01-20-2015 CouncilJanuary 20, 2015
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. This is also the
Annual Meeting of the City Council. Mayor Simonson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. The following council members were
present: Council members Bob Hegland, Dan Lee, Chris Ness, Jim Schneider and Mayor Randall
Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator Kristina Handt, Attorney Andrew Pratt, City
Engineer Ryan Goodman, Police Deputy Brandon Yetter, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works
Director Tim Kieffer and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Retiring Firefighter William Schwartz was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation in
recognition of his fifteen years of service with the Scandia Fire and Rescue Department. The
Council thanked him for his years of dedicated service. A reception was held prior to the start of
the Council meeting.
Kathy Gaylord, 5200 Pathway Avenue in White Bear Lake, introduced herself as a member of
the League of Women Voters and was in attendance as a study of best practices for government
Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried 5-0.
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) December 16, 2014 Regular Meeting
2) January 7, 2015 Work Session
b) Treasurer's Report
Beginning Balance 12/01/2014 $2,515,083.05
Receipts + 1,080,340.20
Expenditures $80,142.96
Payroll $33,854.38 - 113,997.34
Ending Balance 12/31/2014 $3,481,425.91
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Approve Official Depositories (Resolution 01-20-15-01)
e) Ratify Surety and Blanket Bonds (Resolution 01-20-15-02)
f) Appoint Acting Mayor for 2015
g) Step Increase, Treasurer
h) Special Event Permit for Minnesota Ironman Bicycle Ride, April 26, 2015
i) 2015 Pay Equity Report
j) Temporary On -Sale Liquor License, Scandia Fire & Rescue Relief Association (February
28, 2015)
k) Revised 2015 Council Meeting Schedule
1) Application for Excluded or Exempt Lawful Gambling Permit, Gammelgarden Museum,
Running of the Meatballs, September 12, 2015
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Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion
carried 5-0.
Administrator Handt explained a resolution presented to the Council which would amend the
EDA's enabling resolution to increase the size to seven members so that two citizen members
could be added. The EDA recommended this to the Council at their November meeting, and the
public hearing was scheduled for January 20.
Mayor Simonson opened the public hearing for comments at 7:07 p.m.
John Lindell, 11240 218th Street: Mr. Lindell stated his opposition to the proposal to increase
the size of the EDA, and went on to state that the creation of the EDA in the first place was a bad
idea based on public input into the development of the 2008 Comp Plan. Development and
expansion of business was not mentioned within the goals of keeping Scandia rural and
promoting farms and natural environments. Mr. Lindell recommended conducting a referendum
to determine if an EDA is appropriate for the community.
Tom Triplett, president of the EDA: Mr. Triplett urged the Council to pass the resolution as the
addition of two members to the EDA could do an even better job of being the eyes and ears for
the business community for studying ways to improve and keep businesses in Scandia. Mr.
Triplett explained that many surrounding communities have EDA's and they are competing for
the same jobs and businesses which are critical for economic strength and growth in Scandia.
Mr. Triplett announced that he will be stepping down from his position on the EDA due to a
move he is making to Stillwater in April, but will stay on until a successor is appointed.
There were no further comments and Mayor Simonson closed the hearing at 7:12 p.m.
Lee, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve Resolution No. 01-20-15-04, Approving a
Modification to the Enabling Resolution of the EDA.
Council member Schneider stated that he is all for thriving businesses but sees no reason to
expand the number of members; bigger committees are not always the answer.
Council member Lee stated that there had been a great response to the business meetings held in
November and it's important to have a bigger pool of people to help make better informed
decisions. The positions are non -paid and have no budgetary effects.
Council member Hegland said that having a greater number of people can spread out the work
needed to grow the community. Spreading the footprint can accomplish this work.
Mayor Simonson asked if there have been persons showing an interest in being on the EDA. Lee
stated there have been interested individuals.
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Council member Ness was concerned that it has been difficult to find interest in filling various
advisory boards and committees, and noted that Triplett's departure leaves one opening.
Mayor Simonson called for a roll call vote on the above motion: Ness — no; Schneider — no;
Hegland — yes; Lee — yes; Simonson — no. The motion failed 2-3.
Staff was directed to advertise for Triplett's replacement on the EDA.
