04-12-11 Council WorkshopApril 12, 2011
A work session meeting of the City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson called
the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. The following were present: Council members Connie Amos,
Chris Ness, Jim Schneider, Sally Swanson and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City
Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Building Official/Maintenance
Supervisor Steve Thorp, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund and Maintenance Workers Jeff Anderson
and Mike Egelkraut.
Mayor Simonson made a change to the order of the agenda by moving Old Business to the front
of the meeting. Mayor Simonson also added a discussion of budget review and job performance
reviews to New Business. Ness, second by Swanson, moved to approve the agenda as
amended. The motion carried 5-0.
At 5:30 p.m., an inspection of the 1997 Ford dump/snowplow truck was held in the Community
Center parking lot. Dan Swanson, Lester Rosenbush and Mike Strobel (Chisago County
Maintenance Worker) were invited to provide input on the condition of the truck due to their
experience with heavy machinery.
Mayor Simonson asked Maintenance Workers Jeff Anderson and Mike Egelkraut for their
opinion on the condition of the Ford dump truck. They reported on the importance of having
reliable equipment. There is a high potential for breakdowns with a truck that is fourteen years
old and used year-round for hauling and snowplowing. Significant delays recently occurred
during the March 23 snow event when the axle went out. Many complaints were received when
the snow plow was off the road for repairs.
Dan Swanson was asked for a summary of his inspection on the truck's condition. He reported
that the front shocks, steering mechanism and box and plow pins were badly worn. The hydraulic
hoses are in need of replacement. His opinion was that it would be risky to depend on the truck
through another snow season. The failing parts pose a safety concern. Having the truck as a
back-up vehicle may be possible. Lester Rosenbush and Mike Strobel were in agreement with
this report. Mr. Strobel stated that 10-11 years is the general replacement schedule for plow
trucks for Chisago County, as the condition deteriorates due to heavy use.
Council member Ness stated that it is apparent that a replacement truck be ordered. The council
was in consensus about approving the purchase of a replacement plow truck.
The model of truck to order was then discussed. The recommended replacement is a tandem axle
heavy-duty truck with a larger 445 hp engine. Staff preferred the Mack truck for the options and
reliability. The invited advisors agreed that a Mack truck would be the best selection as
compared to the International or Freightliner models, due to reliability and longevity.
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Scandia City Council
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The state contract lists the purchase price of a Mack truck with a 445 -hp engine at an estimated
cost of $199,000. The current truck has a trade-in value of $15,000, bringing the purchase price
down to approximately $182,644.
Administrator Hurlburt advised that a decision of trading in or keeping the current truck does not
need to be made immediately. The option of placing the truck on an auction service to receive a
higher price could be explored. There may be some value in keeping the truck as back-up
equipment for future use.
Simonson, second by Amos, moved to authorize the purchase of a heavy-duty Mack Truck
with a 445 hp engine at an estimated cost of $199,000. The motion carried 5-0.
Council moved on to a discussion of financing this purchase. An initial discussion at the March
workshop meeting concluded that financing is the preferred method, as a cash purchase would
deplete the Equipment Replacement Fund. Administrator Hurlburt presented several options,
with a recommendation that a five-year equipment certificate be issued, with a down payment of
about $49,000. A lease -purchase from the truck dealers was also compared, but there are
advantages to equipment certificates that give the city the option of a tax levy to make the debt
Simonson, second by Ness, moved to authorize financing of the replacement truck through
the issuance of a rive -year Equipment Certificate through Security State Bank in the
amount of $150,000.
Administrator Hurlburt will prepare a budget amendment for the April 19 council meeting. A
sale of the Equipment Certificate is expected to come before the council at their May 17 regular
City Administrator Hurlburt reported on the March 30 joint meeting of the Forest Lake Cable
Commission representatives. The purpose of the meeting was to review the goals of the joint
powers organization. A sub -committee of Mayor/FLCC member Simonson, Council member
Ness and Administrator/FLCC member Hurlburt met with representatives of the other two cities
(Columbus and Forest Lake.)
The group came to a consensus that the cable franchise and its programs have value for the
communities. Another point identified a need for oversight and improved management of the
commission staff A work plan to improve operating procedures and policies will be pursued.
Council member Ness agreed that the commission staff needs increased supervision. Mayor
Simonson summarized that the meeting was an education in cable operations and identified that
the cities need to take an increased role in moving the commission forward.
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Scandia City Council
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City Administrator presented information regarding the Minnesota Open Meeting Law for the
purpose of identifying that any gathering where a quorum of members are present which has not
been properly noticed as a meeting has the potential to be in violation of the law. The purpose of
the law is to make sure that information and deliberations about city business are available to the
City Attorney Hebert went on to explain that even at a social event where a quorum of members
appear, it may be the perception that city business is being discussed. Council members should
be aware that the appearance of gathering together is as important as the actual conduct.
Administrator Hurlburt stated that city sponsored events are posted as having the possibility of a
quorum of members being present.
Communicating by e-mail was also explained. If a council member identifies an issue that needs
to be disseminated to other members, it should first go to the administrator for distribution to all
members. One-way distribution of information is acceptable, but not issues that require a reply in
the form of an answer, as in "what do you think about this". This type of serial communication is
in violation of the open meeting law, in that decisions are being made outside of a public forum.
The Parks and Recreation Committee will also be educated about the Open Meeting Law at an
upcoming meeting.
Mayor Simonson requested information on the timing of the 2012 budget review. Administrator
Hurlburt explained that planning meetings will begin in July or August so that adoption of the
maximum levy limit is ready by the state mandated September deadline. The city has until
December 28 to refine and adopt the final 2012 budget and tax levy. The Capital Improvements
Committee is scheduled to meet in May for the purpose of recommending projects and priorities
for the 2012 budget. Also at this meeting, road improvement projects for this season will be
identified and recommended to the council for approval at their June meeting. Mayor Simonson
suggested that the council begin budget meetings as early as possible once information from the
state is available.
Mayor Simonson requested an approach for the council to take regarding job reviews and
performance evaluations of the staff Administrator Hurlburt suggested that job descriptions
could be reviewed and discussed during budget planning meetings, as personnel costs and
service contracts are a big part of the budget. The council will have received the auditor's report
by then and will have an overview of how funds are managed.
Regarding performance evaluations, Administrator Hurlburt explained that the council is
responsible for the review of the administrator's position, and generally performance reviews of
staff is delegated to the administrator. Administrator Hurlburt recommended that the council
examine the past practice of reviews as a first step. Administrator Hurlburt will forward this
information to the council for discussion at a future meeting.
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Scandia City Council
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Ness, second by Amos, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk