9.g Prairie Restorations - 2019 Lilleskogen Park proposal
Date: 8/5/2019
Proposal to Create a Native Landscape at the
Lilleskogen Park
Scandia, MN
Prepared for:
Adam Hawkinson
Public Works Director
City of Scandia
14727 209th Street North,
Scandia, MN, 555073
Prepared by:
Joe Wilberg
Project Area:
±7.3 acres
or 8.1 acres with north sections
(approximately 2.3 acres wetland & 5.8 acres upland)
Two Oaks Office
PO Box 95
Scandia MN 55073
A. Company Background: http://www.prairieresto.com/mission.shtml (Follow the blue links to learn more)
Prairie Restorations, Inc. (PRI) has been dedicated to the restoration and management
of native plant communities for over 40 years. We are fortunate to have worked with
thousands of clients on a wide variety of projects in both the public and private
sectors throughout the Upper Midwest.
The PRI staff currently consists of 54 full-time professionals and about an equal
number of seasonal employees which operate out of 7 Minnesota locations. Most of
the staff has B.S. degrees in natural resource related fields such as biology, forestry,
horticulture or wildlife. As a full service restora tion company, PRI is able to provide
our clients expertise and service in all facets of native landscape restoration. Along
with consulting, design, installation and land management services, we also produce
our own local ecotype seed and plant materials which are used on all of our projects.
The PRI Team is committed to and passionate about protecting and enhancing our
valuable natural resources. It is this dedication that is brought to each and every one
of our projects. We are proud to offer the be st expertise, services and products
available in the industry and appreciate the opportunity to provide you with this
B. Site preparation: http://www.prairieresto.com/installation_preparation.shtml
1. Late Summer 2019: In wetland areas with Reed Canary Grass, apply an aquatic-
approved glyphosate herbicide (Rodeo® or equivalent) as per manufacturer’s
directions. In upland areas of Reed Canary Grass apply a glyphosate herbicide
(Roundup®, Rodeo, or equivalent) as per manufacturer’s directions. Allow a minimum
of 10 days before disturbing the vegetation with other procedures.
2. October 2019: Foliar overspray (smaller) buckthorn & honeysuckle resprouts where
previously cut, using Garlon4 Ultra herbicide.
3. Late Fall/Winter 2019/ 2020: Remove (taller) invasive woody species such as European
buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) and Eurasian Honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.), Black
Locust, and other select trees (Aspen) by flush cutting and stump treating with
Triclopyr herbicide (Garlon 4® or equivalent). Use Milestone® or Transline® herbicide
on Black Locust stumps.
4. Pile taller stems/larger material and burn on site when there is at least 2” of snow on
the ground.
5. Aspen trees to be removed are around the wetland edge, up to 6 ” in diameter. Other
trees around the wetland to be removed are smaller ash, box elder trees up t o 4”
6. Fall 2019 or Spring 2020 Wetland: Remove the dead vegetation by implementing a
prescribed burn using appropriate procedures, equipment and permits.
7. July 2020: mow/ whip buckthorn & honeysuckle resprouts to set up for fall overspray.
Leave stems scattered on ground.
8. 2020, 2021, (up to June 30) 2022: Continue control of Reed canary grass by use of
Rodeo & Roundup herbicides (2-3 visits/year); and continue control of invasive woody
resprouts with fall oversprays of Garlon4 herbicide.
C. Seed and Seeding: http://www.prairieresto.com/installation_seeding.shtml
1. Broadcast native seed mixes in fall of 2021; approximately 2.3 acres wetland and 5.8
acres upland/ savanna.
2. Suggested seed mixes:
Grass Seed lbs / project area
TO11 - Two Oaks Wet Meadow Grass Mix:
by PLS weight. .............................................................................. 23 lbs
Bottlebrush grass (Elymus hystrix)
or Silky wild rye (Elymus villosus) ......................................... 1.5 lbs
TO4 - Two Oaks Savanna Grass Mix:
21% Little bluestem, 20% Side oats grama,
10% Poverty oats grass, 8% Canada rye,
8% Silky rye, 8% Bottlebrush grass,
8% Big bluestem, 5% Indian grass,
5% Blue grama, 5% Kalm’s brome,
2% Hairy wood chess all by PLS weight. ...................................... 70 lbs
Note: A cover crop will be sown along with the native grasses at a rate of approximately 25 lbs./acre. Cover crop is an
annual grass species that germinates quickly and will reduce the risk of soil erosion on the site. Oats will be used
for a spring or summer seeding, and winter wheat will be used for a fall seeding.
Wildflower Seed oz / project area
TO11 – Two Oaks Wet Meadow Forb Mix:
by PLS weight .................................................................................... 55 ounces
TO4 - Two Oaks Savanna Forb Mix:
12% Purple prairie clover, 12% Hoary vervain, 9% Leadplant,
9% White prairie clover, 8% Black eyed Susan, 5% Columbine,
4% Partridge pea, 4% Bush clover,
4% Stiff goldenrod, 4% Spiderwort, 3% Large leaved aster,
3% Ox-eye sunflower, 3% Gray goldenrod,
3% Golden alexander, 2% Canada milkvetch, 2% Canada tick trefoil,
2% Lindley’s aster, 2% Smooth aster, 1.5% Common milkweed,
0.5% Yarrow all by PLS weight. ....................................................... 144 ounces
D. Costs:
2019 1st Reed Canary grass spraying .................................................... $1,500
2019 Fall woody invasive overspray .................................................... $2,800 plus tax
Winter woody cut/pile/burn ............................................................. $ 11,200 plus tax
Controlled burn (grassy areas) ............................................................. $1,600
2020 Summer woody resprout mowing/setup ................................... $1,650 plus tax
2020 Reed Canary grass control .......................................................... $3,000
2020 Fall woody resprout overspray ................................................... $2,500 plus tax
2021 Reed Canary grass control........................................................... $2,800
2021 Fall woody resprout overspray ................................................... $2,000 plus tax
2021 Fall seeding (seed cost separate) ................................................ $1,800
Seed costs 8.1 acres using suggested seed mixes/quantities .............. $7,700
2022 Reed Canary grass control (through June 30) ............................. $1,000
*Total (through June 30, 2022) ........................................... $ 39,550 plus tax on woody work
*does not include removal of downed dead trees or standing dead trees
E. Contract:
If you accept the proposal as written and want to proceed with the project, please
sign the contract below.
Owner (print): _____________________________Date:___________________
Signed: _____________________________Title:___________________
Project Name: _______________________Contract Value: $______________
Contractor: Prairie Restorations, Inc.
Signed: _________________________________Date: _______________
Joe Wilberg—Project Manager
Prairie Restorations, Inc.
PO Box 95
Scandia MN 55073
F. Notes: Please note that this proposal is valid for 1 month (from the date on the
proposal). If the proposal is accepted after the 1 month period, PRI reserves the right
to modify the proposal based on cost fluctuations and material availability.
Restoration outline prepared by Prairie Restorations, Inc. (PRI), Princeton, Minnesota