Annual Report
Park and Recreation Committee Chair Greg Zauner presented the Committee's Annual Report
with a review of 2014 accomplishments, including Lilleskogen Park improvements, an expanded
Vinterfest, recreation programming and other park improvements.
A summary of year-end building activity was received from Building Official Chad Payment.
The year ended with a net income of $48,183.27.
Deputy Brandon Yetter reported on police activity since his appointment on January 1 as the
City's assigned officer. A canine assist occurred to apprehend an individual who was taken to
detox, burglaries were investigated with suspects arrested, and mailbox damages on various
roadways are being investigated.
Fire Chief Hinz reported that the department responded to 18 calls in December; 3 fire related
and 15 EMS calls.
Jon Muller, EMS Director, Lakeview Hospital
Jon Muller was present to announce that the Lakeview ambulance service would be
discontinuing their ambulance operation which had been stationed at the fireball since 2012 due
to continued financial losses. They are working with North Memorial to take over Scandia's
coverage area effective the first week of February. Muller thanked Scandia for the strong
community support and regretted that they could not alter the response models to allow for a
practical solution.
Ted Wegleitner, Lakeview Hospital President, expressed his disappointment that they could no
longer sustain a loss of $500,000 per year.
Mayor Simonson asked what type of response time could be expected once the ambulance
service departs. Muller explained that the boundary line is determined within the 911 system at
the County and they will send the closest ambulance service for the fastest response time. North
Memorial is stationed in the old District Memorial Hospital in Forest Lake which is
approximately 9 miles from Scandia's core area. Simonson thanked Lakeview for their time in
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City Engineer Ryan Goodman reported that he will be attending the NE Metro Summit meeting
for discussion of potential impacts within communities based on the recent DNR groundwater
plan. Goodman recommended the Council send a representative to this summit meeting of
elected officials. Goodman also reported that Bolton & Menk will be supplying medals to all
Vinterfest snow sculpture participants on February 7.
Council member Ness offered to attend the NE Metro Summit meeting on January 29.
Schneider, seconded by Lee, moved to appoint Ness as the representative to the NE Metro
Summit meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
Public Works Director Tim Kieffer presented his report on the department's activities. Staff has
taken over all sewer operation and maintenance tasks for the 201 and Uptown systems. Kieffer
stated that he will have information on the telemetry for the 201 at the next work session.
City Administrator Kristina Handt reported that she is working on filling a data request related to
union negotiations for public works hourly staff.
Christine Maefsky, Chair of the Log House Landing Improvement Project Advisory Committee,
presented the recommendation for the improvements to 205'h Street to the landing on the St.
Croix River. The Committee was appointed by the Council last October and met nine times,
concluding with a recommendation on the design of the roadway on January 15. This
recommendation received approval from the Planning Commission in meeting the goals of the
Comprehensive Plan on January 16. Pam Plowman -Smith began the presentation with a
historical account of the landing area.
Maefsky stated that there was much concern with the original design of the roadway as presented
last summer, such that it took away from the rural character and charm of the historic gravel
road. The Committee considered four design options, ranging from a minimal design to a two-
lane paved roadway. A goal the Committee sought was to protect the rustic, historic and natural
character of the area while correcting the drainage and erosion. The Committee preferred
leaving the road gravel and correcting the drainage with grading techniques, but concluded that
this may not be acceptable to the Council.
Maefsky described the final design as a one -lane paved road 13' in width from Quinnell Avenue
to the landing. The road would be slanted south with curb and gutter on the south side of the
road only. Two pullouts would be constructed with asphalt surfaces, and a parking lane along
the north side of the roadway would be a non -asphalt, pervious surface. Parking on the northern
side of the landing would be considered for non -trailer parking only, with an ADA accessible
stall near the top of the boat ramp. Maefsky described additional recommendations from the
Committee's report that addressed signage, future provisions and community review at the 60%
completion point.
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Maefsky added a personal request that Ken Skorseth, a consultant which the County used for
gravel guidance, conduct a conference with the City Engineer to further discuss an alternative,
more natural paving option such as a gravel aggregate surface that shows erosion resistance.
Plowman -Smith added that they felt like the Committee ran out of time to further explore the use
of bound aggregate for the roadway surface, which could be a significant cost savings.
Mayor Simonson asked Fire Chief Hinz to explain his reasoning for a 20' lane. Hinz stated that
he is not in agreement with the 13' width for safety concerns in accessing the landing and staging
emergency rescue vehicles. The Log House Landing is the only local access to the river in the
wintertime. Council member Lee asked if the Committee had Hinz's recommendation.
Maefsky replied that they did not have it in writing until the final meeting.
Steve Kronmiller, Watershed representative on the Committee, explained that 205'h has one
house accessed by a driveway in which the road here would be 34' based on the roadway design
with pullout.
Sally Swanson, Committee member, explained that they worked very hard to agree on a final
design and did not know the safety concerns until the very end. They reviewed standards of
National Park Service roads which are narrow — the landing will provide adequate area for
emergency vehicle access while minimizing tree removal along the roadway.
Simonson questioned Planning Commissioner Loffler's vote to approve the Committee's
recommendation even though he voiced a concern about emergency vehicle access on a narrow
road width. Loffler explained that he voted based on the design meeting the goals of the
Comprehensive Plan, and consideration of safety is not in the Comp Plan.
There was discussion on signage to direct users to the landing and the size of watercraft that
could access the site, but it was concluded that this is a different issue for discussion at a later
Engineer Goodman was asked if additional gravel information from Skorseth could be utilized.
He explained that they use local modified gravel now that reduces erosion but does not eliminate
it. A 4% crown helps to shed water but erosion still occurs.
Council member Ness noted the amount of dirt and gravel in the plowed snowdrifts this winter
on 205th and stated that the road needs pavement, although not at the 20' width, as this would
lead to more traffic and therefore more emergencies. Ness stated that all parking lanes and areas
should be paved. Ness added that the project should only be contingent on funding from the
DNR since this is a modification from the criteria which they based the grant on. The proposed
$282,000 project is not a cost that the City would take on.
Council member Schneider stated that cost is a big issue. He stated that the landing area should
be paved and some type of trailer accommodations here. He was concerned that the pullouts
could be used for parking and the parking lane should be paved to prevent silt runoff into the
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river. More parking on the north side is needed. He was opposed to allowing input at the 60%
completion point.
Council member Hegland noted that those who live in the area have told him that they want it
left alone. He used statistics gathered last August which stated that the site had an average of 4.6
users per day. Hegland stated that it is insane to spend this amount of money and effort for so
few people. He referenced the potential SCRA grant to repair the boat launch and recommended
the Lions donate their time to clean up the area for their Ironman event this summer. He
concluded that he just doesn't see the support for this project — he represents the people and the
people don't want it.
Council member Lee agreed with Schneider's points that any gravel surface would continue to
wash into the river. He stated that it is important to improve and maintain the roadway for future
Committee member Dave Hebert stated that the user survey Hegland referenced was not a
scientific study and he has seen the site packed at certain times. He stated that the
recommendation is not perfect but accomplished the points to make the landing usable within
Simonson asked the Watershed representatives to comment on if doing nothing was an option,
what erosion concerns would they have? Kristin Tuenge stated that empirical data on
sedimentation should be gathered first. Steve Kronmiller stated that the road had never been
designed and engineered to be a gravel road and corrections could possibly be made. Jim Shaver
stated that the solution to prevent sedimentation to the river is paving — he cannot see how to
alleviate the runoff with anything short of paving. Creative stormwater control is necessary.
Kathryn Lewis, adjacent property owner, explained that their driveway was amended with Class
5 material and correctly engineered to eliminate erosion. She urged the Council to find out what
happens if the roadway were properly engineered.
Ness moved to approve the Committee's recommendation for the Log House Landing
Improvement Project but to construct the parking lane on the north side with asphalt, and
that the project is contingent on DNR and Watershed funding. The motion failed for lack
of a second.
Schneider, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the design recommended by the Committee
but with the parking lane paved, add more parking between the parking lanes if possible,
and all of the lower landing level is paved.
Hegland said that it is a mistake to cut down more than a dozen trees and change the nature of
the roadway for more parking. Ness agreed that no extra parking is needed.
Simonson called for a roll call vote on the above motion. Schneider — yes; Hegland — no;
Lee — yes; Ness — no; Simonson — no. The motion failed 2-3.
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Simonson stated that there appear to be many uncertainties with the project and made the
following motion: Simonson, seconded Hegland, moved to make no improvements this year
and revisit the issue next year.
Lee stated that this is just kicking the can down the road. Schneider said that they are here to get
something done tonight.
Simonson called for a roll call vote on the above motion: Hegland — yes; Lee — no; Ness —
no; Schneider — no; Simonson — yes. The motion failed 2-3.
Ness, seconded by Simonson, moved to approve the Committee's design in full but that the
north parking lane and parking area be asphalt and the project is contingent on funding
from the DNR and the Watershed.
There was discussion to clarify the preliminary design — Lee stated that if there is no pavement in
the landing area, it will be muddy. Examination of the design map concluded that the landing
area shows an asphalt surface, but parking to the north of the landing would be gravel.
Simonson called for a roll call vote on the above motion: Lee — yes; Ness — yes; Schneider —
yes; Hegland — no; Simonson — yes. The motion carried 4-1.
Administrator Handt presented a petition received on December 11, 2014, initiated by Don
McGinley, for vacation of unopened streets consisting of parts of Columbus, Waxstad, 3rd and 4fh
Streets in the Revision of Vasa. The petition was signed by a majority of abutting property
owners. McGinley would like to combine his lots which are separated by these streets.
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve Resolution No. 01-20-15-03 Setting a Public
Hearing on a Vacation Commenced by a Petition of a Majority of Abutting Landowners.
The motion carried 5-0.
A public hearing will be scheduled for February 17, 2015.
At the January 7 Work Session, Council directed staff to amend the tree trimming policy to limit
the flail mower and provide a process for residents to appeal the Public Work Director's
decision. A letter was received from Margie Schmidt asking for another meeting to make further
Lee, seconded by Hegland, moved to adopt the Tree Trimming Policy as presented with the
recommended amendments.
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Lee stated that in addition to the property owners along the roadways who receive notice that a
notice of tree trimming also be posted on the website so that the whole town may have a say in
preserving rural character.
Handt explained that a list of roads could be posted, but a specific schedule would be difficult to
pin down since there needs to be flexibility. She asked if it would be the intent that anyone could
appeal the removal of trees. Lee said that no, only landowners could appeal. Hegland stated that
he was in favor of publishing a listing of roadways on the website ahead of time.
Lee, seconded by Hegland, moved to amend the tree trimming policy to add notification of
roadways scheduled for trimming on the website. The motion carried 5-0.
A vote was taken on the original motion. The motion carried 5-0 as amended.
Public Works Director Kieffer reported that a low bid of $24,500 was received from Helke's
Tree Service for trimming and grubbing in preparation of improvements needed to correct
erosion and drainage along Pilar, Perkins, Penfield and Paris.
Schneider, seconded by Lee, moved to award the "P" roads tree trimming and grubbing
project to Helke's Tree Service for $24,500. The motion carried 5-0.
The work will start this winter as Phase One of a five-year project.
Administrator Handt reported that a recommendation to contract with the City of Hugo for
building inspection services was determined after review by Council members Schneider and
Hegland of the two proposals received. Handt explained that language was added to the Hugo
proposal that inspections would be combined whenever possible to minimize costs to the City,
which Hugo was agreeable to.
Schneider commented that the Hugo Inspector lives locally and the arrangement should work out
Schneider, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the contract for Building Inspection
Services with the City of Hugo. The motion carried 5-0.
Council reviewed two proposals from local newspapers that have asked to be designated as the
official newspaper for 2015.
Mayor Simonson stated that the Forest Lake Times has presented a cost effective approach for
publication of notices and they have a greater distribution of newspapers.
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Simonson, seconded by Schneider, moved to designate the Forest Lake Times as the official
newspaper for 2015.
Council member Ness stated that those in the 55047 zip code, who do not receive the free
distribution of the Times, prefer to read the Country Messenger. Council member Lee stated that
he is more comfortable with the Messenger and looks at it as the town paper. Council member
Hegland agreed that the Messenger supports the local community and is a more local function
over the Times. Council member Schneider noted the Times' larger distribution numbers.
A vote was taken on the above motion: The motion failed 2-3, with Hegland, Lee and Ness
Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to designate the Country Messenger as the official
newspaper of 2015. The motion carried 3-2, with Schneider and Simonson opposed.
Hegland, seconded by Ness, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk