07-17-2019 Budget Work SessionJuly 17, 2019 The City Council conducted a Budget Work Session on the above date beginning at 4:37 p.m. The following were present: Council members Chris Ness, Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Patti Ray, and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff members: Public Works Director Adam Hawkinson, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, and former City Administrator Neil Soltis APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Motion by Ness, seconded by Ray, to approve the agenda as amended to talk about hiring a new city administrator. Vote 5-0. Motion carried. DISCUSSION OF THE 2020 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS Soltis presented a draft 2020 Budget starting with the wage detail/allocations and assumption that the Personnel wages were based on the Council adopting the new wage step scale prior to January 1, 2020. Benefits included family coverage health insurance in Administrator position. Next Soltis covered the impact on property taxes based on a proposed levy increase $218,174, or nearly 10%. In the General Fund (Operating Expenses) the increase is $133,000 (10%). But last year the levy was reduced to stay level, which was achieved by cutting $68,000 from the General Fund. Another part of the increase is a recommendation from the Capital Improvement Committee of $30,000 for the Park Capital Improvement Fund and $55,000 for the Local Road Improvement Fund. Taxable Market Value projects a 12% increase. So even levying $218,174 more, actually per thousand dollars of taxable market valuation is going down by $.07. Focusing on the target fund balance for 2020, year-end fund balance is projected to be $1,126,701. Goal is to keep 65%, or $1,152,710, so a little under target but still a good cushion. However, no extra fund balance to transfer to capital funds is projected. GENERAL FUND Total increase in General Fund is about $73,800, of which $43,200 is in Wages and $32,950 in Contractual Services. ADMIN & FINANCE 2020 Budget is close to the 2019 Projected Budget (less transfer), but an increase of $27,200 from 2019, much of it in Personnel costs. In the past, to keep levy constant any increase was taken out of Admin & Finance. No transfer is projected for 2020. Treasurer Firkus spoke to the need for managed computer services. PLANNING The 2020 Budget assumes a lower permit revenue than in 2017 and 2018 which were unusually large due to storm damage, solar gardens, and school building project, but kept the same as 2019. Planning Fees were increased $10,000 to rewrite development code once the Comprehensive Plan is adopted. FIRE DEPT Chief Hinz talked about increasing expenditures for computer support due to increasing complicated systems. Training higher as three new people going through EMT training. Other training expected to be covered by grants. Almost $11,000 in grants were received in 2019. July 17, 2019 Scandia City Council Work Session Page 2 of 3 Some line items were increased due to changing where things were allocated. County CAD system requires three iPad for trucks and three new air cards. PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Director Hawkinson gave an overview of his process of evaluating six-month figures and adjusting next year’s figures accordingly. There were some big equipment repairs were done in 2019, so increased that budget slightly. Councilmember asked why such an increase in salt costs from 2018 to 2019 and if more were being used. The cost of salt increased by $10 per ton since 2018, and there were bigger snow events in early 2019. Staff will send information on tons used to Council. CABLE TV FUND This year a big expenditure for the audio system in board room. End of 2020 expected balance of $15,000, of which only about $4,000 is restricted. Expenditures expected are $6,7600, the rest can be used at the Council’s discretion. EDA FUND Kept a levy of $5,000. End of 2019 expect a fund balance of $25,000, of which $20,000 is held in reserve for a revolving fund. So, end of 2020 about $10,000 is available. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Big jump is starting to pay for 2018 road improvement project. No other changes. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND The fund balance is a result of the transfers of the past two years. The 2020 projects are the $100,000 for Community building, $60,000 for emergency generator at Fire Hall, $25,000 HVAC at Fire Hall, $75,000 for parking lot at Fire Hall/Public Works, leaving about $850,000 balance. EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Three purchases scheduled for 2020 includes $30,000 for a defibrillator, $98,000 to replace a tractor/mower, and $95,000 to add a loader. That fund is projected to run out of money in 2021 and the Capital Improvement Committee will be recommending a $100,000 transfer into this fund from the Capital Improvement Fund. PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Capital Improvement Committee will be recommending a dedicated revenue source for project by levying $30,000 beginning 2020. The big drop in Revenue between 2019 and 2020 reflects the land sale of $140,000 in 2019. Biggest purchase in 2020 is the Zamboni. The grant for Lilleskogen reflected split over four years. The money was budgeted in 2019, but will be spent over four years. LOCAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND The Capital Committee recommended a $55,000 increase in funding to fund annual projects as recommended on a schedule from the city engineer approved by the Committee. July 17, 2019 Scandia City Council Work Session Page 3 of 3 201 SEWER To replace the panels, the budget numbers are too low this year at $37,500 each as they will cost $55,000 each. So that will overspend the 2019 budget. Currently the fund cash flows, but in the long term it is not accumulating very fast. The Wastewater Committee is expected to recommend an increase in revenue in user fees. There is the 5-year plan to be submitted to the PCA in September, which needs a number to support that plan. Rate structures can flow out of that plan. UPTOWN SEWER No big changes, other than a 5% increase. Soltis suggested the increased use of the warming house may provide that extra 5% revenue depending on how much the volume increases, but should be discussed by the Wastewater Committee. Mayor Maefsky asked if the Uptown will be in the same position of the 201 System where a large amount is needed to replace the system. Soltis all the equipment is on a replacement schedule, but not a major upgrade. The Uptown doesn’t have the same issue as the nitrate problem requiring a remedy, and it doesn’t have an inflow & infiltration problem, like the 201 System. Uptown also has a lot of capacity. Councilmember Kronmiller indicated that every system has a lifespan and the city needs to plan for replacement. Further information that the Council will need are the final recommendations, including broadband figure, from the Capital Improvement Committee which is meeting August 8, and from the Wastewater Committee which is meeting July 24. Soltis expressed concern about the cash balance in the Capital Improvement Fund over 5 years, especially with no additional inflow. Mayor Maefsky reported on the possibility of funds for the Capital building from a State bonding bill. Next budget workshop on Wednesday, August 21, at 4:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Ness, seconded by Cusick to adjourn the meeting. Vote 5-0. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus Treasurer