09-17-2019 Meeting
September 17, 2019
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Christine
Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call
was taken. The following members were present: Council members Steve Kronmiller, Jerry
Cusick, Chris Ness, Patti Ray, and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff present: City Engineer Ryan
Goodman, City Attorney Eric Sherburne, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works Director Adam
Hawkinson, and Treasurer Colleen Firkus. Police Deputy David Peters was available later in the
Jesse Pereboom, Internet Focus Committee member, questioned Councilmember Ray as to the
speed of the homes in the grant proposal. Ray countered the homes were unserved or
underserved and have inadequate service. Pereboom chided the Council for proceeding with a
plan to work with Midco in expanding internet into the city, even though his home is included in
the grant proposal, and not including the most underserved people. Pereboom also asked about
the makeup of the Internet Action Committee. Council responded that the committee makeup is
going to be addressed later on the agenda.
There were no other comments from the public.
Mayor Maefsky requested a change on 8d) Engineer’s Report to move part to 9n), and add 9o)
Proclamation of National Cinnamon Bun Day, and 9p) Training for Public Works staff.
Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion
carried 5-0.
The following Consent Agenda was presented and amended with an addition for appointing
Shaun Holtgreve to Fire Captain.
a) Minutes
1) August 20, 2019 Special Meeting
2) August 20, 2019 Council Meeting
3) September 4, 2019 Work Session
4) September 10, 2019 Special Meeting
b) Treasurer’s Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Resolution No. 09-17-19-01 approving the Health Care Plan and Establishing City
Contribution to Employee Health Insurance Benefits for 2020
e) Agreement with Safe Assure for OSHA and Safety training and support
f) Accept resignations of Firefighters John Hagen and Jesse Bizzotto
g) Approve disposal of Fire Department’s old extrication tools to public auction
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Ness, seconded by Ray, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. The motion
carried 5-0.
There were no public hearings or committee reports.
Building Official Chuck Preisler’s report on building activity was received. In August, 30
permits were issued at a valuation of $311,640. To date, eight new construction permits have
been issued.
Police Deputy Peters was absent until later in the meeting. Councilmember Kronmiller pointed
out 25% of calls to the Sheriff’s office came from one home and he would like to see the City
Administrator work with the police department to do something to stop these nuisance calls.
Hinz asked the Council to sign a Letter of Commitment of Funds to apply for a grant for a backup
generator. Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve signing the Letter of
Commitment of Funds. The motion passed 5-0.
Fire Chief Mike Hinz reported that the department responded to 10 fire calls and 12 medical calls
in August. Council approved the sale the department’s old extrication tools at public auction in
the Consent Agenda.
Hinz requested the hiring of Justin Levy starting October 1, as he already has his Firefighter 1 &
2, and there were two resignations. A full hire application period will happen next spring. Ness,
seconded by Cusick, moved to approve the hiring of Justin Levy. The motion passed 5-0.
City Engineer Ryan Goodman reported that he attended the first TAC meeting for the county’s
Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. Goodman is concerned about the low number of comments received
for northern Washington County and encouraged the Council to post comments on the
interactive website and to encourage others to do so as well. It was noted that the website was
not user friendly but there were alternative ways to share comments such as by phone or email.
There is a pop-up meeting on September 21 at Tour de Hugo where other comments can also be
Goodman presented a report for a Community Water Study near the Fire Station and commercial
area along Hwy. 97. Total cost would be slightly under $3 million. It could be jumpstarted by
connection fees with new users, grant opportunities, or a large user coming in and helping fund
the project through a development agreement with the City. The plan hasn’t been presented to
the EDA or the County yet as that would be the role of the new administrator. The main focus
came out of the EDA and the ability to get grant money to develop a water supply which would
allow greater densities and commercial development in the area.
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Goodman reported the state approved new laws that allows cities to approve speed limits. Cities
can approve a limit up to 25 mph on certain roads without any engineering review. The state
wants to get out of the business of speed studies and turn it over to cities. Goodman cautioned if
the city starts reviewing and changing speed limits on a lot of roads, there will be an increase in
expenses to the city with the purchase, posting and upkeep of new signs. The state did not send
out any standards. If the City starts designating speed limits, then they will have to post the
roads. The City will continue the discussion when the new city administrator is on board.
City Attorney Sherburne mentioned that there is a new compliance letter/form and practice to
draw attention to code violations that is being implemented through the deputy clerk. The City’s
Administrative Citation Program is not in practice yet. The current practice is a compliance letter
spelling out the alleged violation, the code that is violated, where and when it occurred and
setting a date for remedying the violation. A tracking program will need to be established with
reporting to the Council.
Public Works Director Hawkinson reported that the trees at the Community Center are impacted
by a fungus and may recover next spring; otherwise they will need to be removed. The tractor
mower arm broke and Public Works staff will be using the rear mower for now to do single-pass
Mayor Maefsky requested the Council approve the application for the State Bonding for the
Gateway Trail extension through William O’Brien State Park into the Scandia Village Center
with exploration of extensions south and north. John Herman said it is reasonable to approach
our legislatures to add this to the next bonding bill with help from Senator Housely and Rep. Bob
Dettmer. The amount requested of $4.95 million is the desired outcome, but don’t expect to get
all the money. Herman feels just the asking increases the visibility of this significant trail in
Scandia. Ray, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve the application for State Bonding
money for the Gateway Trail extension. The motion passed 5-0.
Attorney Sherburne reminded the Council that such expenditures requests must have a public
purpose and meet certain criteria. Sherburne recommended findings in a resolution that list how
this expenditure meets the necessary criteria. Councilmember Ness said he would prefer to make
a one-time $5,000 expenditure. Council was in consensus with a one-time expenditure. A
resolution with findings will be brought to the next meeting.
Ness, seconded by Ray, moved to approve a maximum tax levy of $2,429,946. The motion
passed 5-0.
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Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve a public hearing be held on December 4,
2019, at 6:30 p.m. on the 2020 Budget & Capital Improvement Plan. The motion passed 5-
Ray, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the hiring of Brenda Stignani for the position of
Office Assistant/Recreation Program Coordinator. The motion passed 5-0.
Public Works Director Hawkinson presented two quotes for patching on 191st Street. Even
though both quotes are the same amount, Hawkinson recommended the proposal from Arcade
Asphalt as their proposal was more detailed and they were available to start sooner. Ray,
seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve the proposal from Arcade Asphalt to do
patching on 19st Street. The motion passed 5-0.
Hawkinson presented two quotes for work on restoring vegetation at Lilleskogen Park from
Prairie Restoration of $39,550 and Minnesota Native Landscapes of $65,100. The grant from the
DNR is for $38,270 with a match of $3,830 by the City. Ness, seconded by Cusick, moved to
accept the Prairie Restoration proposal for vegetative restoration at Lilleskogen Park. The
motion passed 5-0.
Councilmember Ray presented a list of action steps to move forward with bringing internet to
every home and business in Scandia, including a list for committee member qualifications.
Councilmember Kronmiller suggested and Ray agreed to revise number 2 to read “property tax
impact.” Kronmiller presented a proposal that outlined the purpose and goals of an Internet
Action Committee, as well as committee member qualifications. Ray and Kronmiller agreed to
work together to merge the goals with the actions into one plan for presentation at the next work
session at the suggestion of Mayor Maefsky.
Deputy Clerk Eklund’s report requested the Council prepare articles to be included in the
October newsletter. Three articles have been submitted by the Public Works Director on the
tornado cleanup, snowplowing and grants received. The Mayor promised to write on the
Community Center Needs Assessment and Vinterlights. Ray will write on Lilleskogen and
Internet Expansion. Ness will report on Ordinance Violations and procedures. Staff will
introduce the new city administrator. Firkus will send Council a suggested word count for
articles. Gorham will be requested to write on Vinterfest. A deadline for article submission was
set for October 2 with a newsletter ready for Council approval at the October 15 meeting.
Mayor Maefsky brought to Council’s attention that the watershed district’s budget includes a
30% increase. A public hearing was held September 11. The budget is reviewed by the County
and the Watershed Board of Managers will vote on it. The CMSWD has made reductions and
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shifts illustrated on slide 9 of their Draft Budget Overview. Councilmember Kronmiller
encouraged the Council to call the watershed and voice their opinion on the budget.
Ray, seconded by Ness, moved to approve signing the Wake Study letter of support. The
motion passed 5-0.
Councilmember Ray conveyed the Lion’s reluctance to pay for lighting on the Community
Center and Warming House as their Taco Daze fundraiser was not great due to weather. Last
year the Lions spent $2,196 hiring out the holiday lighting. Ray asked if the Council wanted to
consider purchasing lights and using Public Works employees to install them. Ray continued her
report with the introduction of the first Best of Scandia Holiday Shopping Extravaganza. The
goal is to get 30 local artists/crafters to display their wares at the Community Center for holiday
shopping from noon to 5:00 on Sunday December 1. The Bone Lake Association will be
providing dalahorse Christmas cookies.
Maefsky informed the Council that Tom Helke volunteered to decorate the large tree on the
grounds and Maefsky procured the lights when on sale last year. Hawkinson suggested starting
small with just one building like the Community Center. Maefsky, seconded by Ray, moved to
spend $1,500 to purchase holiday lights. Motion withdrawn after some discussion. The
Council asked staff to do more research on the cost of purchasing and installing lights, identify
the budget line item, and bring the information to the October work session.
Hawkinson reported that the Christmas light brackets had to be reconfigured to hold the 12 flags
the City uses on the decorative light posts. Flags are to be displayed from Memorial Day through
Veteran’s Day. The City owns 44 Christmas light pole decorations that will be put up after
Veteran’s Day.
Kronmiller, seconded by Ray, made a motion to amend the agenda to discuss the new
administrator’s employment agreement. The motion passed 5-0.
Ray, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve the employment agreement with Kenneth
Cammelleri. The motion passed 5-0.
Engineer Goodman presented three quotes for replacing Bliss Lift Stations 1 and 2 control
panels. The project was budgeted for $75,000. Kronmiller, seconded by Ray, made a motion
to accept the proposal from Connelly Industrial Electronics for $103,000.
Mayor Maefsky requested the Council approve a proclamation declaring a Scandia National
Cinnamon Bun Day for October 4, 2019. Attorney Sherburne suggested striking the word
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“National” as Scandia really can’t declare a national holiday. Ray, seconded by Kronmiller,
moved to proclaim October 4, 2019 a Scandia Cinnamon Bun Day. The motion passed 5-0.
Mayor Maefsky expressed her desire for the public works staff to attend this training event.
Public Works Direction Hawkinson offered to put together a proposal to address issues with
going to this event; it is a two-day event so staff being gone for 2 days and how fits in union
contract for considering overtime. Councilmember Cusick suggested the event could be
considered in “lieu of duty.” Hawkinson suggested two staff members go one day and two the
next day so there would still be two staff members available in the city. Public Works staff
member Jeff Anderson mentioned that staff has attended this event every year, except for the
past three years, and are only gone one day with the supervisor usually remaining behind on duty
in the city. Overtime has never been requested, even under a union contract, as they are only
gone from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30-4:00 p.m. The majority of the participants at the event are under a
union contract. Councilmember Cusick recommended staff all going together as a team, and it is
close enough that staff could easily return in the event of an emergency. Maefsky recommended
Council support Hawkinson in his request for staff going two at a time.
Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Colleen Firkus