05-14-13 Work Session
May 14, 2013
A Joint Work Session meeting of the City Council and the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix
Watershed District (CMSCWD) was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson called the meeting
to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Randall Simonson, Council members
Dan Lee, Jim Schneider, Sally Swanson. Absent: Council member Chris Ness. Staff present:
City Administrator Kristina Handt, Maintenance Superintendent Tim Kieffer, City Planner Sherri
Buss and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. CMSCWD was represented by Administrator Jim
Shaver, and Board members Steve Kronmiller, John Lennes and Kristin Tuenge. Planning
Commissioner Sue Bies, and Park and Recreation Committee members Greg Zauner and Mike
White were also in attendance.
At the suggestion of Jim Shaver, additional discussion items were added to the agenda.
seconded by Swanson, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried 4-0.
Jim Shaver began with an overview of the creation and purpose of the Carnelian-Marine-St.
Croix Watershed District. The District covers 81square miles and monitors over 31 lakes, 20
streams and 17 miles of St. Croix River shoreline. The District is governed by a Board of seven
Managers appointed by Washington County. The District is responsible for issuing permits for
land use changes for the protection of water resources on private and public property. The
District works in collaboration with local, regional and state governments and agencies to build
water quality projects.
Shaver explained that one of the District’s highest priorities is the Goose Lake Ravine
Stabilization Project to improve the water quality of Goose Lake, which is listed as an impaired
water body. Once completed, this project will greatly reduce the phosphorous input into Goose
Lake. Shaver identified other potential improvement designs such as landing repairs and
shoreline buffers, along with the installation of sand iron drain tiles. The District will ask for
cooperation with the City to carry out these improvements.
Projects along the St. Croix River were then discussed. A feasibility study for the 197 Street
Ravine Reconstruction Project is currently underway. An eight-foot deep ravine exists along the
street with heavy erosion occuring.
Shaver noted the erosion concerns at the Log House Landing. Over 50 tons of gravel was spread
at the site last year, with much of the material washing away into the river and nearby wetland.
Considerable discussion of the Log House Landing concluded with the following options: close
the landing, pave the landing, or change the landing to a walk-in trail for canoes and kayaks only.
City Administrator Handt stated that costs and public input would be gathered before pursuing
any future changes.
Shaver explained Sand Lake improvements being undertaken with MPCA grant funds. A sand-
iron filtration system will be installed at the Sand Lake overlook on the north side of the lake.
Additional water quality projects could be pursued within the Sand Lake watershed, including
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Lilleskogen Park. Cost sharing of wetland restoration and rain garden installation projects could
be pursued.
Shaver identified potential storm water management projects in the Bliss Addition, such as rain
garden installations. Shaver explained that these are very effective at trapping and infiltrating
storm water runoff. The District works with homeowners and may provide financial assistance
for water quality projects such as rain gardens and shoreland buffers. Maintenance
Superintendent Kieffer agreed that storm water retrofits would be beneficial in the Bliss area.
Shaver stated that the District is exploring ways to address aquatic invasive species prevention
through education and monitoring. He noted the importance of exploring cost sharing methods
with local, county and state agencies to slow progression of harmful zebra mussels and milfoil.
Shaver asked Council members to submit a prioritized list of potential project areas to him
within the next month so that the Board can include them in the District’s budget planning.
The issue of calculating pervious coverage for zoning and development applications was
discussed. Shaver agreed with the District’s engineer that pervious pavers should not be given
credit for pervious coverage, as the pavers lose effectiveness over time. Decks should also be
considered as impervious surfaces, as they have the potential to be covered in the future. In
addition, the DNR does not consider decks to be pervious. Planner Buss indicated that state
standards to define coverage will be in place within the year; this will have all agencies taking
the same approach to coverage issues.
The recent variance application to allow the use of a track driveway as a pervious surface was
discussed. With soil amendments, the District allowed the driveway to be excluded from lot
coverage calculations. Shaver stated that he would approach this differently in the future and not
allow for such exclusions, due to compaction over time.
Planner Buss explained that one of the goals of the Local Water Management Plan (adopted in
September 2012) was to develop a Memo of Understanding (MOU) with local Watershed
Districts that would address the organizations’ mutual responsibilities for reviewing development
applications, environmental reviews and other activities.
Buss reviewed a draft MOU between the City and CMSCWD that defines each agency’s role and
how procedures are carried out as they relate to water resources. Kronmiller commented that it is
a good framework for guidance on working together, and suggested that a handout for residents
be prepared that would provide a clear explanation of the permitting process for applicants. Buss
stated that a flowchart could be created to guide applicants on the processes for both City and
Watershed requirements. Shaver stated that the Board will discuss the MOU at a future meeting
and provide comments.
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The June 11, 2013 Work Session agenda will include discussion of the 2014 Budget, an update
on the City’s Pay Plan, and Fees for Fire Calls. Council member Swanson asked that a discussion
on gopher bounty payments be added to the agenda.
Lee, seconded by Schneider, moved to adjourn. The motion carried 4-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk