08-16-2011 CouncilAugust 16, 2011
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.
The following council members were present: Council members Connie Amos, Chris Ness, Jim
Schneider, Sally Swanson and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator Anne
Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Building Official/Maintenance Supervisor Steve Thorp,
Police Deputy Chris Majeski, Fire Chief Jim Finnegan, Treasurer Colleen Firkus and Deputy
Clerk Brenda Eklund.
There were no public comments.
Council member Schneider added a discussion of the septic training workshop to the agenda.
Ness, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) July 19, 2011 Special Meeting
2) July 19, 2011 Regular Meeting
3) August 9, 2011 Work Session
b) Treasurer's Report
Beginning Balance 07/01/2011 $1,755,879.76
Receipts + 1,060,321.05
Expenditures $58,867.44
Payroll 25,864.28 - 84,731.72
Adjustments: June adjustments recorded - 81.52
Ending Balance 07/31/2011 $ 2,731,387.57
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Addendum to Communications Subscriber Agreement with Washington County
e) Special Event Permit for Taco Daze, Scandia Marine Lions
f) Special Event Permit, Meister's Bar and Grill (September 9 & 10, 2011)
g) Special Event Permit, MiCasita Mexican Grill (September 9 & 10, 2011)
Ness, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Simonson inquired about any criteria in place for monitoring the safety standards of the
outdoor stages that will be set up as part of Meister's and Mi Casita's Special Event Permits.
Administrator Hurlburt stated that the city does not have an ordinance regulating this, but rather
it is up to the owners to monitor their structures. Courtney Taylor, representing Meister's, stated
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that they have a system in place to collapse their tents and stages in the case of high winds and
threatening weather.
Accept Resignation of Joan Benner
Park and Recreation Committee member Joan Benner has given notice of her resignation from
the Park and Recreation Committee. Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to accept Joan
Benner's resignation from the Park and Recreation Committee. The motion carried 5-0.
Police Deputy Chris Majeski presented the police activity report for July. Deputy Majeski is
investigating a vandalism incident and a check fraud case. Speeding remains an issue, which the
newly purchased laser gun is targeting.
Fire Chief Jim Finnegan reported that the department responded to thirteen fire calls, fifteen
rescue calls and one dive call in July. Members of the department will be attending the August
23 budget workshop and will provide figures for next year's purchase of equipment necessary to
install the CAD/RMS system being implemented by Washington County. This will be a new
callout system combined with the Sheriff's Department to enhance responses to emergency calls.
The primary costs associated with its implementation will be for the purchase of software and
computer hardware to be installed in the station, the rescue vehicle and the main engine. The
department will be making purchases off of the state contract for the new equipment.
Scandia-Marine Lions member Dan Hames presented the City with proceeds from the Spring
Chicken Dinner fundraiser held in April 2011. Fire Chief Finnegan stated that the $1,500 will go
towards the purchase of extrication equipment for the fire department. The donation will be
accepted by the City by formal resolution at the September 20 council meeting.
Designation of City Engineer
Paul Hornby, Bonestroo, has been Scandia's City Engineer since 2008. Mr. Hornby recently left
Bonestroo Engineering. Lee Mann, Bonestroo Principal Engineer, recommended that Ryan
Goodman be appointed as the City Engineer. Mr. Goodman has been involved as an Assistant
Engineer with almost all of Scandia's engineering work since 2005. Lee Mann would act as
principal -in -charge.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to designate Ryan Goodman, PE as the City
Engineer. The motion carried 5-0.
Mayberry Avenue Drainage Improvement
A repair project has been designed to correct an erosion and drainage problem on the north side
of Mayberry Trail, east of Maxwill Avenue. City Engineer Goodman described the installation of
a catch basin, culvert and rip rap to slow the flow of water draining down the roadway and hill.
City Engineer Goodman had a construction estimate of $35,000.
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Three bids were received by the August 16 deadline:
1. Dresel Contracting $29,905.00
2. Peterson Excavating $24,940.30
3. Scandia Trucking $19,595.00
Council member Schneider asked about the approximate engineering costs for this project. City
Engineer Goodman estimated that ten hours have been spent on the design of the project so far,
with additional surveying and associated costs.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to accept the bid from Scandia Trucking in the
amount of $19,595.00 for the Mayberry Avenue Drainage Improvement Project. The
motion carried 5-0.
City/Hilltop Water System Connection
The City's well currently supplies water to the Community Center, Warming House,
Gammelgarden Museum and Elim Church and former parsonage. The Hilltop Water Company is
a private community water system serving 26 homes and businesses in the Village area. The
Health Department has recommended to owners of both systems that they look for a possible
connection to another water source that could be accessed in the case of an emergency. The
Hilltop Water Company has approached the City with a proposal to explore a connection
between the two water systems. Staff obtained an estimate from Bonestroo for a feasibility study
that would not exceed $2,970. Greg Benson, representing the Hilltop Water Company, indicated
that they will be willing to participate and contribute half (up to $1,500) of the estimated cost of
the study.
Council member Schneider suggested that the City contact private well contractors to advise on
this, which could be at no or little cost. Administrator Hurlburt advised that the Health
Department would require engineered plans for this project, and regulatory aspects need to be
explored. City Attorney Hebert stated that to proceed without an engineer could have potential
liability costs for the City. Council member Swanson stated that an engineer's written report is
the way to approach this. Mayor Simonson agreed that this is an important issue for the City and
needs to be professionally studied.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve a Feasibility Study be done by
Bonestroo to explore an interconnection of the City water system and the private Hilltop
water system. The motion carried 5-0.
Building Official/Maintenance Supervisor Steve Thorp reported that two new house permits
were issued in August. A replacement rotary mower was installed on the boom mower for
cutting small trees and brush along the roadways. Notices to property owners to remove
obstructions in the right of way have been distributed. Slow response complaints by Washington
County to pump maintenance issues on the 201 septic system have been forwarded to Thorp.
Thorp explained that he recently became aware of a private septic system on City property off of
Lofton Court, and is investigating records of this installation. Thorp recommended that an access
easement to the Anderson -Dahlgren 201 system on Olinda Trail be looked into.
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Request for Proposals, Legal Services
At the June 21 meeting, council directed staff to prepare a Request for Proposals for legal
services. Administrator Hurlburt presented a draft RFP covering both civil and prosecutor
services. A proposed schedule for interviews and selection was reviewed. The deadline for
submission of proposals will be September 30, with interviews in late October, early November.
Council could award the contract at the December 20 meeting, with the firm starting in January
Hurlburt recommended that a separate RFP for Bond Counsel be issued at a later date, prior to
the next time the city might issue bonds or other debt.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to authorize a Request for Proposals for legal
services (City Attorney and prosecutions). The motion carried 5-0.
US Cable currently has a franchise agreement with the City of Scandia for operation of cable
television. They have requested approvals necessary to sell the system to Midcontinent
Communications, a private cable company with most of its operations in North and South
Dakota. The Forest Lake Cable Commission, of which Scandia is a joint powers member, has
recommended approval of the assignment. City Attorney Hebert had recommended
modifications to the resolution, which were accepted by Midcontinent Communications.
Ness, seconded by Amos, moved to adopt Resolution No. 08-16-11-01, Consenting to and
Approving the Assignment of the Cable Franchise and System to Midcontinent
Communications. The motion carried 5-0.
The Washington County Sheriffs Office will be implementing a Mass Notification System for
use by all communities in the county. The system, known as Code Red, will allow Public Safety
and other government agencies the ability to send mass messages to a specific area or
jurisdiction that can be selected by the user. Messages sent by the Code Red system can be
received by a home phone, cell phone as a message or text, or by an e-mail, Facebook or Twitter
account. The cost for Washington County is $33,750.00 per year. The Sheriffs office and Public
Health Department will be paying approximately half the cost, with the remainder covered by
cities/townships. Scandia's share, based on its population, would be $309.36 for 2012. Costs for
sending non -emergency messages, if desired, would be an additional cost.
Simonson, seconded by Amos, moved to approve a joint powers agreement with
Washington County for the "Code Red" Mass Telephone Notification System. The motion
carried 5-0.
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The Council reviewed a landscaping plan, prepared by Abrahamson's Nursery, at their July 19
meeting. Council directed staff to obtain cost estimates for several phases of the plan, with the
possibility of volunteers doing some or all of the work.
City Administrator Hurlburt presented the cost estimates, broken down by material cost,
preparation and planting costs. The cost estimates, divided into three areas, were furnished by
Dan Sandager:
• 41, the area around the flagpole $2,789.10
• 42, the front of the building $6,210.00
• 43, area around the bench near the parking lot $813.00
Administrator Hurlburt recommended that the front of the building be the first phase, with the
other two areas considered for the 2012 budget. Preparation of the area constitutes about a third
of the cost. Hurlburt suggested that this could most quickly and efficiently be done by
Abrahamson's Nursery. Plant installation is about 10% of the total cost. It was advised that the
work be scheduled following the Taco Daze community event, to protect the new plantings from
the heavy use on the grounds.
Council member Schneider asked about the maintenance of the new landscaping. Administrator
Hurlburt stated that the shredded mulch would need to be amended every year or two. The
plantings were selected to be of a low maintenance type.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to accept the cost estimate of Planting #2, the
front of the Community Center building and directed staff to schedule the installation after
Taco Daze. The motion carried 5-0.
At the July 19 meeting, Council approved a staff member to attend a certification class for
maintenance of the 201 Community Septic System. Building Official/Public Works Supervisor
Steve Thorp was the only staff member with the prerequisites to attend. Reservations for the
class were processed.
Council member Schneider recommended that staff not be sent to the On -Site Sewage Treatment
Workshop, scheduled for August 23-26 in Brainerd. Schneider reasoned that the savings for
taking over maintenance from Washington County would not be as great as anticipated.
Schneider stated that on-going budget discussions are a part of this decision. Administrator
Hurlburt stated that the training would not be wasted, as it would be beneficial towards
implementation of the Uptown Sewer maintenance plan.
Council member Ness disagreed with Schneider, and countered that substantial savings and
better service could be results of having staff provide maintenance of the 201 system.
Schneider, seconded by Swanson, moved to cancel Thorp's registration for attendance at
the August 23-26 On -Site Sewage Treatment Workshop.
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Council member Swanson agreed with Schneider and did not see a benefit to certify Thorp at this
Mayor Simonson suggested that the advantages of taking over the 201 system be further
Mayor Simonson called for a roll call vote on the Schneider/Swanson motion. Ness — no;
Swanson — yes; Schneider — yes; Amos — yes; Simonson — yes. The motion carried 4-1.
Ness, seconded by Swanson, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk