4. Scandia Internet costs and benefitsAssumptions Dollar Estimates As of 12/12/2018: Estimated Demographics: Nbr of Households 1,863 911 Address List from Neil Average Home Value 403,687 minnesota.hometownlocator.com Average Household Income 103,975 minnesota.hometownlocator.com MidCo Customers 400 MidCo - Jason Sachs MidCo Take Rate 50%MidCo - Jason Sachs MidCo Territory Percent in Scandia 43% Estimate Project Costs: Total Construction Estimate 13,377,782 13,377,782 CTC - Joe Buttweiler Non-MidCo Cost 7,633,163 57% of Total Construction Estimate DEED Grant 50%3,816,581 MN DEED participatin in Non-MidCo Cost City Need to Finance 9,561,201 Total Cost minus DEED Grant CTC Participation 50%4,780,600 CTC - Joe Buttweiler City Participation 4,780,600 Total Cost minus DEED Grant minus CTC participation City Reserved Funds 200,000 City money from reserve fund Total Cost per Household 2,459 City Participation minus reserves divided by Nbr of Households Estimated Financial Benefits: Annual Household Benefit 1,850 3,446,550 Purdue University Study Market Value Increase FTTH 3.1%12,514 FTTH Council Study Market Value Increase Broadband 1.8%7,266 FTTH Council Study Estimated Timeline: Apply for DEED Grant 9/1/2019 Receive DEED Grant 12/1/2019 City starts paying for Bond 1/1/2020 CTC Construction Begins 1/1/2020 CTC Construct ends 7/1/2021 CTC Lease payments begin 1/1/2022