02-06-2019 Work Session February 6, 2019 The City Council conducted a Work Session on the above date beginning at 6:30 p.m. The following were present: Council members Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Chris Ness, Patti Ray and Mayor Maefsky. Staff members: City Administrator Neil Soltis, Public Works Director Adam Hawkinson and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Mayor Maefsky announced two additions to the agenda: • 3.i) Discussion of City Administrator search • 3.j) Discussion of spring newsletter Ness, seconded by Ray, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried 5-0. UPDATE FROM BHE RENEWABLES ON STORMWATER DISCHARGE AT ARGO NAVIS SOLAR SITE Wendy Green provided an update on the measures taken at the Argo Navis community solar site (former Zavoral gravel mine) following the stormwater discharge last September. They are working with the Carnelian-Marine Watershed on approval of engineered plans for improvements to stormwater storage on the site, with a final concept plan ready for review. Raised elevations, additional holding capacity to the ponds, web-based monitoring of water levels and a discharge overflow pipe to completely channel potential discharge were explained. Green said modeling shows these improvements have the capacity to contain back-to-back 100- year flood events. Assessment of the damaged downslope and wetland remediation measures will be undertaken this spring. Carnelian-Marine Watershed Administrator Jim Shaver said BHE is taking serious steps to address corrections to the site, including a maintenance plan for the stormwater ponds. Repairs to the roadway along the river are being communicated to the property owners for work this spring. UPDATE FROM FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS ON THE CABLE SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE ACTIVATION Jack Phillips, Frontier Communications, was present for the annual update to the Council on the franchise agreement to construct and operate a cable system within the City. Some fiber optics have been installed, and Phillips provided a map showing areas of the City that have the capability for cable connections to high speed internet and the Vantage cable product. They are doing outreach to these customers to activate the service to 20-25 customers as a trial. Phillips reported that customer service improvements are being addressed at Frontier, with management changes becoming effective on March 1st. DISCUSSION ON REQUEST TO SELL OUTLOT B IN ROCKIN R RIDGE ESTATES Andrew and Colette Knudson were present with an inquiry on the sale of a city-owned parcel adjacent to their lot at 22040 Olinda Trail. Outlot B was dedicated to the public as part of the development agreement for Rockin R Ridge Estates with no obligations for the Township to maintain or improve the outlot. The outlot is 0.6 acres in size and serves as the driveway to the Knudson parcel to the north and the Johnson parcel to the west. Knudson explained that he February 6, 2019 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 3 maintains the parcel, it appears to have no public value, and adding it to his existing 2.959-acre property would increase the acreage to allow him to construct a larger pole building that meet setback requirements. There appeared to be no record of an agreement providing permanent access to the Johnson property, a condition legal counsel noted should be made if the City agreed to sell the outlot. Maefsky and Kronmiller noted their concerns about creating a landlocked parcel, and the sale of the outlot could have future impacts to the Johnson property. The Knudsons were asked to provide the response from the Johnson property owner regarding this sale, and to pursue an administrative exception or variance for their proposed pole barn before continuing their request for purchase of the outlot. UPDATE ON BROADBAND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Council member Kronmiller reported that the Fiber to the Premises Partnership Request for Proposals was sent to eight providers last week with a deadline extended to March 11th. Communications with Representative Dettmer and Senators Housley and Koran is advocating for support to use a Subordinate Service District to fund the City portion of any internet expansion project, and for policy changes to DEED grant funding. Kronmiller encouraged attendance at the February 20th town hall event hosted by Dettmer and Housley to ask for their support on Scandia’s broadband initiative. DISCUSSION ON CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS The City advertised for applications to fill expiring terms on the Parks and Recreation Committee, the opening on the Wastewater Committee, and to fill three citizen representatives to the Capital Improvement Committee. Parks and Recreation Committee Dustin Hegland and Dan Lee have expiring terms. Applications were received from Greg Zauner and Dustin Hegland for 5-year terms expiring February 28, 2024. Wastewater Advisory Committee No applications were received for a 5-year term as the representative from the Anderson- Erickson sewer system. Capital Improvement Committee Parks and Recreation Chair Terry Gorham applied as a citizen representative. Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to appoint Zauner and Hegland to the Parks and Recreation Committee, Gorham to the Capital Improvement Committee, and to re- advertise for the Wastewater Advisory Committee and Capital Improvement Committee. The motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION ON POLICY TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR RECREATION PROGRAMS Discussion on a policy for offering financial assistance to participants to the city’s recreation programs was continued from the January 2nd Work Session. It was decided that indicating February 6, 2019 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 3 eligibility for free and reduced school lunch programs or explanation of a family hardship on the application form is sufficient to determine the qualifications for financial assistance, without having to provide proof of income. As only youth programs are offered at this time, income guidelines for adult programming will be determined in the future. Council agreed to rename this as program assistance (not scholarship), and to designate a maximum limit of $2,000 of assistance, open to adjustment depending on the number of applications received. Staff will prepare a budget amendment and application policy and form for approval at the next meeting. DISCUSSION ON AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 202 REGULATING THE 201 COMMUNITY SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM Administrator Soltis explained the charts showing greatly increased flows in the 201 sewer systems after storm events that impact the operation and performance of the system. The Wastewater Committee recommended funds in the 2019 budget to provide for an inspection program to look at the sources for this inflow such as sump pumps, drain spouts or other private discharge from users of the system. A proposal for an amendment to Ordinance No. 202 was provided that would add language for an inspection provision and allow action on any illegal connections. Staff was directed to prepare an ordinance amendment for discussion at the next meeting. LETTERS OF SUPPORT -- GRANTS FOR AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES CONTROL Council was in approval of submitting letters of support on behalf of Big Marine Lake Association and Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District to Washington County for Aquatic Invasive Species grant funds. It was noted that the agencies have had success in reducing milfoil and increasing boat inspections. ADMINISTRATIVE SEARCH Administrator Soltis has given his 90-day notice of termination. Soltis recommended contracting with a search firm for his replacement. Staff was directed to gather proposals for discussion at the next meeting. SPRING NEWSLETTER A draft spring newsletter will be reviewed at the March 19th meeting. Mayor Maefsky suggested articles on the community collaborative group, the Scandia Heritage Alliance, and information on the MnDOT landscaping project. Any other article ideas should be sent to Administrator Soltis. ADJOURNMENT Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk