04-16-13 Council
April 16, 2013
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.
The following council members were present: Council members Dan Lee, Chris Ness, Jim
Schneider, Sally Swanson and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator
Kristina Handt, City Attorney Nick Vivian, City Planner Sherri Buss, Police Deputy Chris
Majeski, Fire Chief Jim Finnegan, Maintenance Superintendent Tim Kieffer, Treasurer Colleen
Firkus and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
A Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of John Larson’s service to the Scandia Fire and
Rescue Department was presented to Paula Larson and daughter Hannah. The Council recessed
for 10 minutes to join a reception in the Community Center Hall.
Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried 5-0.
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
1)March 19, 2013 Regular Meeting
2)March 27, 2013 Special Meeting
3)April 3, 2013 Special Meeting
4)April 8, 2013 Board of Review
5)April 9 , 2013 Work Session
b)Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance 03/01/2013 $2,307,722.29
Receipts + 63,181.94
Expenditures $85,719.70
Payroll 24,266.78 - 109,986.48
Adjustments: paycheck reversed - 1,157.74
Ending Balance 03/31/2013 $2,259,760.01
c)Payment of Vouchers
d)Appointment to Carnelian Marine Watershed District
e)Agreement with Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys for Summer
2013 Recreation Programs
f)Resolution Allowing Survivor Benefits to be Paid in Cases where the Firefighter Dies
Before Becoming Vested (Resolution 04-16-13-01)
g)Contract with Bolton and Menk for General Engineering Services
h)Application for Excluded Raffle Permit, Scandia Riders Saddle Club (June 1, 2013)
i)Contract with Indoor Environment Group, Inc. for Zavoral Mine Monitoring
j)Contract with SBP Associates, Inc for Zavoral Mine Monitoring
k)Contract with LBG for Zavoral Mine Monitoring
l)Attendance at LMC Annual Conference for Administrator and Council
m)Salary Adjustment for City Administrator (Resolution 04-16-13-02)
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n)Resolution Requesting MNDOT Perform Speed Studies (Resolution 04-16-13-03)
Swanson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion carried 5-0.
Committee Chair Greg Zauner reported on the April 1 Park and Recreation Committee meeting.
The Committee prioritized a list of improvements to Lilleskogen Park, made plans to represent
the Committee at the MN Ironman Bicycle Ride, and established improved meeting agenda
Site Survey for Lilleskogen
The Committee has recommended that a site survey of Lilleskogen Park be developed in order to
obtain proper quotes from contractors for bidding on various projects. Maintenance
Superintendent Kieffer presented two quotes from local surveyors and recommended Landmark
Surveying complete the site survey at a cost of $1,450. These funds would come from the Park
Capital Improvement Fund.
Council member Schneider asked if staff could obtain enough needed information from the
County’s GIS maps rather than contracting with a surveyor. Kieffer explained that more exacting
measurements are necessary and the site plan will show placement of the parking lot, picnic
shelter, trails and other improvements. Council member Lee noted that the Committee identified
a site survey as the next step in park’s phase of improvements. Swanson agreed that it is
necessary to have the structures mapped out on a site survey.
Lee, seconded by Ness, moved to approve contracting with Landmark Surveying to develop
a site survey of Lilleskogen Park at a cost of $1,450. The motion carried 3-2, with Schneider
and Simonson opposed.
Variance Amendment for 20290 Olinda Trail to Remove Platting Requirement. Dawn
Gillespie, Applicant (Resolution No. 04-16-13-04)
City Planner Buss presented the request from Dawn Gillespie to amend a variance which the
City granted in July 2012. The variance allowed the creation of two lots on their property at
20290 Olinda Trail without the required road frontage. The Gillespies have asked that the
platting requirement be removed based on state statutes related to platting and subdivision.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 2 and recommended approval of the
variance amendment. Buss explained the conditions in the resolution would essentially remain
the same as those in the variance approval last year. A wetland delineation and driveway
improvements would need to be completed before the issuance of a building permit for new
construction on the property.
Simonson, seconded Schneider, moved to adopt Resolution No. 04-16-13-04, Approving
Amended Variance for 20290 Olinda Trail. The motion carried 5-0.
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Appointment to Planning Commission
On April 3 the City Council interviewed three applicants to fill the vacancy on the Planning
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to appoint Sue Bies to the Planning
Commission. The motion carried 5-0.
Ms. Bies term will expire on February 1, 2018.
The Council received Building Official Keith Wille’s building activity report. Nine permits were
issued in March.
Deputy Chris Majeski reported on police activity within the past month. There have been reports
of theft, a stray rifle bullet impacting a residence, and vandalism at the entrance of the Tiller
gravel pit on Manning Trail.
Fire Chief Jim Finnegan reported that the department responded to fifteen calls in March; five
were fire related and ten were rescue calls. The SkyWarn Spotter’s class was well attended. Six
applications for the volunteer firefighter positions were received. Four eligible candidates will be
interviewed this week. It’s estimated that the new replacement engine will be delivered in
October. A commercial washing machine has been ordered for compliance with NFPA
regulations on turnout gear care.
The Council received City Engineer Phil Gravel’s report. Well sampling of the
Anderson/Erickson system was completed. Test results will be discussed at the April 24
Wastewater Advisory Committee meeting.
Maintenance Superintendent Tim Kieffer presented the Public Works activity report. The
replacement pumps have been installed at the Bliss. Tree trimming work is progressing. Wood
chips are being put at Lilleskogen Park for use on the trails.
City Administrator Kristina Handt reported that a bill to support sales tax exemption for
municipalities is moving through the bill process. Staff is continuing to work with the League on
providing information and figures in support of this legislation. Tiller Corporation has submitted
the required Performance Bond and Letter of Credit for the Zavoral gravel site. The Watershed
Permit for the project was recently issued and it appears they are on schedule to begin mining the
site in late summer.
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NO. 04-16-13-05)
At the April 9 Work Session, Council discussed accepting two donated warning sirens that
Forest Lake is decommissioning. At the meeting, two residents of Bone Lake spoke against
locating a siren on Lofton Court. Following the meeting, staff looked at other locations and
recommended the northwest corner of 232 Street and Lofton Avenue within the city right of
way. This is 200 feet from any house and suitable for the power needs.
Handt reported that Landmark Surveying provided a quote of $1,350 to prepare a survey
showing an easement for placement of the second siren at the Big Marine Lake Store on
Manning Avenue. The total installation cost for both sirens is estimated to be $12,000.
Sue Rivard, 23245 Lofton Court, addressed the Council with a suggestion that a location 0.2 of a
mile south of 228 Street and Lofton Avenue be looked at as she said there are no homes there
and the elevation slightly rises in this open area. Rivard asked that the siren be placed at least
500 feet from any homes.
Margie Schmidt, 23319 Lofton Avenue, stated that she lives across the street from the new
location. Schmidt asked that the siren be moved farther away from houses in this area.
Fire Chief Finnegan stated that installing the sirens in conjunction with Forest Lake’s removal is
the most economical. Siting them near water bodies to bounce the sound waves significantly
increases the coverage area.
Mayor Simonson stated that the city has heard from residents who have asked for better warning
siren coverage and placing them in higher populated areas of the city has been an objective.
Moving the locations too far out from residential areas would defeat the purpose of reaching
populated areas around the lakes. He noted that they are rotational sirens on a 50-foot pole, and
the sound would vary as the siren operates. Simonson said he supports the two identified
locations of 232 Street and the Big Marine Lake Store site.
Council member Ness said that he understands the residents’ concerns about disrupting the peace
and quiet, but there is a low potential that they would go off more frequently than once a month
for testing. Council member Swanson agreed that the disruption is minimal. Council member
Lee recognized that sirens are important for public safety.
Council member Schneider stated that he doesn’t see a great need for a siren near Bone Lake,
especially with opposition. Schneider recommended storing the siren until a more suitable spot is
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to adopt Resolution No. 04-16-13-05, Accepting
Donation of Two 1988 Federal Thunderbeam Outdoor Warning Sirens from the City of
Forest Lake and Designating Siren Locations. The motion carried 4-1, with Schneider
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The Council discussed the 2014 purchase of a third dump truck with a snowplow attachment at
the April 9 Work Session. The CIP estimates the cost to be $200,000. Handt listed the
advantages of adding funds for this purchase to the fire truck bond which will be issued this year.
The city will have three years to spend the bond proceeds, with the first interest payment due in
December 2013. Interest rates are currently around 1.9%.
Mayor Simonson noted that the staff was able to clear the roads within 5 to 6 hours this past
winter using the 1997 Ford truck on a third route. He has heard favorable comments from the
public and no negative feedback in opposition to this purchase.
Ed Conlin, 22640 Meadowbrook Avenue, stated that he was impressed with the clearing of his
road by mid-morning this winter and the department needs good equipment to get the job done.
Council member Lee noted the advantages of bonding at this time, and stated that it may be a
pain to purchase the truck, but that would be less than the pain to not have a reliable truck.
Council member Ness stated that clearing the roads in a timely manner is a big citizen concern
and complaints were much less this past year with the third route. Ness noted that the interest
rates are low and now would be a good time to take advantage of bonding for a future purchase.
He stated that the use of 1997 Ford led to a costly Workers Comp claim last year and is not a
safe vehicle to continue to operate. Swanson stated her agreement to bond now for a future
Council member Schneider said that there is too much city spending right now. A third route has
never historically been done in Scandia, and the old truck could stay on as a back-up. He was in
favor of adding bond proceeds to the Capital Improvement Fund but not to buy a new dump
truck. Handt explained that Council could consider purchasing other equipment with the
proceeds and could change the allocation at a later date, but this must be done within 18 months
of the bond issue.
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to direct staff to prepare the resolution and other
documents to bond for the entire dump truck with plow purchase. The motion carried 5-0.
Ross Brunfelt, 19400 Orwell Avenue, presented a petition to request that the city vacate 1
Avenue, an unused road located along Olinda Trail and the proposed trail connection to
Lilleskogen Park. The unused road runs between the lot lines of his business in the Village Area
and Greg Benson’s property at 21120 Olinda Trail. Brunfelt stated that he did not see the need
for a trail to run between properties when there is 2,000 feet of road frontage along the Park to
use as access.
Council member Lee stated that giving up an access into city property may not be in the best
long-term interest of the city. Once the street is vacated, the city would never get it back.
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Council member Ness stated that he wasn’t keen about the trail, but sees no advantages to vacate
the street.
Council member Swanson stated that this trail connection has been in the plan for a long time
and she had met with the Bensons a few years ago to discuss this. She said it would be desirable
for the city to retain the street as a future connection.
Attorney Vivian advised that the Council may decide if the petition should move forward. A
public hearing could be held once staff verifies that the petition meets the requirement of being
signed by a majority of abutting property owners.
The consensus of the Council was to take no action this evening and directed staff to research if
the petition meets the requirements to commence a street vacation.
A few members of the Planning Commission have submitted written comments in opposition to
the adopted guidelines for paperless meeting packets, adopted by the Council in March 2013.
Handt explained the cost savings and public accessibility of providing meeting packets in an
electronic form.
Mayor Simonson stated that society proceeds to operate with electronic advancements and
Scandia should be progressive in getting its business done this way. He recognized the cost and
time savings and doesn’t see a reason for the pushback. The other Council members stated that
they were comfortable with electronic meeting packets. Council member Ness noted that the
Council has been united in the decision to go paperless, but accommodations could be made for
Planning Commissioners’ requests to pick up a paper packet. Swanson agreed that maps and
building plans can be difficult to read on a screen.
Ness, seconded by Swanson, moved to recommend that staff handle requests for paper
packets that could be picked up in the office. The motion was defeated 2-3, with Ness and
Swanson voting yes; Lee, Schneider and Simonson voting no.
Administrator Handt presented a resolution that the League is supporting which would allow
cities to collect fees from property owners within a district, including tax exempt properties, to
fund municipal street maintenance, construction, reconstruction and facility upgrades. All fees
for street improvements could be charged to these districts and no property could be in more than
one district. If enacted, this could be a tool for cities to use in order to build and maintain streets.
Council member Ness stated that he would need more information before supporting it, such
would residents who do not live on the road be required to participate? What about County road
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Lee, seconded by Swanson, moved to adopt Resolution No. 04-16-13-06, Supporting
Legislation Authorizing the Establishment of Municipal Street Improvement Districts. The
motion carried 4-1, with Ness opposed.
Bids were opened for the 2013 Seal Coat Project on April 3, 2013. Three bids were received.
City Engineer Gravel recommended the project be awarded to low bidder Fahrner Asphalt
Sealers. The alternate striping bid would include only yellow centerline striping and not white
fog line striping.
Lee, seconded by Ness, moved to award the 2013 Seal Coat Project to Fahrner Asphalt
Sealers at a base bid of $174,235 and an Alternate striping bid of $2,042. The motion
carried 5-0.
The Council reviewed a proposed set of meeting dates to work on the 2014 budget and Capital
Improvement Plan. Handt noted that the proposed dates coincide with already established work
sessions and regular Council meetings.
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the 2014 Budget/ Capital Improvement Plan
Calendar. The motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Simonson reported on the closed meeting held on April 3 for the purpose of City
Administrator Handt’s six month performance review. Future goals and objectives were
discussed in addition to Handt’s performance.
Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk