05-06-2014 Planning Commission
May 6, 2014
The Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting on the above date. Chair
Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were in attendance:
Commissioners Sue Bies, Jan Hogle, Steve Philippi, Dan Squyres and Chair Christine Maefsky.
Staff present: City Administrator Kristina Handt, Public Works Director Tim Kieffer, Fire Chief
Mike Hinz and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Hogle, seconded by Squyres, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion
carried 5-0.
Hogle, seconded by Squyres, moved to approve the April 1, 2014 minutes as presented.
The motion carried 5-0.
City Administrator Handt, along with department heads Kieffer and Hinz, presented an overview
of the draft 2015-2019 Capital Improvement Plan. The Council will be reviewing the plan
during their budget meetings, and the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the
CIP in November.
Handt described the projects by department and noted the funding sources. Most projects can be
funded through the Capital Improvement Fund and the Equipment Replacement Fund, with the
street maintenance improvements proposed for 2016 being funded by debt service.
The Planning Commission made no changes to the draft CIP. Chair Maefsky stated that this was
a good opportunity to review the plan.
The Planning Commission continued to discuss the density language in the development code
that allows “4 dwelling units per 40 acres” in the Ag Core and General Rural Districts. Chair
Maefsky explained the intent of the Comp Plan was to allow no more than “4 buildable lots per
40 acres” so as not to increase density or allow lots to be created that cannot be built on.
The Commissioners reviewed a map which they requested that showed the number of potential
lots yet to be subdivided in the General Rural. Approximately 218 lots were counted, which
compares to the 199 potential new lots indicated on page 118 Comp Plan. Public land and
substandard lots may have contributed to the difference.
The Commissioners discussed various scenarios and processes as approaches to meet density
requirements. Could lots in excess of 4 per 40 be deemed unbuildable through a definition?
Maefsky stated that it’s a confusing issue that impacts citizens and the language should be
clarified. Philippi agreed that “dwelling units” appeared to be a loophole, and the situation
should be clarified going forward.
May 6, 2014
Scandia Planning Commisison
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Handt provided Planner Buss’s recommendation to amend the development code language and
stated that this approach would then write the density language as to what the Comp Plan means
to say.
Squyres, seconded by Philippi, moved to direct staff to prepare an ordinance amendment
for a public hearing which revises the density language from “4 dwelling units” to “4
buildable lots” per 40 acres in the Ag Core and General Rural zoning districts. The motion
carried 4-1, with Bies opposed.
The public hearing will be scheduled for the June 3 Planning Commission meeting.
Bies, seconded by Philippi, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk