5.f Firefighters Hagen and Bizzotto resignations
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: September, 17 2019
To: City Council
From: Mike Hinz, Fire Chief
Re: Resignation of John Hagen
John Hagen joined the department 06-01-2014 and has now moved out of the service area.
His reasoning for leaving the area is the inability to find a home to rent or purchase in our service
area within his budget.
His letter of resignation is attached.
Accept the resignation of John Hagen?
Proposal Details:
Accept the resignation
Fiscal Impact:
The fiscal impact of John Hagen resigning is a loss of about $6,000 spent on training to date.
Wages will be offset by proposed new members starting June 1st 2020 and promotion of new fire
(1) Accept resignation
(2) Do nothing
Option (1).
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: September, 17 2019
To: City Council
From: Mike Hinz, Fire Chief
Re: Resignation of Jesse Bizzotto
Jesse Bizzotto joined the department 06-01-2017 and has now moved out of the service area.
His reasoning for leaving the area is the inability to find a home to rent or purchase in our service
area within his budget.
His letter of resignation is attached or will be presented at the meeting.
Accept the resignation of Jesse Bizzotto?
Proposal Details:
Accept the resignation
Fiscal Impact:
The fiscal impact of Jesse Bizzotto resigning is a loss of about $3,500 spent on training to date.
Wages will be offset by possible new members starting June 1st 2020.
(1) Accept resignation
(2) Do nothing
Option (1).
John Hagen
Dear Chief Mike Hinz,
With deepest regrets I'm informing you that I will be moving to the city of north branch on
september 1st.I will no longer be living in the city of scandia.I will be resigning from the Rescue
Captain Position and will be retiring after 5 years from the fire department effective September
1st 2019.To all the Fire Officers,thank you so much for promoting me to Captain at 20 years
old and only 2 years on the fire department.You all have taught me so much and have pushed
me to strive to the best firefighter and captain.Dear Firefighters,thank you for being my brothers
and sisters for my five years of service.Current and Retired.You all have been a huge part of
my life.I learned so much from you.Professionalism,honesty,responsibility,how to be humble
and integrity.The fire department has been my second home for many years.(No I did not ever
sleep at the hall).It was great working with you and gaining many lifelong friends.Dear City of
Scandia,thank you so much for letting me serve and protect you city.It has been my honor and
privilege.I am saddened to be leaving the city but I had no choice.I was unable to find a home
that was affordable for me.I do hope in the future that the city looks at this issue and considers
a change because I can see it hurting the fire department and its volunteers in the long run.
Thank you all for the support you have given to me and I will see you on the next "big one".
John Hagen