9.a.1 9-17-19 Staff Recommendation GatewayDate of Meeting: September 17, 2019 To: City Council From: Christine Maefsky, Mayor Re: Bonding Request for Gateway Trail Background: In 2017 the state completed acquisition of the final easements for connecting the Gateway State Trail from Marine on St. Croix, through William O’Brien State Park to Scandia. In 2018 the legislature removed an Agricultural Preserve restriction to allow the final link of the Gateway between William O’Brien and Scandia to be developed now. Predesign work on this portion of the trail was completed in 2018 using previously appropriated funds and final design was done on the William O’Brien to Scandia connection. This project is now ready to move ahead with the final engineering of the tunnel and construction. The in-park connection requires final design and engineering, but the location was identified and it is also ready to be implemented. This project will result in the extension of the state’s most popular bike trail the additional 3.5 miles from the William O’Brien State Park campground and interpretive areas to the Scandia Village Center. This will allow access from the Park to two tot-lots, tennis courts, a skating rink, multiple sports fields and the Gammelgarden Museum in Scandia, and complete a trail segment anticipated to have very heavy use by families and children. This segment will also make possible on-road linkage to points south to Pine Point Park and points north to the Swedish Immigrant Trail in Chisago County. Design and engineering work for the north and south linkages is also proposed to be funded to accelerate completion of the linkage to the Immigrant Trail and Interstate Park and ultimately links to the Munger Trails to connect to Duluth. Proposal: Approve the application for State Bonding money for the Gateway Trail extension through William O’Brien State Park into the Scandia Village Center with exploration of extensions south and north. Options: 1. Accept proposal 2. Deny proposal Recommendation: Option 1