9.g Native Landscapes proposal - Lilleskogen Park 9-10-19 - grant workMinnesota Native Landscapes, Inc. · 8740 77th Street Northeast Otsego, MN 55362 · Phone: 763-295-0010 · Website: MnNativeLandscapes.com To: Adam Hawkinson Date: September 10, 2019 Quote for Ecological Restoration at Lilleskogen Park - Scandia, MN Project area: Approximately 9 acres (6 acres of woodland restoration and 3 acres of wet meadow restoration) Included Procedures: Woodland Restoration- 1. Cut, treat, pile and either burn on site or chip and remove all undesirable woody vegetation. Undesirable woody species to include Buckthorn, Honeysuckle and Black Locust. (Fall/Winter 2019) 2. Conduct two foliar treatments on re-sprouted undesirable woody vegetation. (Spring/Summer/Fall 2020) 3. Install native woodland seed mix (Fall 2021) Wet Meadow Restoration- 1. Conduct herbicide application on existing vegetation, predominantly Reed Canary Grass. (Fall 2019) 2. Allow dieback and over-wintering and conduct a second herbicide application. (Spring 2020) 3. After dieback conduct a prescribed burn on the wet meadow area. (Spring/Summer 2020) 4. After the prescribed burn lightly disk the area to stimulate Reed Canary Grass regrowth. (Summer 2020) 5. Allow green up and conduct a third herbicide application. (Late Summer/Fall 2020) 6. If necessary, conduct further herbicide treatments. 7. Install native seed mix using a no-till or broadcast approach. Seeding methodology will be determined at the time of seeding. On-going maintenance will continue through the 2021 and 2022 growing seasons for both project areas. Item Units Qty Unit Price Total Price Woodland Restoration Cut, treat, pile, and remove undesirable woody vegetation AC 6 $3,500.00 $21,000.00 Conduct foliar treatment (two times) AC 6 $800.00 $4,800.00 Installation of Native Woodland Seed Mix AC 6 $1,500.00 $9,000.00 Wet Meadow Restoration Herbicide Application Each 3 $1,400.00 $4,200.00 Prescribed Burn (3 AC) LS 1 $3,900.00 $3,900.00 Installation of Native Wet Meadow Seed Mix AC 3 $2,400.00 $7,200.00 On-Going Maintenance Year 2 $7,500.00 $15,000.00 TOTAL: $65,100.00 Notes: 1. This quote does not include prevailing wage rates. 2. MNL does not warranty against acts of vandalism, severe drought, flooding or damages caused by wildlife. 3. This quote is good for a period of 30 days. All work will be billed following completion, with payment being due within 30 da ys of receipt of invoice. Submitted By: To accept this quote sign here: ____________________________ Date: September 10, 2019 ____________________________________ Josh Hanson josh@MNLcorp.com Sign Date