Lofton Court Projects in the total amount of $3,300. f) Pay Request #2 to Dresel Contracting for 2007 Street Improvements in the amount of $617,787.28. g) Approve Hiring of Colin Thieme as a Skateboarding Instructor, at the pay rate of $7.50/hour. Dolores Peterson made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Peter Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. July 17, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 2 COMMITTEE REPORTS Comprehensive Plan Committee Administrator Hurlburt reported on the selection of a consultant for the Comprehensive Plan th update. Nine proposals were submitted by the June 20 deadline. The Comp Plan Committee met th on June 25 to evaluate the submissions and selected four firms to interview. A subcommittee of th the CPC held interviews on July 10 and came to the unanimous consensus to select CR Planning as the plan consultant. CR Planning proposed a fee of $57,556. The full Comp Plan Committee met th on July 16 to confirm this decision and to recommend to the city council to proceed with the process of hiring CR Planning. As Administrator Hurlburt reported, this selection was based on CR Planning’s proposal that showed this team to be the most in tune with the future needs of Scandia, and offered a thorough process to set a vision for the next twenty years. CR Planning offered to assist with twenty-one work sessions over the next eleven months with opportunities for public input. Councilmember Harnetty took part in the interview process and stated that all four firms were of good quality, but CR Planning stood out in that they caught the significance of rural character and had a clear process in mind. Mayor Seefeldt added that by calculating their contract cost on an hourly basis, they come out as low as any of the other proposals, given that CR Planning’s contract will be all-inclusive, with no add-ons. Mayor Seefeldt also stated that given his past experience with CR Planning’s team leader Jean Coleman, he felt very confident that this is an excellent choice. Donnette Yehle made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Comprehensive Plan Committee and designate CR Planning as the city’s consultant for the Comprehensive Plan update. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Staff was directed to negotiate a contract with CR Planning, with review by City th Attorney Hebert, so that a draft may be presented at the August 7 city council meeting. Sand and Gravel Mine Committee th A tour of the Tiller and Dresel mining site was conducted on July 9 in response to alleged violations occurring on these premises. Those in attendance were: Mayor Seefeldt, Councilmember Harnetty, City Attorney Hebert, City Engineer Peterson, City Planner Thompson, Administrator Hurlburt and representatives of both mining companies. It was the consensus of the committee that no action be taken by the city at this time. STAFF REPORTS Police Department Deputy Chris Howard was present to report on police activity. Deputy Howard’s last day on th Scandia patrol will be August 4, after which time he will be entering into the Washington County Canine Patrol unit. Deputy Howard thanked the council for their support the last three years and reported that Deputy Majeski has been assigned to Scandia’s patrol duty. Mayor Seefeldt extended an appreciation for the wonderful job that Deputy Howard has done through community policing and that he will be greatly missed. In regards to a complaint that Councilmember Peterson received th about loud music at Meister's on July 14, Deputy Howard did patrol the area multiple times that evening and observed that the music had finished by 10:30 p.m. Councilmember Peterson relayed a citizen concern about security during the upcoming Taco Daze celebration. In the past, off-duty officers have been hired by the Lions Club to assist with security in the town area. Staff was July 17, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 3 directed to contact the Lions Club about this year’s plans for security arrangements and hours of events for Taco Daze. Fire Department Assistant Fire Chief Steve Yehle reported on the Scandia Fire Department activity over the past month. There were no structure fires and 8-10 medical calls. The Scandia Fire Department recently hosted a Washington County Dive Team exercise at Big Marine Lake that was very well received th by all participants. On July 16, the first phase of the ISO safety testing audit was conducted in which fill and flow rates were evaluated. The rates tested very well. The next phase of the audit is scheduled for mid-August. City Engineer City Engineer Tom Peterson presented the following quotes for crack sealing of streets and the Community Center parking lot:  Astech Corporation -- $18,209  Allied Blacktop -- $18,950  Bergman Companies -- $23,500 Engineer Peterson recommended the city accept the quote from Astech. This falls within the estimated range of $16,000 to $20,000. Dolores Peterson made a motion to accept the quote from Astech Corporation for crack sealing of selected streets and the Community Center lot in the amount of $18,209. Peter Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. City Administrator Refund Request for 201 Sewer Bill Administrator Hurlburt presented a request from Gary Winter, owner of property located at 18543 Langly Avenue, for a refund of 201 sewer billing that dates back to 1997, the year he purchased the property. The cabin is classified in the Washington County Assessor’s database as seasonal, non- homestead. The 201 sewer billing has been incorrectly charging a rate based on full-time, year- round use. Mr. Winter’s letter states that the cabin is only occupied on a seasonal basis. A refund of the difference from 1997 to 2006 would be $1,903.38. Council discussed the impact of the user fees to others on the system and how the operating costs could be severely affected, causing a significant increase in future budget and sewer bills if additional requests such as this were also refunded. It was the consensus to correct Mr. Winter’s bill for 2007 only. Mayor Seefeldt suggested that 2008 billing should be evaluated in regards to allocation to homeowners, including review of Ordinance 24 pertaining to 201 sewer collection. Donnette Yehle made a motion to correct Gary Winter’s 201 sewer billing for 2007 only. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Resolution 07-17-07-01 Administrator Hurlburt presented a grant program of the Metropolitan Council in which Scandia is eligible for $15,000 to assist with the Comprehensive Plan update. The grant would be paid in July 17, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 4 two installments, with the final payment distributed when the Met Council acts on the plan, which must conform to requirements in state law. Peter Crum made a motion to adopt Resolution 07- 17-07-01 Identifying the Need for Funding to Complete Its 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update and Authorizing an Application for Grant Funds. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Compensation to Commission Representative Administrator Hurlburt presented a request from Mike White, Scandia’s representative to the Lakes Area Community Television Commission during the past eight years, for compensation for meeting attendance. In past years, Mr. White was paid $20.00 per meeting. With adoption of the Expense Reimbursement policy on January 2, 2007, no compensation was set for members of advisory committees other than Planning and Parks. Council discussed how this is a standing committee position rather than an ad-hoc position, therefore a reimbursement of $20.00 per meeting is appropriate. The rate is consistent with payment to Park Committee members. Dolores Peterson made a motion to compensate the Lakes Area Community Television Commission city representative at a rate of $20.00 per meeting. Peter Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. DISCUSSION OF MAINTENANCE TRUCK Councilmember Yehle recommended discussion on the status of the 2006 F-450 maintenance truck. Since its purchase in December 2005, it has not been in regular use. Council discussed the immediate need to replace the 1995 pick-up truck, and that it would be advantageous to sell the F- 450 at this time. Donnette Yehle made a motion to authorize staff to proceed with the sale of the 2006 Ford F-450 truck. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Administrator Hurlburt will investigate the means of sale, such as by sealed bids or an on-line auction site. Postings will be run on the League site, in addition to an ad in the legal paper. AUGUST MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Due to an absence of two council members, the August 21, 2007 regular City Council meeting may be lacking a quorum. The meeting will be delayed a week, rescheduled to August 28, 2007. th Payment of vouchers will be added to the August 14 Budget Workshop agenda. Donnette Yehle made a motion to adjourn. Dolores Peterson seconded the motion and meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund City of Scandia Deputy Clerk