8. Excess Inventory - Skate ramps, Wreaths, bleachers (1) Staff Report Date of Meeting: 10-2-19 To: Mayor, City council From: Adam Hawkinson, Director of Public Works Re: Excess Inventory Background: Through approved purchases the Publics Works Department notes the City has excess inventory of used items that are taking up storage area. Some of the inventory does not meet today’s safety standards and some has come the end of its useful life. The wreaths were replaced due to their poor condition. The Skate ramps were also replaced due to their disrepair and age. The bleachers at Wayne Erickson Ball Park being replaced due to pads being installed, the condition of the bleachers, and the bleachers would not withstand being moved with new concrete pad upgrades approved. Issue: What disposal process does the council approve of for the excess inventory? Proposal Details: Staff proposes the old holiday wreaths are recycled appropriately since there are LED lights attached. Bulbs would be removed and the rest of the wreath would be deposited in the dumpster. Staff proposes the bleachers form Wayne Erickson are disposed of by being hauled away to a landfill or provide a dumpster for the disposal. The time to remove individual boards would be in efficient and not a good use of PW resources. Staff proposes the used Skate Park equipment and ramps be sold through an online auction site with a disclaimer of warrantees and of liability included. The PW department has been contacted by one interested party. Fiscal Impact: $473 per dumpster. Staff recommends appropriating for two dumpsters but we would aim to have all the board remnants fit in one 40 yd. dumpster. Funds would come from the misc. contractual expenditure. Options: 1.) Sell the old Skate park ramps with conditions, recycle the wreaths appropriately, and remove the Wayne Erickson bleachers by means of a dumpster. 2.) Follow other recommendations by council. Recommendation: #1