04-01-2014 Plannning Commission
April 1, 2014
The Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting on the above date. Chair
Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were in attendance:
Commissioners Sue Bies, Jan Hogle, Dan Squyres and Chair Christine Maefsky. Commissioner
Steve Philippi arrived at 7:10 p.m. Staff present: City Administrator Kristina Handt, City
Planner Sherri Buss, Attorney Andy Pratt and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. Council member
Chris Ness was also in attendance.
Hogle, seconded by Squyres, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion
carried unanimously by those present.
Hogle, seconded by Squyres, moved to approve the March 4, 2014 minutes as presented.
The motion carried unanimously by those present.
Quinn and Lilly Weidall are proposing to build a new single-family residence and detached
garage on property they own at 18190 Olinda Trail North. A seasonal cabin, garage and shed
will be removed. Variances are needed for lot coverage and to locate the new garage closer to
the roadway than the principal structure. The parcel is approximately one acre in size and is
zoned General Rural within the Shoreland Overlay District of Big Marine Lake.
Planner Buss presented the details of the request. The non-conforming lot is a long narrow
parcel with an existing driveway which provides access for a neighboring parcel to the north and
to the City’s 201 drainfield. The neighbor has an easement for access but the City does not.
Buss explained that lot coverage of 27.3%, which exceeds the 25% maximum allowed, is
primarily from the gravel and bituminous driveway areas. If each parcel served by the driveway
created its own access drive, the impervious cover would be greatly increased over the three lots.
From this finding, Buss stated that it is reasonable that the proposed driveway is in harmony with
the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Buss noted that the applicants are proposing
a modest two-story home and smaller garage to minimize impervious coverage. In addition, a
portion of the driveway drains towards Olinda Trail and not toward the lake.
The unique shape of the lot limits the placement of the accessory structure to meet setback
requirements. The location of the garage will be closer to Olinda Trail than the house, but at
1,300 feet from the right-of-way, should not be easily visible from the road.
Buss reported on comments received from the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District.
The District requires the low floor elevation to be a minimum of 944.5 feet. Although the
District is not in favor of granting variances for lot coverage, it recognized the difficulty of the
lot configuration and agreed with the installation of rain gardens to treat runoff. A permit for
stormwater management, buffers and erosion control will be required.
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Scandia Planning Commission
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In summary, Buss recommended approval of the request with findings and conditions written
into a resolution. The practical difficulties are not caused by the landowner and the required
variances are the minimum action needed.
Chair Maefsky opened the public hearing at 7:17 p.m.
Administrator Handt reported that Gerald Glomb, adjacent property owner at 18200 Olinda Trail,
sent a letter of support for the variance request.
There were no other comments and the hearing was closed.
Chair Maefsky asked Mr. Quinn to explain the reduction of 32 square feet from the existing
driveway as proposed in the application. Mr. Quinn indicated on the survey that the shed and
area of gravel will be removed and replaced with a rain garden.
Hogle, seconded by Squyres, moved to recommend to the City Council approval of
Resolution No. 04-01-14-01, Approving Variances for 18190 Olinda Trail, with the addition
of language for a variance to locate the garage closer to the roadway than the principal
structure (this was mistakenly left out of the resolution). The motion carried 5-0.
This recommendation will be presented to the Council at their meeting on April 15, 2014.
Landmark Surveying, on behalf of property owners Scott and Lisa O’Donnell, have applied for a
Minor Subdivision to create two lots at 23160 Lofton Avenue, a 30.5-acre parcel with an existing
home. The plat Bruley Morgans is proposed to be divided into one 5-acre lot with the existing
home, and a 25.5-acre lot that will be the site for a future single-family home. The property is
located in the Ag Core District within the Shoreland Overlay of Nielsen Lake.
Planner Buss presented the staff report which found the request to be consistent with the land use
goals of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed lots meet the density of 4 dwelling units per 40
acres, along with lot size, frontage and buildable area requirements. Buss reported that County
staff had no issues with roadway access onto Lofton Avenue.
Buss noted that the wetland areas and drainage easements are shown on the preliminary plat.
The Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District indicated that the proposal meets wetland
buffer requirements and that the applicants must obtain a wetland function and value permit.
Buss recommended approval of the request with conditions written into a resolution. Conditions
to collect a park dedication fee of $3,000 for the creation of Lot 2 and to record the final plat
within one year were included.
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Scandia Planning Commission
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Chair Maefsky opened the public hearing at 7:29 p.m. There were no comments and the hearing
was closed.
Commissioner Hogle stated that the request was straightforward and she had no problems with it.
Hogle, seconded by Squyres, moved to recommend to the City Council approval of
Resolution No. 04-01-14-02, Approving a Minor Subdivision for 21360 Lofton Avenue. The
motion carried 5-0.
This recommendation will be presented to the Council at their meeting on April 15, 2014.
The Planning Commission began a discussion on the City’s goals and ordinance requirements for
density in the Ag Core and General Rural Districts at the January meeting. Planner Buss
provided revised language that would clarify the density standard to mean 4 buildable lots per
40, not 4 dwelling units per 40.
Adopting a policy to clarify density standards was also offered but this was determined as a less
effective way to make the intent clear. Attorney Pratt advised to not pursue development
agreements with landowners that would deem lots as unbuildable.
The Commissioners and staff discussed various scenarios and analyses of the density issue.
Questions about development rights, density goals and tax implications were debated.
Chair Maefsky concluded that it would be helpful to analyze the remaining property in the
General Rural District that has the potential for development using the 4 buildable lots per 40
acre density, in order to get a handle on the extent of the issue. It was agreed to have staff
assemble this information for discussion at the next meeting.
Chair Maefsky asked the Commissioners to review the Comprehensive Plan prior to the next
Hogle, seconded by Squyres, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk
April 1, 2014
Scandia Planning Commission
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