11-05-2019 Planning Commission November 5, 2019 The Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting on the above date. The following were in attendance: Commissioners Jan Hogle, Travis Loeffler, Perry Rynders and Chair Dan Squyres. Absent: Commissioner Greg Amundson. Staff present: City Planner Merritt Clapp-Smith and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. City Council liaison Jerry Cusick and Council member Chris Ness were also present. Chair Squyres called the meeting to order at 7:0 0 p.m. APPROVAL OF AGENDA, MINUTES Chair Squyres announced that due to the absence of the City Administrator, Agenda Item #7) Discussion of amendments to the sign ordinance, would be tabled to the next meeting. Loeffler, seconded by Rynders, moved to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Hogle noted a correction to the October 1, 2019 minutes; replace “Vice -Chair” with “Acting Chair”. Loeffler, seconded by Rynders , moved to approve the October 1, 2019 meeting minutes as amended. Motion carried 3-0, with Squyres abstaining. PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCES AT 18630 NORELL AVENUE. CHAD AND AMY NELSON, APPLICANTS Chad and Amy Nelson have applied for variances to replace an existing cabin with a single - family dwelling at 18630 Norell Avenu e, a 0.47-acre parcel on Big Marine Lake. The following variances are needed: Requirements in GR Districts Existing Proposed Non-Conforming or Variance Front Setback – 40 feet 0.7 feet 20 feet Variance of 20 feet Side Setback – 20 feet About 11 feet from south side lot line. About 30 feet from north side lot line. 14 feet from south side lot line. 12 feet from north side lot line. Variance of 6 feet on south lot line. Variance of 8 feet on north lot line. Big Marine OHWL setback – 100 feet More than 140 feet 73.5 feet Variance of 26.5 feet Planner Clapp-Smith presented the staff report and concluded with findings that support approval of the variances, but explained that the minimum action required to eliminate the practical difficulty is partially met. The applicants proposed a structure to accommodate a family of four and in a location that they feel minimizes impacts; however the size and configuration could be altered somewhat to reduce the degree of variances needed on the substandard lot. Chair Squyres opened the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. November 5, 2019 Scandia Planning Commission Page 2 of 3 The Planning Commissioners were in consensus that the house appears too big for the property based on the request for variances on all four si des of the proposed home; however, they noted the improvement to replace the existing cabin having 0.7’ of setback from the road. Chair Squyres explained that their main objective is to protect the environment by allowing the greatest setback from the OHWL as possible, and that scaling back the size of the home and moving towards the road is needed to meet the variance criteria that the minimum action is taken to eliminate the practical difficulty. Loeffler, seconded by Hogle, moved to deny the variance request for setbacks from the OHWL, side and front of the property. The Commissioners discussed with Planner Clapp-Smith the process to either deny or table the request. The applicants can agree t o extend the review period beyond the 60 -day review period of December 13, 2019, and return with a revised survey. Mr. Nelson stated that they have altered the original building plans by a few feet already and the home isn’t oversized for a family of four , but agreed to look at changes to the survey to bring back to a future meeting. Mr. Nelson explained that they were only recently notified that the sideyard setback was 20’, not the 10’ the surveyor had been using for the design. Council member Ness explained that although the house is setback 73’ from the measured OHWL, there remains another 50’ to reach the shoreline of Big Marine Lake. Loeffler, seconded by Hogle, moved to amend his motion to table the application to allow the applicants time to ret urn with a modified design with the minimum action to eliminate the practical difficulties. The motion carried 4 -0. VARIANCE EXTENSION REQUEST – SHANNON MULVEHILL, 19235 LARKSPUR AVENUE Shannon Mulvehill was approved for a variance to build a new garage at 19235 Larkspur Avenue on February 20, 2018. Ms. Mulvehill was approved administratively for an extension until February 20, 2020 but explained that unexpected repairs to the home have taken priority and she is having difficulties securing an excavator and contractor to have the garage built before the variance expires. The development code requires that a second extension be presented to the Planning Commission for a recommendation to the Council. Ms. Mulvehill said she is diligently working on her home to ready it for occupancy at this time, and asked to extend the variance for the garage for up to 3 additional years. Loeffler, seconded by Hogle, moved to approve the extension for the Variance a t 19235 Larkspur Avenue for an additional three years (expiration February 20, 2023). The motion carried 4-0. November 5, 2019 Scandia Planning Commission Page 3 of 3 AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT CODE REGARDING ACCESSORY STRUCTURES The Commissioners had a brief informational discussion on the proposed amend ments to the ordinance regulating accessory structures. No action was taken, and discussion will continue at the next meeting. Planner Clapp-Smith was directed to prepare visuals of proposed size limits on small lots. AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT CODE REGARDING SIGNS Discussion was tabled to the next Planning Commission meeting. DISCUSSION ON SCANDIA’S 2020 -2024 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN A resolution was prepared by staff based on last month’s discussion on the City’s 2020 -2024 Capital Improvement Plan, with findings of conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. Rynders, seconded by Loeffler, moved to approve PC Resolution No. 11 -05-19-02, Review of the 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan. The motion carried 4 -0. REPORT ON LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ESTABLISHED SOLAR INSTALLATIONS Planner Clapp-Smith provided a report on her landscape plan inspections for the existing distribution scale solar energy systems. Most all had good survival rates for the planted trees and native grasses, but the shrubs struggled with deer grazing. Photos accompanied the report. Landscape escrows are being held, and any release of the funds will be administratively determined. Commissioner Loeffl er requested the Planner evaluate the percentage of landscape screening coverage in this current growing season for a comparison to wh at the percent coverage should actually be as written into the conditions at the time of the projects ’ approval. FUTURE AGENDAS Accessory structure and sign amendments, along with a zoning application will be topics of the December 3rd meeting. ADJOURNMENT Squyres, seconded by Hogle, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk