08-21-2018 MeetingAugust 21, 2018
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Christine
Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call
was taken. The following members were present: Council members Bob Hegland, Steve
Kronmiller, Chris Ness, Jim Schneider and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff present: City
Administrator Neil Soltis, City Planner Sherri Buss, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, City
Attorney Eric Sherburne, Police Deputy Brandon Yetter, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works
Director Adam Hawkinson and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Scandia Good Neighbor Proclamation
Mayor Maefsky presented a Good Neighbor Award proclamation to Craig Mattson in
recognition of his collaboration with the Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District for a
wetland restoration project that resulted in noticeable water quality improvements to both Moody
Lake and Bone Lake. Mattson was nominated by Bone Lake Association President Dave Bakke.
Presentation by Forest Lake Area School District
Steve Massey, Superintendent of the Forest Lake Area School District, presented district
highlights and explained the significant building improvements undertaken as a result of the
voter approved 2015 bond referendum. A new HVAC system, classroom improvements and a
secured entrance system have been completed this past summer at Scandia Elementary. Massey
noted that the School District will have a referendum on the November ballot seeking approval
of an increase in general education revenue.
Marine Area Community Library Report
Ruth Willius, Children's Program Committee member of the Marine Area Community Library,
reported on the successful summer programming offered for youth and that there is increased
participation in all services offered by the community library.
Maefsky Family Donation
Family members of Vince and Christine Maefsky presented the donation of the Craig Blacklock
photography book, St. Croix and Namekagon Rivers — The Enduring Gift, to the citizens of
Scandia. The book, published in commemoration of the 501h anniversary of the Wild and Scenic
Rivers Act, will be on display in the city office.
Mayor Maefsky announced the following:
• Removal of Consent Agenda Item 5.g) Approving the Pay Equity Report for discussion at
the next Work Session.
• Removal of Agenda Item 7.b ii) Ordinance No. 199 regarding livestock for further review
at the September 4th Planning Commission meeting.
• Addition of Agenda Item 7.b iv) Summary publication of Ordinance No. 200, Resolution
No. 08-21-18-07
Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried
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The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) July 17, 2018 Regular Meeting
2) August 1, 2018 Work Session
b) Treasurer's Report
Beginning Balance 7/1/2018 $6,702,091.07
Receipts $62,656.06
Expenditures $730,333.24
Payroll $29,200.92 $(759,534.16)
Adjustments: JE Tax Settlement $1,284,767.69
Ending Balance 7/31/2018 $7,289,980.66
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) 2018 Road Improvement project — Contractor's request for payment #3
e) 2018 Spray Patching project — Contractor's request for payment #1
f) Adopting an updating to the Policy on striping of City roads
g) Approving the 2019 Contract for Services with Lakes Center for Youth and Families
h) Approving the donation of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus to the Marine Fire
i) Accepting the resignation of Joe Grabick from the Fire Department
j) Approving a Special Event Permit, Meisters, Taco Daze Events, September 7 and 8, 2018
k) Authorization for Meisters Bar & Grill to sell beer at Taco Daze Beer Garden, September
8, 2018
1) Approving a Special Event Permit, Brookside Pub, Taco Daze, September 8, 2018
m) Approval of gambling license at the Brookside Pub for the Forest Lake Area Athletic
Association, Resolution No. 08-21-18-06
n) Approving a Request from Fire Department to utilize Public Works equipment for water
ball tournament during Taco Daze
Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion carried 5-0.
Due to lack of a quorum, an August meeting of the Park and Recreation Committee was not held.
On August 3rd, TKDA announced the retirement of City Planner Sherri Buss. Buss explained that
she will attend the September 4th Planning Commission meeting, and then working half-time
until the end of the year. TKDA has appointed Merrit Clapp Smith to take over as the City
Planner, who was in attendance.
Variance at 23209 St. Croix Trail. National Park Service, Applicant. (Resolution No. 08-21-
Planner Buss presented the staff report for a variance from the bluffline setback for the
replacement of an existing septic system at 23209 St. Croix Trail, a property owned by the
National Park Service. Washington County will approve the septic permit upon the City's
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approval of a variance for its location. Buss explained that the parcel is located on the bluffs
adjacent to the St. Croix River and the applicant is requesting a variance to permit placing the
system tanks in approximately the same location as the existing cistern and pumping the liquids
to a new drainfield to the north. The system designer found no location on the property that
would meet the required 40 -foot bluffline setback, although the proposed location meets all other
required setbacks
Required Setback
OHWL of St. Croix River
Bluff line
Water supply wells
50' sewage tanks; 100' soil treatment area
Occupied buildings
10' sewage tanks; 20' soil treatment area
Side property line
Rear property line
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 7th and recommended that the
variance be approved requiring the NPS to locate the system the maximum feasible distance and
a minimum of 5 feet from the bluffline. A resolution was prepared with findings and eight
conditions granting approval. Buss stated that the approval is the minimum action needed to
replace the septic system and allow reasonable use of the property, and is consistent with the
goals of the Comprehensive Plan to protect the River. A grading permit for review by the City
Engineer was listed as a condition of approval.
Council member Ness said that he attended the site visit and Planning Commission meeting. The
Commission looked at other configurations for the tanks, but this is the only reasonable location
on a difficult site.
Hegland, seconded by Schneider, moved to adopt Resolution No. 08-21-18-01, Approving a
Variance for 23209 St. Croix Trail North as presented. The motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance No. 200 —Amending Chapter 3, Section 3.6 Land Alteration and Grading
Planner Buss reported that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 7th on
amendments to the land alteration and grading ordinance. The amendments were in response to
the Council's concern that grading projects have been undertaken without adequate oversight,
resulting in adverse impacts to adjacent properties and road rights-of-way.
The Commission recommended approval of lowering the thresholds that require a grading permit
from 50 cubic yards or disturbance of 1,000 square feet of land area to 10 cubic yards or 600
square feet. Buss stated that these are the same thresholds as those adopted in the recent
Shoreland Ordinance update. The amended ordinance also removes the grading permit
exemption for projects that need a building permit, requires a permit for any land alteration
regardless of size if it is likely to have an adverse impact to an environmentally sensitive area,
public property or City right-of-way, and provides for the collection of a fee and escrow to cover
the cost of the City Engineer's review. Buss explained that the Commissioners recommended
the staff maintain a list of permit applications over the next year, for an evaluation of the impacts
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of the amendment and whether the requirements are meeting the City's goals without placing an
unreasonable burden on landowners.
In answer to a question about grading activity having oversight from Watershed Districts,
Administrator Soltis explained that there are certain activities not regulated by the watersheds
and this ordinance would monitor land alteration activity to avoid potential adverse impacts.
Buss agreed that even small projects can impact public rights-of-way and the lowered thresholds
would catch problems early on. Council member Kronmiller noted the example of the Layton
property and said the drainage problems here could have been prevented. Kronmiller voiced his
support for the ordinance amendments, as did Mayor Maefsky.
Council member Schneider questioned the lowered quantity of material to 10 cubic yards, and
said he would be against adding a burden and cost to landowners. Schneider suggested limiting
the requirement to certain locations instead, such as small lake lots. Council member Hegland
agreed with these concerns and stated the ordinance amendments are an overcorrection. Mayor
Maefsky said that the Commissioners gave the ordinance lots of thought based on Council
direction and noted that the one-year review will provide an evaluation of the ordinance
Kronmiller, seconded by Ness, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 200 as presented. Voting
yes: Kronmiller, Ness, Maefsky. Voting no: Schneider. Hegland abstained. The motion
carried 3-1.
Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 200 (Resolution No. 08-21-18-07)
Kronmiller, seconded by Ness, moved to adopt Resolution No. 08-21-18-07, Summary
Publication of Ordinance No. 200. The motion carried 5-0.
Building Official Chuck Preisler's report on building activity was received. In July, 68 permits
were issued at a valuation of $755,664. Eight new construction permits have been issued this
Police Deputy Brandon Yetter reported on burglaries, narcotic arrests and trespass complaints at
the River which occurred in the past month.
Fire Chief Mike Hinz reported that the department responded to 4 fire calls and 9 medical calls
in July. The dive team assisted with a recovery at Square Lake last week.
City Engineer Ryan Goodman added to his written report that the Layton Avenue ditching
project started on Monday. MnDOT plans to add a left turn lane at the Highway 97/North Shore
Trail intersection in 2020 to address the hazardous traffic situation here.
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Eric Sherburne was introduced as Scandia's new City Attorney from Eckberg Lammers law firm.
PW Director Adam Hawkinson reported on the past month's activities. A second application of
dust control was completed on August 6th. The new holiday streetlight decorations were
delivered and will require a modification to the bracket assembly for mounting on the lampposts.
Council member Ness asked how the water test results for the 201 sewer are reading.
Hawkinson stated that chlorides are high in the A/E, and high nitrates are still an issue at the
Bliss drainfield .
City Administrator Soltis updated the Council on the May Township Fire Agreement, the
MnDOT landscape project will be planted by volunteers on September 1, staff will meet with
CTC next week to review the pre -design broadband engineering work, and the DNR is seeking to
enter into an agreement with the City for pre -development work on the Gateway Trail connection
between the state park and the annex building. Soltis's report included a League memo
addressing a question on maintenance of unplatted roadways — the level of responsibility was
Bob McGillivray, Trust for Public Land, announced that the agency has acquired two parcels of
land for addition to the adjacent Crystal Springs Scientific and Natural Area — the 21 -acre Lerdal
Parcel and the 60 -acre Zavoral Parcel. Agreements are in place to donate the land to the DNR.
A map of the area was shown, with a potential new parking area east of the Highway 95/97
intersection. Washington County will receive PILT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) at a rate of
approximately $2,700/year for the Zavoral Parcel and $$1,500/year for the Lerdal Parcel.
McGillivray said he would answer any questions and asked for the Council's support.
Mayor Maefsky stated her support as this action is in accord with the Comp Plan to preserve
natural resources and provide public access to recreation areas. Council member Kronmiller
asked if the City will have any responsibilities to the land, and how would the boundaries be
defined to limit trespassing to adjacent private property. A DNR representative replied that the
DNR would manage the property. Boundaries of SNA's are clearly marked by signs;
enforcement issues are coordinated with the area's Conservation Officer. Kronmiller said he
liked the idea of creating overlooks here and providing access to the River would be a huge value
to the community. Ness agreed with support for the new land addition.
Council member Hegland said that the list of high quality species data would be beneficial to
include in the tourism assessment data being compiled for Scandia, and that the site has
exceptional natural resource value.
Hegland, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to support the acquisition of land by the Public
Land Trust to add to the DNR's Crystal Springs SNA. The motion carried 5-0.
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(RESOL UTION NO. 08-21-18-02)
Sharon Price, Washington County Planner, explained that the County is acquiring property along
the east side of Big Marine Lake for inclusion into its Big Marine Park Reserve. Outlot A of Big
Lake Estates is located within the Park's Master Plan and surrounded by parcels currently owned
by the County. When Big Lake Estates was platted in 1973, Outlot A was deeded to New
Scandia Township to fulfill the requirements of open space on the plat. The County requested
the transfer of this outlot for public use within the Park.
The Planning Commission reviewed the request at their August 7th meeting and concluded the
transfer is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and supported the action.
In answer to a question about the future of Margo Avenue, Price explained that as the County
acquires property to the north, the plan is to ultimately close Margo Avenue as a roadway.
Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to adopt Resolution No. 08-21-18-02, Approving the
Transfer of Outlot A in Big Lake Estates to Washington County for Park Purposes. The
motion carried 5-0.
Washington County is acquiring property at 18135 Margo from Carol Bofenkamp to include in
its Big Marine Park Reserve. Council was presented an agreement to terminate a restrictive
covenant that the Bofenkamp property at 18135 Margo Avenue cannot be sold or conveyed
separately from other property in May Township that is not being sold. The City's Attorney
worked on the termination agreement and resolution. County Planner Sharon Price stated that
executing this document facilitates the County's purchase of the property.
Hegland, seconded by Schneider, moved to adopt Resolution No. 08-21-18-04, Adopting an
Agreement Terminating Restrictive Covenant Relating to Certain Real Properties Located
Adjacent to Margo Avenue (Carol and Thomas Bofenkamp). The motion carried 5-0.
Council reviewed an amended purchasing policy as discussed at the August 1St Work Session.
Language was added to the City's purchasing policy for sustainable purchasing when practical
and economically feasible. Administrator Soltis explained this action meets a goal towards Step
3 designation as a GreenStep City.
Kronmiller, seconded by Ness, moved to adopt Resolution No. 08-21-18-03, Updating
Purchasing Policies. The motion carried 5-0.
(RESOL UTION NO. 08-21-18-05)
PW Director Hawkinson explained that Scandia is a finalist in the DNR's grant application for
funding an Emerald Ash Borer management program. Hawkinson has requested $10,000 to
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carry out a tree inventory, public education on emerald ash borer, and a tree management plan to
deal with the impacts of the ash borer.
Hegland, seconded by Ness, moved to adopt Resolution No. 08-21-18-05, Authorizing
Application to the MN DNR for a Grant Managing Ash for Emerald Ash Borer in
Community Forests. The motion carried 5-0.
Bruce Swenson's term on the EDA Board expired on July 31, 2018. One application was
received to fill the 3 -year term. The Council interviewed Kristen Libby at a special meeting prior
to their regular meeting. Mayor Maefsky reported that Libby will be an asset to the EDA and to
the community.
Maefsky, seconded by Ness, moved to appoint Kristen Libby to a 3 -year term on the
Scandia Economic Development Authority, expiring July 31, 2021. The motion carried 5-0.
Scandia resident Paul Richert has made an application to Washington County for a position on
the Carnelian -Marine -St. Croix Watershed Board of Managers. Cities may provide an
endorsement to the Washington County Board which have the authority to make the
Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to recommend Paul Richert for appointment to the
Carnelian -Marine -St. Croix Watershed Board of Managers. The motion carried 5-0.
Mike Herman, Top Notch Cleaning, gave notice in July that he will be ending his service for
cleaning the city's buildings on August 31, 2018. Staff distributed a Request for Proposals to 18
area cleaning contractors. Four proposals were received. Administrator Soltis presented a
summary of the proposals and recommended accepting the lowest proposal from Genie Cleaning
Services. Soltis noted that it is a local business and experienced in cleaning municipal buildings.
Kronmiller, seconded by Hegland, moved to accept the proposal from Genie Cleaning
Services for cleaning the City's buildings. The motion carried 5-0.
On March 20, 2018, the Council voted to direct legal staff to prepare a Right of First Option
Agreement for the adjacent property owners to purchase the City owned parcel in Hawkinson
Highlands at its appraised value, and to be responsible for any fees that may be necessary for the
transaction. The agreement was reviewed and Council was in consensus was to extend the
option agreement to the Caldwells and Gorhams.
Kronmiller, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve the option agreement. The motion
carried 5-0.
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Electrical Inspector Brian Nelson has given notice that he will be retiring at the end of
September. Staff has researched potential replacements and one inspector is interested. Council
agreed to interview Joe Wheaton at the September Work Session.
Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk