2. Draft of 11-19-18 EDA MinutesCITY OF SCANDIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Monday, November 19, 2018 6:30 P.M. Scandia Community Center Board Room The Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia Community Center on Monday, November 19, 2018 beginning at 6:30pm. Commissioners Present: Bob Hegland, Brad Borg, Steve Kronmiller, Kirsten Libby, and Mark Porubcansky. Staff Present: Neil Soltis Also present: Chris Eng (Washington County CDA) and Jessica Green (Northland Securities) Minutes - Motion by Kronmiller, seconded by Libby to approve the minutes of the September 17, 2018 meeting. Vote: Yes – 5. Motion carried. Agenda - Motion by Kronmiller, seconded by Borg, to approve the agenda. Vote: Yes – 5. Motion carried. Update on Fiber to the Premise feasibility study and Internet Focus Group – Kronmiller provided an update on the Internet Focus Group and reviewed the results of the Internet survey. The results of the survey are ready to be published. The next steps for the Focus Group will be to explore financing alternatives and alternative solutions. Jessica Green of Northland Securities reported on finance options available to the City and EDA to fund broadband improvements. Options discussed included general obligation bonds, general obligation abatement bonds, and annual appropriation lease revenue bonds. The two general obligation bond issue are the preferred approach; however, the GO bonds count against the City’s debt limit while the GO abatement bonds have a limitation based on tax capacity that would provide a maximum of $623,000 per year that could be used for debt service. The Focus Group will continue to look how the project cost to the residents can be reduced and how the system could be operated. Update from Washington County CDA – Chris Eng reported that the County has funded the Open to Business program and the Predevelopment Loan Fund for 2019. Funding in 2020 has been proposed for the creation of a commercial improvement revolving loan fund. Discussion on the development of a 3-year work plan – Soltis reviewed a draft of the 2018 – 2020 EDA work plan and requested comments and input on the action steps. It was noted that some of the steps will be dependent on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Soltis and Eng will continue to refine the plan and present to the Board for approval. Financial report and approval of claim – The Board reviewed the year-to-date financials. A motion to approve the claim to Bolton & Menk for work performed on the community septic study was made by Porubcansky and seconded by Borg. Vote: 5-0. Soltis reported that the EDA has a cash balance of $25,999 of which $20,000 is reserved for the revolving loan fund for façade improvements. Director’s report Update on Community Septic Study – Soltis reviewed the preliminary engineering work that has been completed by Bolton & Menk indicating the locations and elevations for gravity sanitary sewer based on using a drainfield. A version using a mechanical system along with cost estimates will be completed in the near future. Update on Tourism Assessment - The UM-Extension Tourism Center gathered their expert team to visit tourism sites in Scandia and conduct a SWOT exercise with community members on October 29th. As a follow-up a number of businesses have been contacted to see if they collect and would be willing to provide zip code information on visitors. The Tourism Center is planning to meet with the Community Leadership Team (CLT) in March to discuss the findings and facilitate a conversation to plan action steps based on the report. About two weeks prior to this meeting, the EDA and the team will receive a draft of the report to review and to report any inaccuracies. Commissioner Reports – There were no Commissioner reports Items for future agendas – No new items were identified for future agendas Next Meeting Date – The next meeting will be at the December 17. Adjournment – Motion by Porubcansky, seconded by Kronmiller to adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Neil Soltis, Secretary