5.g Staff Report Holmatro sale
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: September, 17th 2019
To: City Council
From: Mike Hinz, Fire Chief
Re: Old Holmatro Extrication Tools
After receiving our new Extrication tools what should we do with the old set that was replaced?
In the past we have posted them on a government auction site (publicsurplus.com). We have
used this site in the past to sell replaced items and have had good success. However this unit is
not in good working order and may not sell because of that, unless there is a department that
would purchase it just for the tools and not the power unit.
What should the city do with the old Extrication tools?
Proposal Details:
Post on government auction site with a minimum bid of $250.00.
Fiscal Impact:
The fiscal impact to auction tools would be income of sale price.
(1) Direct staff to post tools on auction site
(2) Scrap out what we can
Option (1).