9.f Patch quote - 191st - Arcade Asphalt - 2019CITY OF SCANDIA
Mark Envelope: Are L1 d e Ate' z� 1-I- o,�d- r U�-d& c
q I 5 �1vT�� .� o - � M3 -nn i nq rN.
To the Public Works Director:
The Subscriber hereby proposes to furnish the following hereinafter named, in
accordance with the provisions of the proposal ding document of which this forms a
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f 5e -.r �n
M � n cis 1 6-0 k_-
'I 4-&ekk- -e—ko m , Ii err
$� f -7) 96%0,06
Proposal Price in words: 5e t1e- _ ir1 1 G'� Cr Y? c i 'c .� 11-ai ?elred
Number of Calendar Days to Complete Project from Notice to Proceed: i
It is understood the right is reserved by the City of Scandia to increase, decrease, or
delete any of the above quantities. The City of Scandia reserves the right to award
all or any parts of this proposal to one or more proposers as determined by the lowest
responsible proposal and/or specifications, at its sole discretion.
Executed at: 5!6)n /-�-v1\A this day of 2-�Jevr
Quote submitted by:
Title Pre --!s oG Lon i--Y-
Company rc ��e
Street Address 3-3-W,' _1-\-►e-
City , State, Zip M n 5-a-6 ES1
Phone L, 6J -
Federal I.D. No. �+