3.d 201 Waste Water Treatment System -5-1-19 Work Session201 Waste Water Treatment
City of Scandia
In the 70’s and 80’s water quality became a large issue in Big Marine Lake. The solution was to isolate the septic
systems from cabins and homes that went into the lake to an onsite system. Washington County applied for and
received a Federal 201 Grant that aids in installation of such sites. Site evaluation began in 1984. In 1985 construction
of the system began and was operational in 1986.
There are two systems adopted by the City from Washington County. The Bliss addition (Bliss) on the West side of Big
Marine and the Anderson Erickson (A/E) system on the East side of the lake. Regulation of the systems vary with their
size. The City reports the AE functions and testing to Washington County and the Bliss system testing and functions are
reported to the MPCA. Systems rated for treatment of over 10,000 gallons per day are under the MPCA jurisdiction for
Each system has its own testing issues. The AE tests high in chlorides and the Bliss test high in Nitrates in monitoring
well 004. The City is currently evaluating options for submitting a plan for the re-permitting of the Bliss 201 system
with the MPCA. The AE system will be under more stringent controls if its capacity exceeds 10,000 gallons per day.
Bliss Addition -Lines
Number of original residents on the system
Typical Home Septic Tank
Typical Home Pump Tank
Lift stations 1&2
Bliss 1&2 valve box layout
Settling tanks prior to lift station #3
Lift station #3
Lift station #4
Testing wells –Bliss drain field
W001 thru W008 Test Wells
Bliss waste treatment site layout
Laterals layout for sand filters and mounds
SCADA Controller Screen