10-02-07 Council
October 2, 2007
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present:
Councilmembers Peter Crum, Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Donnette Yehle, Mayor
Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, City
Engineer Tom Peterson, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Mayor Seefeldt noted an addition to the agenda regarding a workshop addressing senior citizen
transportation issues. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Pete Crum, moved to approve the
agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
At the September 18 meeting, the Council authorized City Engineer Peterson to obtain quotes
for correcting drainage problems on 182 Street on the south side of Big Marine Lake, and on
Novak Avenue. Engineer Peterson presented the following quotes:
Dresel Contracting $34,974.00
Peterson Excavating $37,570.35
Engineer Peterson noted a change to the plans for Novak Avenue from the September 18
discussion. Updated plans show the turnaround to be constructed south of Austad’s driveway.
This will allow for ditch excavation in the former turnaround location at the end of Novak to
better handle drainage off of Quigley’s field. Engineer Peterson recommended awarding the bid
to Dresel Contracting. Administrator Hurlburt stated that there are funds available in the 2007
budget to cover the cost of this project. Pete Crum, seconded by Michael Harnetty, moved to
accept the bid from Dresel Contracting in the amount of $34,974.00 for drainage
improvements on 182 Street and Novak Avenue. The motion passed unanimously.
Mark Woolston, developer for the Wild Bush Acres subdivision, has requested a reduction of
$39,240.40 in the letter of credit for public improvements to a new amount of $60,000.00. The
final lift of blacktop and limestone shouldering has been completed. City Engineer Peterson has
reviewed the request and recommends approval. A separate landscape letter of credit in the
amount of $7,000.00 is also being held. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Donnette Yehle,
moved to approve the reduction in the letter of credit for public improvements to a new
amount of $60,000.00. The motion passed unanimously.
Administrator Hurlburt presented a report addressing the current phone system. The current
system is outdated and makes communication within the office area difficult. Modern phone
features such as caller ID, transfer of calls, etc. are not available with the phones that are now in
use. These phones have been in use for many years, and seem to have come to the end of their
useful life. Administrator Hurlburt has been investigating available options and quotes from
providers of small business telephone systems. Initial costs range from $1,260 to $4,493. A cost
savings appear to be realized within a few years by elimination of dedicated phone lines for the
warming house and building official. Although purchase of a new phone system was not
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Scandia City Council
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proposed in the 2008 budget, council discussed the necessity of phone features that fit operation
requirements and that capital improvement funds could cover the cost of phone system upgrades.
Michael Harnetty, seconded by Donnette Yehle, moved to authorize an expenditure up to
$4,500 for purchase of a new phone system, with the Capital Improvements Fund as the
fund source. The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Seefeldt presented notice of an October 9 workshop meeting sponsored by the
Community Volunteer Service Senior Center. The purpose of the workshop is to address
transportation challenges and solutions for the senior population. Mayor Seefeldt plans to attend
and asked other councilmembers to notify staff if they plan to join this discussion.
The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. The following members
were present: Chairman Chris Ness, Christine Maefsky, James Malmquist, Kevin Nickelson
and Peter Schwarz.
John and Sandra Swanson have submitted an application for a subdivision located at 11980
Lakamaga Trail. The proposed subdivision qualifies as a minor subdivision but a preliminary
plat has been prepared rather than a metes and bounds survey. The property consists of 13.9
acres with lakeshore frontage on Big Marine Lake. The subdivision would create three lots, one
containing the existing house. John and Sandra Swanson were present to discuss the proposal, as
was Ned Froberg, Hult Surveying.
Administrator Hurlburt summarized the planner’s report, which recommended tabling the
application until comments from the DNR, Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed and
Washington County Conservation District can be received and reviewed. It will also be
necessary for the applicant to submit a tree inventory as required in the Woodland Preservation
Ordinance. As allowed by state law, the applicant has been notified that the City has extended
the review period by 60 days to December 19, 2007.
Chairman Ness opened the public hearing. Doug Pratt, adjoining land owner, expressed his
concern regarding erosion control off the steep bluff on the lake side and also the need for
wetland protection. Tim Pratt requested that the hearing be continued pending the review of all
necessary comments.
Ned Froberg, Hult Surveying, addressed the shared driveway placement to avoid impacting the
large wetland on Lot 3. Mr. Froberg understood that the driveway must be built to meet to
requirements of the Fire Chief to allow emergency vehicle access. Staff noted that an easement
agreement must be recorded, and also that a covenant between landowners be drawn up stating a
shared maintenance agreement for the driveway.
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A turn-around at the end of Lakamaga Trail was discussed. There is currently a short paved
hammerhead turn-around. Mr. Froberg offered to provide a more detailed drawing of the existing
conditions at the dead-end. Mayor Seefeldt stated that a 30-feet length is typical to provide
adequate turn-around for snowplows and busses.
The Planning Commission approved a motion to table the application of John and Sandra
Swanson for a minor subdivision/preliminary plat to November 6, 2007 pending the review of
additional materials.
Scandia’s Development Code (Chapter 2, Section 11.2) has adopted by reference the Shoreland
Regulations of Washington County. When the city amended its shoreland regulations in the
spring of 2007 to allow places of worship as a conditional use, the DNR noted that the city
needed to adopt its own shoreland regulations as soon as possible. The DNR has submitted a list
of public water basins that need to be added to the regulations in addition to those in the county’s
ordinance. Administrator Hurlburt explained that no other substantive changes are needed at this
time. The entire Development Code will be reviewed after the Comprehensive Plan update is
A draft of a new Chapter 5 (Shoreland Management Regulations) of the Development Code was
reviewed. The draft contained language clarification and deletions of definitions that were not
relevant to Scandia. Section 5 contains the updated listing of water basins as recommended by
the DNR. Commissioner Maefsky recommended that the new basins be designated as
“unnamed” rather than by a dashed line. Section 6 includes the addition of places of worship as
an allowed use, and also open space conservation subdivisions allowed by a planned unit
development permit. Planning Commission members noted various editing corrections.
Administrator Hurlburt explained that in making no substantive changes that may alter the intent
and meaning of the regulations, the review by the DNR can be expedited and the ordinance
adopted by the city. Discussion of when to schedule a public hearing for the adoption of the
ordinance brought up the fact that the November 6 council meeting will begin after 8:00 p.m.,
following the close of election polls that evening. Depending on the length of the city council
meeting that evening, the planning commission could possibly have an 8:30 p.m. start.
The Planning Commission approved a motion to schedule a public hearing for the Shoreland
Management Regulations Ordinance for December 4, 2007.
Pete Crum, seconded by Dolores Peterson, moved to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund, Deputy Clerk