2. draft 05-29-19 EDA MinutesCITY OF SCANDIA
Wednesday May 29, 2019
6:30 p.m.
Scandia Community Center
The Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Scandia Community Center on
Wednesday, May 29, 2019 beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Brad Borg, Steve Kronmiller, Kirsten Libby, Mark Porubcansky, and
Patti Ray.
Staff Present: Colleen Firkus. Also present was Chris Eng, Washington County CDA programs.
The Chair Kronmiller called the meeting to order. Minutes from the March 11 and April 24
meetings were approved with a motion from Porubcansky and a second by Libby. The agenda
was approved with modifications to remove items 4.b & c as CTC was unable to attend the
Kronmiller introduced Midco representative Justin Forde, Sr. Director of Government Relations.
Forde gave a presentation on how Midco could work with the City to bring broadband to the
areas of the City not covered by Midco's cable system. Notes from the power point include:
Fixed Wireless, which relies on tall assets, or towers, was proposed to cover larger areas more
economically than running more cable. Fiber would be run to strategic areas where buildouts
would be possible to individual locations and to fiber -fed towers to provide wireless internet
connectivity. Speeds offered would be 100/20. Projected buildout would be over a 3 - 10 year
period. Deployment would be contingent on the State's MN Broadband Grant Program. No
funding is anticipated from the city as past awards were 50% of the program with 50% coming
from Midco. The City could provide assistance with access to assets such as towers or tall
government buildings, as well as easement access. A map provided showed an approximation
of all building locations in the city and which areas were already being served by Midco. To
make a State grant proposal more likely to succeed, it would probably include only the denser
areas of Scandia. Another area of funding would come from Connect America Fund (CAF) when
it is determined that other ISP's are not meeting minimum speeds.
Kronmiller recognized the year and a half long work of the Focus Group. Another meeting will
be scheduled for the CTC presentation.
No further business was discussed and the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Colleen Firkus