01-11-2011 Special CouncilJanuary 11, 2011
A special meeting of the City Council was held on the above date. The purpose of the special
meeting was to review Ordinance No. 91, Rules for Organization and Procedures of the City
Council, and to discuss the Snow and Ice Control Policy. Mayor Simonson called the meeting to
order at 6:03 p.m. The following were present: Council members Connie Amos, Chris Ness, Jim
Schneider, Sally Swanson and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator Anne
Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Building Official/Maintenance Supervisor Steve Thorp,
Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund, Maintenance Workers Mike Egelkraut and Jeff Anderson.
Mayor Simonson stated that a review of the procedures of the city council is necessary in order
to best meet the needs of the city. The discussion began with Mayor Simonson's proposal to
change Section 1, Subdivision 2, Meetings with the Planning Commission. For many years, the
City Council has conducted their meeting concurrent with the Planning Commission on the first
Tuesday of the month. Mayor Simonson stated he felt it a disservice to the Planning Commission
and applicants to have the full Council present due to the influence the Council may have over
the Planning Commission. Mayor Simonson proposed to schedule a standing meeting date for
the second Tuesday of the month for the Council to conduct a work session to review the actions
of the Planning Commission meeting and to discuss any other issues pertinent to the Council.
The third Tuesday of the month would continue to be the regular business meeting date for the
Administrator Hurlburt explained that it is typical for a Planning Commission to meet separately.
The Council would receive the full written report and minutes of the Planning Commission
meeting. The applicant would be asked to attend the regular meeting of the Council, at which
time a resolution on the application would be brought forth for discussion and/or adoption.
Discussion on attendance of the Planner at the council meeting concluded that it would be
dependent on the type of application being discussed.
Consensus of the Council was to proceed with eliminating the Council meeting on the first
Tuesday of the month and to schedule a standing meeting date for the second Tuesday of the
month. The Council will have the option of cancelling the work session if necessary.
No changes to the Order of Business (Section 4, Subdivision 1) were made. It was agreed that
recommendations from the Planning Commission would fall under the General Business item.
The presiding Officer would have the option of varying the order of business if necessary.
In discussing Section 5, Subdivision 2, Voting, Mayor Simonson asked if the council members
would support his proposal that a roll call vote be called on certain issues, with the Mayor being
the last to vote. Council member Ness stated that this had been the past practice and should be
continued. Administrator Hurlburt stated that a rotation of member's votes would be arranged so
that the order is varied with each vote during the meeting. No change to the wording of this
paragraph was necessary.
January 11, 2011
Scandia City Council
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Section 8, Advisory Committees, addresses the boards and commissions established by the
Council. The discussion of a Human Resources Committee resulted in Connie Amos and Jim
Schneider indicating that they would wish to be appointed to this committee.
The current ordinance states that the Parks and Recreation Committee consist of nine members.
Council member Swanson suggested that this be lowered to seven members. All were in
agreement to this. Council member Swanson agreed to serve as the Council liaison to the Parks
and Recreation Committee.
No changes to Subdivision 2, Planning Commission will be made. The Commission will
continue to be a five member board.
Council representation on the Capital Improvement Committee concluded that Mayor Simonson
and Council member Schneider will serve on this committee.
Attorney Hebert advised that the Council has the ability to create ad hoc committees to take on
issues as it deems necessary.
A revised ordinance with the changes of eliminating a Council meeting concurrent with the
Planning Commission, and changing the Parks and Recreation Committee from a nine member
board to a seven member board will brought before the Council at their January 18 meeting.
It was the consensus to conduct interviews with interested applicants for positions on the
Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Committee and the Capital Improvements
Committee on February 8.
Administrator Hurlburt presented an overview of the current policy on snow and ice control.
Hurlburt explained that the policy was adopted in 2008 without a great deal of discussion and it
appears that it would be beneficial to review the document for any necessary changes that would
better adapt it to meet the needs of Scandia.
Building Official/Maintenance Supervisor Steve Thorp presented snowplow route maps that are
most typically followed. Thorp stressed that the maps are a guide only and are subject to change
in order to best meet the conditions of a snow event.
Mayor Simonson guided a discussion through each part of the policy. It was determined that the
city will continue the policy of beginning snowplow operations once snow accumulates at 2" or
more. It was agreed that a less than 2" snowfall would not necessitate a full snow removal
operation to include every road and the on-call snowplow drivers. The main roads which handle
the most traffic volume will be plowed first during a regular work day, and snow removal will
continue during regular shift hours between major snow events.
January 11, 2011
Scandia City Council
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It was also concluded that wording remain to indicate that snow removal not commence until the
snowfall has slowed or stopped. It was agreed that it is not safe to run shifts longer than twelve
Mayor Simonson noted that the use of salt for ice control is dependent on weather conditions. It
was concluded that the snowplow operators be allowed to make judgment calls on the use of salt.
Council member Schneider suggested that costs be reduced by using a salt/sand mix. The
drawbacks of having residual sand on the roads in the spring were noted, such as environmental
concerns, the hazard to motorcycle drivers and the mess of sand collecting along roadways. Staff
was directed to investigate the costs of cleaning up residual sand, by the purchase of sweeper
equipment and/or by having the clean-up work contracted out.
Mayor Simonson suggested that paragraph 3, how snow will be plowed, include a sentence that
stated that when conditions allow, the wings on the plows will be down for the purpose of
widening the roads as much as possible. A phrase should be added to clarify that during severe
and significant snowfall events, the drivers be given discretion in the use of snowplow wings.
Maintenance Workers Mike Egelkraut and Jeff Anderson explained that using the pick-up trucks
for narrow streets, cul-de-sacs and parking lots is an efficient practice that reduces snowplow
operations by at several hours.
Mayor Simonson stated that no changes should be made to the plow routes. The drivers will have
the discretion to make judgments concerning the most efficient practice for snow removal.
Variations on the route order for each snow event would not be practical, as it is important to
remain consistent and orderly for many reasons.
It was the consensus to continue with the list of sidewalks that the city maintains as is stated in
the current policy. These include the sidewalks on Olinda Trail from 2091h Street to Highway 97,
and sidewalks on Oakhill Road from Oakhill Court (entrance to the Cottages) to Olinda Trail
(Elim Church). Mayor Simonson said that he felt it the responsibility of businesses and residents
to clear the snow from sidewalks that front their property.
Damage to mailboxes was discussed. It was the consensus to only replace mailboxes that have
evidence of direct contact by a snowplow. In many cases, it is the flying snow that knocks over a
mailbox. In those incidences, it is not responsibility of the city to replace the mailbox. It was
agreed to change paragraph 11 to state that the mailbox post will be replaced with a metal swing -
arm style and if necessary, a standard size, non -decorative metal mailbox. Thorp indicated the
cost of a swing -arm post to be $85 to $100. Staff would offer to install the support post.
Maintenance Worker Anderson stated that it would be helpful to notify property owners about
the state law making it unlawful to plow snow from driveways across public roads.
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Scandia City Council
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In reviewing paragraph 13, complaint procedure, Mayor Simonson stated the importance of
requiring the complainant to provide their full name and address. A complaint log can be used to
analyze trends and patterns so that changes can be implemented to better serve the community.
Residents should be encouraged to share information on road conditions so that attention can be
given in a timely manner.
Council member Ness suggested that paragraph 14, deviation from policy, be amended by
striking "because of budget needs" as a reason for policy deviation. It was also agreed to remove
language indicating why and for how long a change in policy is to be in effect.
Staff will prepare a red -lined version of the policy with the agreed upon changes. Mayor
Simonson stated that the council will continue discussion of the policy at their February 8 work
session meeting, with possible adoption at their February 15 regular meeting.
Council member Ness would like to further discuss a subject that was suggested in a memo dated
December 2, 2010. Ness felt it may be advantageous to pursue an agreement with May Township
for snow removal on 181" and 182nd Streets. This will be discussed with May Township prior to
the 2011-2012 snow plowing season.
Ness, second by Amos, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk