11-06-07 Council November 6, 2007 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The following councilmembers were present: Councilmembers Michael Harnetty, Dolores Peterson, Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Concilmembers Pete Crum and Donnette Yehle were absent. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Seefeldt added to the agenda a report on the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed th meeting that he attended on November 5. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Michael Harnetty, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 11-06-07-01: ADOPTING 2007 ROAD IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS At the October 16, 2007 public hearing of the 2007 Road Improvement Assessments, five th objections to the assessments were registered. On October 24, the Council held a special meeting to visit the sites for which objections were filed. Based on the findings at the special meeting, assessments for two parcels have been changed: o 23950 Manning Trail N., PID No. 06-032-20-21-0003 Owner: Glenn and Sally DelGiudice-- reduced from $1,196 to $598.00. th o 16360 209 St. N. PID No. 19-032-19-22-0005 Owner: Jason and AmyJo Helke-- reduced from $3,588 to $1,794.00. In the revised assessment roll, the total amount of assessment is reduced from $352,820 to $350,428. The assessment to property owners remains at $1,196 per unit for collector streets, and $3,588 per unit for non-collector streets. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Michael Harnetty, moved to adopt Resolution 11-06-07-01, Adopting the 2007 Road Improvement Special Assessments. The motion passed unanimously. MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR THE 201 COLLECTOR SYSTEM, 2008-09 The contract with Washington County Department of Public Health for operation and maintenance of the 201 sewer system that serves residents on Big Marine Lake was presented. The agreement extends the term to 2009, with a cost increase from $90.00 per hour in 2007 to $95.00 in 2008, and $100.00 in 2009. City Attorney Hebert stated that the contract appeared satisfactory. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Michael Harnetty, moved to approve the Operation and Maintenance Agreement for the 201 Community Wastewater System with Washington County for 2008 and 2009. The motion passed unanimously. RFP FOR AUDIT SERVICES th Five responses were received by the October 26 deadline following the issue of an RFP for city audit services. Council reviewed a spreadsheet summarizing the proposals and was in agreement that the proposal submitted by Abdo Eick & Meyers was the most impressive. Most of their practice consists of city government clients. They proposed the highest level of effort, including submission of management reports and other valuable services. They also have the Banyon accounting software as used by the Scandia city office. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Michael Harnetty, moved to authorize staff to interview Abdo Eick & Myers, to include November 6, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 2 Administrator Hurlburt and Treasurer Colleen Firkus. The motion passed unanimously. It will be at the staff’s discretion to interview additional firms. A report will be given at the th December 4 council meeting. SEASONAL ICE RINK ATTENDANTS Council reviewed the updated position description for seasonal Ice Rink attendants to staff the warming house during the winter season. Skating Manager John Beattie will recruit and select the part-time employees and recommends advertising the position so that there are enough workers for the season. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Dennis Seefeldt, moved to authorize staff to advertise and hire up to six Ice Rink Attendants for the 2007-08 season at a pay rate of $8.59 per hour, with an additional $.25 per hour for each prior year experience ($8.84 for a second-year attendant, $9.09 for a third-year attendant). The motion included approval of the position description as presented. The motion passed unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO THE PARK AND REC COMMITTEE th Three applicants were interviewed on October 30 by a committee consisting of Councilmembers Harnetty and Yehle, Park Committee members Smith and Schik, and Administrator Hurlburt. They have recommended that all three, Joan Benner, Tom Triplett and Edward Ruf, be appointed to the Park and Recreation Committee, bringing the membership up to the recommended number of nine. Councilmember Harnetty stated that all were outstanding candidates. Appointments run for five years. As Joan Benner is a long term resident (14 years), she will fill an opening to expire on January 31, 2012. A coin flip determined the appointment of Tom Triplett to fill resigned member Ron Couture’s term (expiring on January 31, 2010). Michael Harnetty, seconded by Dennis Seefeldt, moved to adopt Resolution 11-06-07-02, Appointments to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, with the following terms:  Tom Triplet, term expires January 31, 2010  Joan Benner, term expires January 31, 2012  Edward Ruf, term expires January 31, 2012 The motion passed unanimously. REPORT ON CARNELIAN-MARINE–ST. CROIX WATERSHED MEETING Mayor Seefeldt reported on a meeting of the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed which he th was invited to attend on November 5. The Watershed would like to explore a joint conservation th project with the city to control erosion and run-off along 205 Street (the Log House Landing road). Their proposal addresses the reduction of siltation into the trout stream, water treatment of run-off into the river, and stabilizing the erosion at the boat landing. Consensus indicated that this would be worth considering upon the submission of additional plans. Dennis Seefeldt, seconded by Dolores Peterson, authorized Administrator Hurlburt to send a letter to the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed indicating the council’s intent to pursue this joint project further. The motion passed unanimously. November 6, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 3 The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m. The following members were present: Chairman Chris Ness, Peter Schwarz, James Malmquist, Christine Maefsky, Kevin Nickelson. Staff present: City Planner Richard Thompson. SWANSON MINOR SUBDIVISION/PRELIMINARY PLAT – OLD MARINE ESTATES, CONTINUED HEARING The hearing on the application of John and Sandra Swanson for a minor subdivision/preliminary nd plat to create three lots at 11980 Lakamaga Trail was continued from October 2. Comments were received from the DNR, Car-Mar Watershed and Washington County Conservation District, along with additional information from the applicant. Ned Froberg, Hult Surveying, presented information regarding the updated submission of a Woodland Preservation plan. The plan shows the transplanting of pine trees from the driveway to an area along the lot lines. City Planner Thompson presented his report in which he recommended approval of the preliminary plat with conditions that need to be met prior to the submission of a final plat. These conditions primarily addressed surface water and wetland protection. The conditions were incorporated into a draft resolution. The Planning Commission discussed the tree replacement plan and questioned how the plan will be evaluated. City Planner Thompson stated that a qualified landscape architect, which TKDA has on staff, could approve the plan. Commissioner Malmquist noted that condition #5 should state a tree replacement payment of $100 per tree. Commissioner Nickelson questioned the need for a covenant between lots 2 and 3 to address the shared driveway. City Attorney Hebert stated that the plat can be approved with the condition of the shared driveway and the developer can impose conditions as lots are sold. Mr. Froberg stated that each lot has an easement for shared use of the driveway. Administrator Hurlburt stated that the resolution needs to include a condition that access to Lots 2 and 3 shall be from a shared driveway located on Lot 2 to avoid potential wetland impact. Commissioner Malmquist asked if condition #6 is explicit enough in addressing road and driveway design. City Planner Thompson stated that the applicant must work with the City Engineer and Fire Chief on the technical aspects. The area for the turn-around at the end of Lakamaga should be enlarged 20-30 feet to allow for snow storage. This will be determined by the City Engineer before final plat approval. Commissioner Nickelson suggested that a condition be added stating that the accessory structure on Lot 1 between the existing house and the lake be removed or moved to meet setback requirements. Chairman Ness asked for public comments. Tim Pratt, representing Pratt family landowners to the northwest, addressed the contents of a letter sent to the Commission and Council in which there were concerns about use of the shoreline, structure heights and raingardens. The intent was November 6, 2007 Scandia City Council Page 4 to make the city aware of the ecological issues present with development of this land and to take actions to reduce negative impacts, in particular run-off and flooding onto the Pratt property. Mr. Pratt was informed that at the time of a building permit application, the building inspector will provide information to the builder regarding vegetation removal and erosion control. Chairman Ness closed the hearing to the public. In addressing plans to reduce potential run-off, the developers are aware of the Watershed’s recommendation of raingardens and other features to collect the water before it floods onto the Pratt’s property. Mr. Froberg described the check dams and the collector basin at the bottom of the hill that will be installed. City Attorney Hebert addressed what can be considered managed woodland and the need for tree removal. Mayor Seefeldt noted that the ordinance does address this and that not necessarily all the removed trees will need to be replaced, which were planted by the landowners in large numbers. TKDA will obtain the recommendation of a landscape architect at the time of final plat submission. Commissioner Nickelson felt it was important to require a maintenance agreement between the owners of the shared driveway. This could be a way to reduce the city’s liability if problems occur in the future. Staff suggested that this is not a necessity, but there would be no harm in doing so. The city could verify that this is done but could not enforce the agreement. The Planning Commission voted to approve draft resolution with the following added conditions:  The accessory structure (shed) on Lot 1 between the house and the lake must either be moved to meet setback requirements or removed.  Access to Lots 2 and 3 shall be from a shared driveway located on Lot 2. The driveway shall be built to meet the requirements of the fire chief to allow emergency vehicle access. A driveway maintenance agreement, in the form of a covenant, shall be recorded prior to issuance of a building permit. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Michael Harnetty, moved to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to adopt amended Resolution 11-06-07-03 Approving Old Marine Estates Preliminary Plat. The motion adopted unanimously. Dolores Peterson, seconded by Michael Harnetty, moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund City of Scandia Deputy Clerk