02-08-2011 Council Work SessionFebruary 8, 2011 A work session meeting of the City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were present: Council members Connie Amos, Chris Ness, Jim Schneider, Sally Swanson and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert and Building Official/Maintenance Supervisor Steve Thorp. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Ness, second by Swanson, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried 5-0. COMMISSION/ COMMITTEE INTERVIEWS The Council reviewed a list of suggested interview questions submitted by Mayor Simonson and selected questions to be asked of applicants to the Capital Improvements Committee and Planning Commission. The Council interviewed Ned Froberg for the Capital Improvements Committee. As the other applicants were not yet present, the order of business was altered to consider other agenda items ahead of the remaining interviews. SCANDIA ELEMENTARY PTO, APPLICATION FOR EXCLUDED RAFFLE PERMIT Ness, second by Schneider, moved to approve the PTO's application for an excluded raffle permit. The motion carried 5-0. Administrator Hurlburt explained that an exception had been made for the Council to act on this item at a work session because the recent change in the Council meeting schedule would cause a hardship for the PTO. FOREST LAKE CABLE COMMISSION (FLCC) Mayor Simonson and Administrator Hurlburt, Scandia's representatives to the FLCC board, reported on recent issues with the FLCC. The consensus of the Council was to designate Simonson, Hurlburt and Ness as a committee to meet with similar representatives from Forest Lake and Columbus to discuss the future of the FLCC. Staff will make contact with the other cities to arrange a meeting. Further research will be conducted on the requirements for recording and streaming video of city meetings on the internet. COMMISSION/ COMMITTEE INTERVIEWS, CONTINUED The Council interviewed Susan Rodsjo and Jan Hogle for the Planning Commission. After discussion on the merits of both candidates, the consensus of the Council was to place the appointment on the agenda of the February 15 regular meeting for further discussion and a vote on the appointment. The Council directed staff to place the appointment of Ned Froberg to the Capital Improvement Committee and the appointment of Dan Lee to the Park and Recreation committee on the consent agenda for the February 15 regular meeting. PART-TIME MAINTENANCE WORKER POSITION The Council received a report from the Human Resources Committee on the position which is included in the 2011 budget. The regular, year-round part-time position would replace seasonal February 8, 2011 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 2 positions and some contractual services. Two Committee members (Schneider and Amos) recommended not filling the position, with Administrator Hurlburt disagreeing. After discussion, the Council consensus was to not fill the position and instead continue to use seasonal workers as needed. Staff was directed to review the arrangements for contractual services for maintenance of the Community Center to determine how those costs could be reduced and tasks could be re -assigned to current full-time maintenance employees. Staff will bring forward budget amendments to reflect these changes prior to hiring temporary grounds maintenance help for the summer season. SNOW AND ICE CONTROL POLICY AND PRACTICES Administrator Hurlburt presented a redlined version of the Snow and Ice Control Policy showing changes based on the Council's discussion at the January 11, 2011 meeting. Mayor Simonson presented a request from the Fire Department that the City give priority to streets on which firefighters reside in snow events over 4 inches. The consensus was that plowing these streets first would not be consistent with the goal of having efficient snow plow routes. In the case of emergencies, routes may be altered to provide access to the scene as needed and main routes will receive priority. Resident Cliff Guggisberg commented that he believes snow removal has improved and his street is plowed wider than before. He is concerned that 181" and 182nd are plowed by Scandia later than May Township plows the other roads providing access to his neighborhood. This issue may be re -visited if there is an opportunity to work with May Township in the future. The Council consensus was to place adoption of the revised policy on the consent agenda of the February 15 meeting. The Council discussed the proposed replacement of a plow truck that is in the 2011 budget. Staff was directed to prepare information documenting the need to replace the truck and options for replacements for review at the next work session. AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE WORK SESSIONS) Agenda items for the next (March 8, 2011) work session will include the plow truck replacement, contractual maintenance services for the community center and an update on the FLCC. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Anne Hurlburt Administrator/ Clerk