9.f Road patching on 191st Street
To: Mayor, City council
From: Adam Hawkinson, Director of Public Works
Date: September 17th, 2019
Re: Patch on 191st - overlay
Since 2016 there has been a stretch of road on 191st that has continued to have potholes every season
and has delamination issues as we have seen on other roads. Since 2016 the patching by public works
department has increased on this stretch of the road and the pot holes are getting worse. The larger
potholes are on the approach to a corner of the road which is a safety concern for braking. Roads in the
Bliss area, including 191st, are not included any of the road improvement plans over the next five years.
Should the council approve the patching of 191st?
Staff recommends that a 460’ patch be applied, by contractors, to 191st to extend the life of the road
and alleviate the safety concerns for braking when approaching the corner. It should extend the life of
that section of road by 7 years and allow the City time to perform studies, implement water quality
projects, and create specifications for road improvements in the area. Asphalt companies are really busy
this year and we only received on quote back by the deadline from Arcade Asphalt.
Fiscal Impact: The quote from Arcade Asphalt was $17,800.00. The funds would come from the
Contractual Road Maint./ Repairs Fund. The current balance in the account is close to $100,000.00.
1. Accept the proposal from Arcade Asphalt
2. Do not accept
Option 1