07-16-2019 Meeting July 16, 2019 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. The following members were present: Council members Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Chris Ness, Patti Ray, and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff present: City Engineer Ryan Goodman, City Attorney Eric Sherburne, Police Deputy David Peters, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, and Treasurer Colleen Firkus. PUBLIC FORUM The Mayor presented a Good Neighbor Award to Dale Setterholm for his efforts in launching the first Scandia cyclist tour sponsored by Cycling Scandia – Scandia Rocks and Rolls, to promote exercising mind and body. Hannah Weber and Tom Tauzell, 21087 Olinda Trail, presented the Council with a packet outlining their concerns regarding the uses in a commercial building across the street from their house at 20190 Olinda Trail. It is their belief there are numerous code violations at the property, including illegal residential units being rented, and requested they be addressed by the City. The Mayor indicated some of these issues were already being addressed and the Council would take their concerns under advisement and respond. Lynnette Welsch, Lions representative, and newly elected Lions President, Mike White, presented the Council with a request to assist with the expenses at Taco Daze including sanitary facilities, police protection and trash totaling $1,500.00. The Council will take up the request at the next work session. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Maefsky requested the agenda be amended to add 8.h Mayor’s Report. Ness, seconded by Ray, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried 5-0. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda was presented: 1. Approval of Consent Agenda a) Minutes 1) June 16, 2019 Regular Council Meeting 2) June 27, 2019 Special Meeting 3) July 1, 2019 Special Meeting b) Treasurer’s Report c) Payment of Vouchers d) Special Event Permit – Scandia Marine Lions Taco Daze – September 7, 2019 e) Special Event Permit – Meister’s Taco Daze – September 6 and 7, 2019 f) Application for Excluded Raffle Permit, Gammelgarden Museum, Running of the Meatballs, September 7, 2019 g) Authorization for Meister’s Bar & Grill to sell beer at Taco Daze Beer Garden, September 7, 2019 July 16, 2019 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 5 h) Special Event Permit – Tour de Hugo, September 21, 2019 i) Fire Department staffing – Captain rotations Ness, seconded by Ray, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion carried 5-0. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Terry Gorham reported on the challenges at the butterfly garden at Lilleskogen with regards to invasives, soil quality and amount of sunlight as reported by the Friends of Scandia Parks volunteer group. The Park Committee addressed their concerns by outlining the ongoing work being done there with grant money and asked the Friends group to continue to support the garden as these issues are being addressed. The Park Committee has the documents from the Washington County Historical Society to extend the water supply from the Hay Lake School to the Park Pavilion. Legal compliance issues with the well were addressed and the Park Committee has drafted an agreement to bring before the Council for approval. The Committee has recommended delaying any expansions to the pleasure rink while the upgrades to the Community Center are being reviewed. A funding request for Story Boards at Lilleskogen with be in the August Council packet. Arts in Action program has 12 kids enrolled with a few more expected, and are looking forward to this successful partnership with St. Croix Falls Festival Theatre for this program. The ramps for the new skate board equipment are delivered and being assembled. They should be ready for use around the first of August, along with the other changes at the warming house. Vinterfest planning has started. The Parks Committee will be sponsoring the 3rd annual pickle ball tournament at Taco Daze. Last year there were 12 teams. Registration should start August 1st. PLANNING COMMISSION There was no July Planning Commission meeting and therefore no recommendations for Council action. A public hearing on amendments to the accessory structure ordinance is scheduled for August 6th and a public hearing on a wetland variance. BUILDING OFFICIAL Building Official Chuck Preisler’s report on building activity was received. In June, 47 permits were issued at a valuation of $1,769,769. To date, six new construction permits have been issued. POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Deputy Peters reported that the big project he has been working on has been to update the business information in Scandia to make sure the Sheriff’s Department has current alarm holding July 16, 2019 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 5 information for business that are alarmed and they will know who to get a hold of. Also, he is planning National Night Out August 6th. The Fire Department will be there as well. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Mike Hinz reported that the department responded to 7 fire calls, 11 medical calls, and 1 dive call in the month of June. There has been more mutual aid training with sessions in June with Forest Lake, Marine and Lindstrom that helps with the ISO rating; annual mutual aid training being a requirement for ISO ratings. There were also a couple of mutual aid fires this last month. The Fire Department will also be at the National Night Out. CITY ENGINEER City Engineer Ryan Goodman highlighted in his report the Sump Pump Inspection program that will be starting in August for properties on the 201 Sewer System. A mailer was prepared to be sent out to the properties that will need to complete a sump pump inspection. Appointments are being offered on Tuesdays or Thursdays and two Saturdays. The inspections will be completed by employees from Bolton & Menk and will be wearing ID badges. Also, Goodman has volunteered to be on the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) group for the first Washington County Bicycle Pedestrian Plan. City Planner Merritt Clapp-Smith will also be in the group. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Public Works Director Adam Hawkinson’ activity report from June was received. Hawkinson offered information not on the report regarding a telemetry study on new lift station components for lift stations being upgraded this year. Also, there was a break in the lift station vault line that feeds the sand filters which threw off the pump readings. Last few storms has brought down 11 trees of which 4 crossed roads completely. The Fire Dept. assisted. Some involved power lines down. MAYOR’S REPORT Mayor Maefsky shared a Certificate of Commendation Wastewater Treatment Facility Treatment Operational Award for our Bliss Collector WWTP and staff has received from the MPCA in recognition of exceptional compliance with its MPCA wastewater permit during the 2018 review year. There is a utility box project in which utility boxes are painted to add charm and appeal to a city center. The Mayor said Scandia has painted boxes at the Hay Lake School and one at Gammelgarden, and she would like to identify where the city has other utility boxes. Hawkinson indicated the one at the SW corner of Olinda and Oakhill is owned by Washington County. The City has a box on Oakhill by the cemetery. Mayor Maefsky indicated she would put it on a work session once she has a proposal drafted. PRESENTATION ON WAKES ON THE LOWER ST. CROIX NATIONAL SCENIC RIVERWAY- JOHN GOODFELLOW John Goodfellow narrated a power point presentation regarding the issue of wakes and their effect on the Lower St. Croix National Scenic Riverway. Goodfellow became interested in this topic while getting accredited as a Watershed Steward and picked this issue as a capstone project, but found it was a complicated issue and takes quite a bit of time, so he chose another July 16, 2019 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 5 project. He has found an increased use of the river, use of bigger boats, and recent higher water levels is negatively impacting the riverway. There are regulations in effect for the riverway but there is uncertainty on the part of users as to what those regulations are and how they are communicated. On August 30, 2018, a 3-person joint management commission representing three jurisdictions was appointed to address wake issues on the river. Goodfellow requested a letter of support to the Lower St. Croix River Management Commission to authorize a stakeholder study group to investigate opportunities to address the issue of wakes on the riverway. The primary focus being public education intended to raise awareness of wake-related issues and restrictions on the Scenic Riverway. Goodfellow will supply a template letter for the Council to consider at their next work session. Dan Willius, 23577 Quentin Ave., supports this request and made two points. 1. River traffic has increased and recent high-water years has produced an urgency to this issue, especially with the introduction of wake boats designed to create large wakes. 2. He agrees with more education rather than law enforcement. Tagging onto this issue, Pam Smith, 20919 Quint Ave., lives on the river and supports Goodfellow’s effort as she has also noticed bigger boats and bigger wakes. Smith maintains 8 of the last 10 years have been high water years and so wakes have had greater impacts on the river banks. Smith feels users are unaware of wake impacts and regulations and has requested a larger sign at the Log House Landing as an interim measure while this new study unfolds. The sign would be paid for by supportive area residents, Friends of Log House Landing. Smith asked for the City’s blessing and approval of a design and placement. Councilmember Cusick was not in favor of a sign that cannot be enforced. Councilmember Ray mentioned that the Bone Lake Association worked with the DNR to make and install signs at the Bone Lake landing to educate user about wakes and it seems to have a positive impact. After much discussion the Council agreed to the following wording and that Smith would work with Public Works Director Hawkinson on the production and placement of an educational sign. SLOW – MINIMAL WAKE From Arcola Sandbar to Taylors Falls PLEASE NO WAKE WHEN *Near Paddlers *Within 100 feet of shore *Within 100 feet of swimmers COALITION AGAINST BIGGER TRUCKS Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve sending a letter of support to Congress against raising truck weights as it will negatively impact local roads. Motion carried 5 – 0. EDA RECOMMENDATION FOR COMMUNITY CENTER NEEDS ANALYSIS STUDY Councilmember/EDA member Kronmiller reported on the EDA’s motion to support an expenditure of $6,000 to $10,000 for a Community Center Needs Analysis study because of the potential economic benefits a revitalized Community Center would provide. Mayor Maefsky reported on the Community Center Taskforce’s research and quotes received for this needs July 16, 2019 Scandia City Council Page 5 of 5 analysis. Councilmember Ness requested time to review those quotes. Council will review the quotes for discussion at the next work session. EDA BUSINESS VISITATION PROGRAM AND SURVEY Councilmember Kronmiller reported on the EDA Board’s initiative to better engage and support the businesses in the community by visiting and surveying several businesses in town and asked if any Councilmembers would like to participate in this endeavor. Councilmembers Ness and Cusick agreed to accompany an EDA Board member on these visits. DISCUSSION ON SCANDIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EXPIRING TERM Mark Porubcansky’s term on the EDA Board expires on July 31, 2019. The opening was advertised on the city’s website and Facebook. Porubcansky was the only applicant for the expiring EDA 3-year term. Ness, seconded by Ray, moved to approve appointing Mark Porubcansky to the EDA Board for a term expiring on July 31, 2022. The motion carried 5-0. PURCHASE OF TIRES FOR GRADER EQUIPMENT The Purchasing policy limits purchasing of items or services costing more than $2,000 and less than $5,000 to be authorized by the City Administrator. In the absence of a City Administrator Public Works Hawkinson brought two quotes to the Council for new tires for the grader. Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve the purchase, complete service call, installation and recycling of tires for the grader from Pomps and Hart Bros. for the price of $3,687.40. The motion carried 5 – 0. ADJOURNMENT Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus Treasurer