01-18-2011 CouncilJanuary 18, 2011 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. The following council members were present: Council members Connie Amos, Chris Ness, Jim Schneider, Sally Swanson and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Building Official/Maintenance Supervisor Steve Thorp, Assistant Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Police Deputy Chris Majeski, Treasurer Colleen Firkus and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public comments. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Ness, second by Amos, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried 5-0. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) December 21, 2010 Regular Meeting 2) January 4, 2011 Meeting with Planning Commission 3) January 11, 2011 Special Meeting b) Treasurer's Report Beginning Balance 12/01/10 $1,299,641.17 Receipts + 903,402.50 Expenditures 115,402.99 Payroll 30,396.44 - 145,799.43 Adjustments: Bank Transfer Charge - 4.00 Ending Balance 12/31/10 $2,057,240.24 c) Payment of Vouchers d) Temporary On -Sale Liquor License, Scandia Fire & Rescue Relief Association (February 26, 2011) e) Appointment to Forest Lake Cable Commission (Resolution No. 01-18-11-01) Ness, second by Swanson, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion carried 5-0. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Park and Recreation Committee Chair Alex Bildeaux reported that many activities are being planned for the annual Vinterfest event, being held on the afternoon of February 5, 2011. POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Deputy Chris Majeski reported that an identity theft was being investigated, a vehicle break-in occurred on Kirk Avenue, and snowmobile complaints were being handled. The DARE program began last week with sixth -grade students at Scandia Elementary school. January 18, 2011 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 6 FIRE DEPARTMENT Assistant Fire Chief Mike Hinz presented the fire department's activity report. There were sixteen calls in December, nine which were medical calls. One of the new recruits recently passed the National Registry for EMTs. Request Council Approval of Fire Chiefs Travel to Fire School Amos, second by Ness, moved to approve travel by Fire Chief Jim Finnegan to fire school class in Mankato on March 5 and 6, 2011. The motion carried 5-0. 2010 Year End Activity Report Assistant Fire Chief Mike Hinz reported that the department responded to 225 calls in 2010, a fifteen percent increase over the previous year. The department received grant funds in the amount of $20,000 which was used to cover equipment and training needs. There are currently twenty-six volunteer firefighters serving in the department. CITY ENGINEER Engineering Rates for 2011 The council received information regarding Bonestroo's hourly rates for engineering services. Bonestroo informed the City that rates for 2011 will remain the same as have been charged every year since 2007. BUILDING OFFICIAL/MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Building Official/Maintenance Supervisor Steve Thorp reported that 154 building permits were issued in 2010, of which ten were new residential construction permits. Delivery of the new Ford F250 pick-up truck is tentatively scheduled for late January. The Goose Lake aerator will be installed this week. CITY ADMINISTRATOR Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District (CLFLWD) Watershed Management Plan Update City Administrator Anne Hurlburt reported that the CLFLWD is in the process of updating their Watershed Management Plan, with adoption tentatively scheduled for late 2011. The draft plan recommends that Scandia update its Local Water Management Plan, contained in Appendix E of the City's Comprehensive Plan, by January 2012. Updating the local plan will require a thorough review of the plans of all three watershed districts within Scandia. Staff has requested that CLFLWD delay the local plan adoption date to June of 2012. This will allow time to determine what amendments may be necessary and to budget funds for the project. This request was acceptable to the Watershed District and a change to their draft plan will be made. Part -Time Maintenance Worker Position Administrator Hurlburt recommended that the council discuss the part-time maintenance worker position that is included in the 2011 budget. The position is budgeted across three departments: Public Works (25 Full Time Equivalents), Community Center (25 FTE) and Parks (.2 FTE), which would average 28 hrs/week. The position would replace some of the seasonal staffing and contractual services in the current budget. The consensus of the council was to refer the matter to January 18, 2011 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 6 the Human Resource Committee for a recommendation to the full council on the February 8 work session agenda. APPROVE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES (RESOLUTIONNO. 01-18-11-02) Ness, second by Swanson, moved to approve Resolution No. 01-18-11-02, Designating Official Depositories for 2011. The motion carried 5-0. RATIFY SURETY AND BLANKET BONDS (RESOL UTION NO. 01-18-11-03) Swanson, second by Ness, moved to approve Resolution No. 01-18-11-03, Ratifying Surety and Blanket Bonds for City Employees for 2011. The motion carried 5-0. APPOINT ACTING MAYOR FOR 2011 Mayor Simonson nominated Council member Ness to serve as Acting Mayor for 2011. There were no other nominations. Simonson, second by Schneider, moved to appoint Council member Ness as Acting Mayor for 2011. The motion carried 5-0. DESIGNATE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 2011 Council reviewed proposals from three newspapers: the Country Messenger (the current legal newspaper), the Forest Lake Times and the St. Paul Pioneer Press. The rates and circulation numbers were stated in the proposals. State law requires that the newspaper have at least 400 copies regularly distributed to local residents. Bill Holland, publisher of the Country Messenger, was present to verify the circulation numbers for the Messenger. Mr. Holland stated that he believes the circulation requirement is met once the dealer copies are included in the distribution number of 401 weekly copies. Mayor Simonson noted that the Forest Lake Times is distributed free of charge to 1,100 residents on a weekly basis, which provides critical information to the greatest number of people. Mayor Simonson stated that this should be the basis for the decision. Council member Schneider stated that getting information out to the public is crucial, and this can be done most effectively through the Forest Lake Times. Simonson, second by Schneider, moved to designate the Forest Lake Times as the official newspaper for 2011. The motion carried 5-0. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES LAND USE TRAINING Council discussed the League's Land Use Incentive program, which offers a savings on deductibles for future land use claims to those cities which meet participation requirements. This year, an on-line course teaching land use basics is offered at $30 per person for the first six registrants. Additional registrations are free. City Administrator Hurlburt recommended that all Council and Planning Commission members take the course. Council member Swanson stated that there are many benefits to taking the course. January 18, 2011 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 6 Swanson, second by Ness, moved to register Council members, Planning Commissioners and recommended staff in the land use course offered by the League of Minnesota Cities. The motion carried 5-0. AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 91, RULES FOR ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES OF THE CITY COUNCIL (ORDINANCE NO. 125) At the January 11 work session, the Council reviewed Ordinance No. 91 regarding the procedures of the Council. Council directed staff to prepare amendments to Section 1, Meetings, and to Section 8, Advisory Committees and Commissions. The Council decided to no longer hold a meeting concurrent with the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will meet independently on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. The Council will hold a work session meeting on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m., with the option of being cancelled if there is no business to come before the Council. The second amendment (regarding Section 8, Subdivision 3 of Ordinance No. 91) reduces the number of members on the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee from nine to seven. Amos, second by Swanson, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 125, an Amendment to Ordinance No. 91, Rules for Organization and Procedures of the City Council. Council member Ness thought that the joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission worked well and that this is a solution without a problem. Mayor Simonson asked for a roll call vote on the Amos/Swanson motion: Schneider: yes; Swanson: yes; Amos: yes; Ness: no; Simonson: yes. The motion carried 4-1. UPDATE OF 2011 MEETING SCHEDULE Simonson, second by Amos, moved to approve the City Council meeting schedule for 2011. The motion carried 5-0. ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Council committee assignments were discussed at the January 11 work session. Simonson, second by Amos, moved to make the following appointments: Human Resources Committee: Capital Improvements Committee: Park and Recreation Committee Liaison: Council members Amos & Schneider Mayor Simonson & Council member Schneider Council member Swanson Council discussed additional appointments. Council members Ness and Amos offered to serve as liaisons to the Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project Advisory Committee (PAC). January 18, 2011 Scandia City Council Page 5 of 6 Simonson, second by Schneider, moved to amend the Simonson/Amos motion to include an additional appointment: Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Liaisons: Council members Amos & Ness The motion to amend carried 5-0. Council voted 5-0 to approve the main motion as amended. ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS The Park and Recreation Committee has several vacancies and terms that are expiring. Current members Matt Rasmussen and Alex Bildeaux have requested to be reappointed. One new application was received. It was suggested that Mike White be appointed to fill Sally Swanson's term which expires on February 1, 2014. This would stagger the terms so that no more than two terms expire the same year. Simonson, second by Swanson, moved to make the following appointments to the Park and Recreation Committee: Matt Rasmussen Alex Bildeaux Michael White Term Expiring: February 1, 2016 February 1, 2016 February 1, 2014 After these appointments, the Park and Recreation Committee will have five members. The consensus of the Council was to schedule 10 minute interviews with applicants interested in appointments to the Planning Commission and Capital Improvements Committee at the February 8 work session. Council will meet at 6:30 p.m., with interviews beginning at 7:00 p.m. ISSUANCE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP), UPTOWN SEWER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN The 2011 budget includes $15,000 for preparation of a Master Plan for the Uptown sewer system. The cost will be paid 25% by the City and the remainder allocated to users of the system. The purpose of the plan will be to evaluate the current system and to recommend a course of action to maintain the current system's condition, capacity, and performance, while planning for the future repair, replacement and possible expansion of the system. Council discussed the issuance of the RFP and the timeline for the project. It was the consensus to have the full Council review the proposals that are received by the consultants. The response deadline is February 25. Simonson, second by Ness, moved to approve the issuance of a Request for Proposals from professional engineering firms to prepare a Master Plan for the City's "Uptown" wastewater treatment system. The motion carried 5-0. January 18, 2011 Scandia City Council Page 6 of 6 ADJOURNMENT Swanson, second by Schneider, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk