09-18-07 Council September 18, 2007 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present: Councilmembers Peter Crum, Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, City Engineer Tom Peterson, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. PUBLIC FORUM Richard Theilbar, 19229 Layton Avenue, voiced his opposition of a neighborhood dock proposal th which was discussed at the August 28 council meeting. Mr. Theilbar is an adjacent property nd owner to the proposed location on Big Marine Lake at 192 Street. Mr. Theilbar feels that this would only “invite more trouble” to a spot that is already a dumping ground for trash. Mr. Theilbar was told that if this discussion comes before the council at a future meeting, all surrounding property owners would be notified. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Seefeldt noted a change to the consent agenda in moving White Rock Lake’s final plat extension to a regular business item. Discussion of a letter of support for the Fire Relief Association’s application to a grant program was noted as an addition to the agenda. Donnette Yehle, seconded by Dolores Peterson, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) August 28, 2007 Council Meeting 2) August 29, 2007 Special Meeting 3) September 4, 2007 Meeting with Planning Commission 4) September 11, 2007 Special Meeting b) Treasurer’s Report Beginning Balance 8/01/07 $1,863,909.41 Receipts 45,252.70 Expenditures $549,536.28 Payroll 18,826.21 - 568,362.49 Ending Balance 8/31/07 $1,340,799.62 c) Payment of Vouchers Dolores Peterson, seconded by Michael Harnetty, moved to approve the consent agenda. The motion passed unanimously. WHITE ROCK LAKE – EXTENSION OF FINAL PLAT Mark Youngdahl was present to request an extension of final plat approval for the White Rock Lake subdivision for one year. The final plat was approved on June 5, 2007, with a deadline for recording of October 5, 2007. Section 6.3(4) of Chapter 3 of the Development Code allows for September 18, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 2 an extension if requested by the applicant and approved by the Council. There have been no changes in plans or ordinances that would affect this plat. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Dennis Seefeldt, moved to extend the final plat approval for the White Rock Lake development to June 5, 2008. The motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Park and Recreation Dave Smith, Chair of the Park and Recreation Committee, reported on a recent resignation from the committee, leaving six members currently serving. Mr. Smith requested that applications be accepted and interviews conducted to bring the committee back up to a nine member committee, as allowed in the original establishment of the Park and Rec advisory committee. Mr. Smith would like to specifically advertise for those having expertise in grant writing and conservation interest. Consensus of the council was to authorize staff to proceed with the process of advertising for three additional appointments to the committee. Mr. Smith also asked to have ads placed asking for volunteers to assist with clean-up efforts in the Wind in the Pines and Lilleskogen parks. Administrator Hurlburt will place ads for committee members and volunteers on the website, newsletter and issue a press release. STAFF REPORTS Police Department Deputy Chris Majeski reported on police activity within the past month. Graffiti had been sprayed on area roads, which the maintenance department covered with sealant. Councilmember Peterson suggested adopting a graffiti ordinance which could be used to prosecute those caught. Deputy Majeski has not yet received a report from the county on a request to look into speed limit signage along Olinda Trail, north of Highway 97. Mayor Seefeldt requested that the 50 mph speed limit zone near the school be closely patrolled, particularly around the start and dismissal times of school. Fire Department A request for a letter of support from the council to the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company Heritage Grant program was discussed. The Scandia Fire and Rescue Relief Association plans to apply for grant funding to purchase rescue and extrication lifting equipment. Dennis Seefeldt, seconded by Pete Crum, moved to approve a letter of support to the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company, which Mayor Seefeldt will sign on behalf of the Council. The motion passed unanimously. City Engineer City Engineer Tom Peterson has prepared the assessment roll for the 2007 paving project. The assessment to property owners is $1,196 per unit for collector streets, and $3,588 per unit for non-collector streets. Donnette Yehle, seconded by Dolores Peterson, moved to adopt Resolution 09-18-07-01 Calling for a Public Hearing on Assessments for the 2007 Road September 18, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 3 Improvement Project. The motion passed unanimously. The public hearing will be held on October 16, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. nd Engineer Peterson reported on two drainage problems: 182 Street on the south side of Big Marine Lake, and on Novak Avenue. In assessing the erosion problem on the Shaw property on nd 182 Street, water from the catch basins and storm sewer piping is flowing around their mound system and is causing severe erosion. Engineer Peterson proposes to excavate a small pond on the south side of the road to store water runoff from the road. Most of the pond would be in the nd 182 Street right-of-way and part on Robin Ringler’s property. Mr. Ringler has agreed to a small pond at this location. Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed has indicated that they would approve the permit for this work. The estimated cost for this work is $20,000 to $25,000. Runoff from intense storms has been an on-going problem on Novak Avenue since this dead end road was paved in 2004. Installation of a 21” culvert in 2005 did not adequately improve the handling of runoff. Engineer Peterson recommends constructing a turnaround on the east side of Novak. A culvert will be extended under the turnaround and a ditch excavated to the north. This will direct runoff to the culvert better and improve flows to the south. The estimated cost for this work is $8,000 to $12,000. Administrator Hurlburt informed the council that the Road and Bridge Fund has funds available to cover the costs of these projects, as these were anticipated in the recent forecasts of 2007 expenditures. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Donnette Yehle, moved to authorize City nd Engineer Peterson to obtain quotes for erosion control projects on 182 Street and Novak Avenue. The motion passed unanimously. Engineer Peterson plans to present quotes at the nd October 2 council meeting. City Administrator Requests for Proposals for Auditing Services City Administrator Hurlburt reported that Eide-Bailly, long-time auditor for New Scandia Township, has made a decision to no longer retain Scandia as a client. Their decision is related to new accounting standards required by law and the size and type of client that they wish to focus their resources on. A draft Request for Proposals was presented for review. This RFP was based on a model from GFOA and examples obtained from other cities which have recently advertised for audit services. Administrator Hurlburt presented a time-table for selecting an audit firm, with th selection by the council anticipated by November 20. Pete Crum, seconded by Dennis Seefeldt, moved to authorize issuing a Request for Proposals for audit services. The motion passed unanimously. The RFP will be sent to 9-10 firms and also posted on the League publications and city website. September 18, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 4 October City Newsletter Administrator Hurlburt presented a draft newsletter for review. The main topics are the Comprehensive Plan update and the 2008 budget. Council agreed that the newsletter looked st good. Delivery to residents is expected to be October 1. Meeting and Holiday Calendar Administrator Hurlburt reviewed meeting dates. November 6, 2007 is Election Day and public meetings cannot convene until after the polls close at 8:00 p.m. Council agreed to begin the meeting that evening at 8:01 p.m. with the Planning Commission meeting to follow. As the first Tuesday meeting of the Council and Planning Commission falls on January 1, 2008, this meeting will be rescheduled to January 2, 2008. In addition, Administrator Hurlburt recommended that thst the office close on December 24 and December 31 due to concerns of coverage in the office. These would not be paid holidays; eligible employees could take paid time off. Consensus of the council was to allow the office to close on these two days, as long as employees take personal time off. Sale of Surplus Property Maintenance Supervisor Morrison has recommended that the city sell a two-way radio system and a stand-by generator that are no longer in use. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Michael Harnetty, moved to authorize the sale of the two-way radio and the generator by best offer. The motion passed unanimously. Administrator Hurlburt will submit ads to the League website and publications, the city’s website, and the Craigslist website, with a best offer deadline of th October 11. Creation of an Equipment Replacement Fund Administrator Hurlburt recommended the creation of an Equipment Replacement Fund that can be used to accumulate some of the resources needed for future replacement of major pieces of equipment. By starting this fund now, the proceeds from the recent sale of the F-450 truck could be channeled into this fund and used to replace this vehicle. It could also receive the proceeds of the sale of any other surplus equipment. Donnette Yehle, seconded by Michael Harnetty, moved to authorize the creation of the Equipment Replacement Fund, to direct the proceeds of the sale of the F-450 truck ($32,500) be transferred to the fund, and that the pending purchase of the F-350 truck and plow be paid from the new fund. The motion passed unanimously. Gopher Bounty Currently the City pays a bounty of $2 per pair of gopher feet. In 2006, the town paid $2,423 in gopher bounties, while year-to-date expenditures are approximately $1,035 of a $1,100 budget. It is difficult to verify that the animals were caught in Scandia; half of recent payments went to non-Scandia residents. During discussion of the 2008 draft budget, the council decided to eliminate this expenditure from the budget. Bert Arkman, 18521 St. Croix Trail, voiced his opposition to the elimination of the bounty, and asked the council to at least consider continuing September 18, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 5 the payouts to the end of the year, rather than terminating the payments effective immediately. Mr. Arkman stated that the agreements he has made with property owners would be affected, causing a hardship on his business. Mayor Seefeldt felt Mr. Arkman had a valid concern, and the payouts should disband at year-end. Councilmember Peterson relayed a comment from an area farmer who was upset about the elimination of the bounty and felt that the farmers’ costs of pest control will increase. Michael Harnetty, seconded by Dennis Seefeldt, moved to discontinue the payment of gopher bounties, effective January 1, 2008. The motion passed unanimously. FIRE DEPARTMENT RECOGNITION (RESOLUTION 09-18-07-02) At the August meeting, the Council discussed the need to recognize the Scandia Fire and Rescue Department for their contributions to rescue efforts after the I-35 bridge collapse. Mayor Seefeldt read the resolution, which also notes the department’s exceptional quality of service since its formation in 1952. Pete Crum, seconded by Dolores Peterson, moved to adopt Resolution 09-18-07-02 Recognizing the Scandia Fire and Rescue Department to Rescue Efforts after the I-35 Bridge Collapse. The motion passed unanimously. The framed resolution will be presented to the Fire Department during the department’s Open House – October 9, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., at the fire hall. This will be posted as a meeting of the council. SCANDIA LIONS LAWFUL GAMBLING PERMIT (RESOLUTION 09-18-07-03) The Lions Club has applied for a Lawful Gambling Premises Permit to conduct lawful gambling at Meister’s Bar and Grill. All required documentation has been submitted that meet the requirements of Ordinance No. 100. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Donnette Yehle, moved to adopt Resolution 09-18-07-03 Approving a Lawful Gambling Premises Permit for Scandia Marine Lions Club. The motion passed unanimously. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Donnette Yehle, moved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund City of Scandia Deputy Clerk