01-07-2020 Planning CommissionJanuary 7, 2020 The Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting on the above date. The following were in attendance: Commissioners Greg Amundson, Jan Hogle, Perry Rynders and Chair Dan Squyres. Absent: Commissioner Travis Loeffler. Staff present: City Planner Merritt Clapp -Smith, City Administrator Ken Cammilleri and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. City Council liaison Jerry Cusick was also present. Chair Squyres called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF AGENDA, MINUTES Rynders, second by Amundson, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0. Rynders, second by Hogle, moved to approve the December 3, 2019 meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried 4-0. DISCUSSION ON TABLED VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR A NEW SINGLE- FAMILY DWELLING AT 18630 NORELL AVENUE, CHAD AND AMY NELSON. (PC RESOLUTIONNO. 2020-01) In November, a public hearing was held for a variance application from Chad and Amy Nelson to remove an existing cabin and construct a new single-family dwelling at 18630 Norell Avenue. Based on a site visit, application review and public hearing comments, the Planning Commission indicated that the applicant did not make the necessary findings to justify a variance. The Commissioners tabled the item and requested the applicants revise the site plan to better fit the buildable area of the parcel. Planner Clapp -Smith explained that the new survey submitted on December 23, 2019 shows a reduced degree of variances as the Commissioners requested. The table below was presented showing the changes from the original application: Requirements in Existing Proposed Non -Conforming or GR Districts Variance Lot Size — 2 acre 0.47 0.47 Non -Conforming minimum Road frontage — 160 100 feet 100 feet Non -Conforming feet Front Setback — 40 feet 7 inches 20 feet Variance of 20 feet Side Setback — 20 feet About 11 feet from 7.5 4-4 feet from south Variance of 12.5 6 feet south side lot line. side lot line. on south lot line. About 30 feet from 20 4-2 feet from north Conforming north side lot line. side lot line. of 8 feet on north lot line. Big Marine OHWL More than 140 feet 79.17-3-4 feet Variance of 20.9 2" setback — 100 feet feet January 7, 2020 Scandia Planning Commission Page 2 of 3 Planner Clapp -Smith stated that the changes resulted in lot coverage being reduced from 25% to 24.4% based on the revised survey. Clapp -Smith said that the findings for meeting the criteria for variances has been met and recommended approval with four conditions written into a resolution. Applicant Chad Nelson presented graphics which described the revisions to relocate and reposition the dwelling on the property to reduce the intensity of the variances needed and said is the best solution they can provide. Commissioners agreed that the applicants did significant work to make improvements based on their November discussion on the request to minimize the necessary variances. Rynders, second by Amundson, moved to adopt PC Resolution No. 2020-01, recommending approval for variances at 18630 Norell Avenue. Staff noted that Condition #3 should include language that any other permits required from regulatory agencies must be obtained. Rynders, second by Amundson, moved to amend PC Resolution No. 2020-01 with additional language to Condition #3, and adopt the amended resolution. Motion carried 4- 0. The recommendation for approval will be presented to the City Council at their January 21, 2020 meeting. DISCUSSION ON TABLED VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR A NEW SINGLE- FAMILY DWELLING AT 12632 182ND STREET NORTH. APPLICANT MIKE MANN ON BEHALF OF PROPERTY OWNERS JANA AND DENNIS PALKERT (PC RESOL UTION NO. 2020-02) In December, a public hearing was held for a variance application from Mike Mann of Lecy Bros. Construction on behalf of property owners Jana and Dennis Palkert, to remove an existing structure and construct a new single-family dwelling at 12632 182nd Street. Based on a site visit, application review and public hearing comments, the Planning Commission indicated that the applicant did not make the necessary findings to justify a variance, and that the proposed home appeared to have options to shift location and size to better align with the buildable envelope of the parcel. The Commissioners tabled the item and requested the applicants revise the site plan to better fit the buildable area of the property. Planner Clapp -Smith explained that the new survey submitted on December 27, 2019 shows a reduced degree of variances as the Commissioners requested. The table below was presented showing the changes from the original application: Requirements in Existing Proposed Non -Conforming or GR Districts Variance Lot Size — 2 acre 0.614 0.614 Non -Conforming minimum Road frontage — 160 160 feet 160 feet Meets standard feet January 7, 2020 Scandia Planning Commission Page 3 of 3 Front Setback (from road) — 40 feet 130 feet 40 feet Meets standard Side Setback — 20 feet About 40 feet from 20 feet from north side Meets standard north side lot line. lot line. About 45 feet from 15.1 44 -5 -feet from Variance of 4.9 9-.5 south side lot line. south side lot line. feet on south lot line. Big Marine OHWL 32.2 feet to front deck 71.6 68 -.3 -feet Variance of 28.5 31,7 setback — 100 feet of residential structure. feet Planner Clapp -Smith described comments from the City Engineer to address erosion control and drainage on the challenging topography. In response to the Watershed and DNR's comments, the applicant significantly reduced the use of proposed retaining walls. These comments were incorporated into a resolution for approval with 8 conditions. Dennis Palkert, property owner, stated that multiple designs and iterations were proposed to address the Commissioners concerns, resulting in an improved setback from Big Marine Lake. Jeff Peterson, 12628 182nd Street, said the new plan is an improvement and asked that the grading plan address any runoff that could flow to his property. Peterson questioned the contours of the property; he would support a home closer to the lake if it would reduce grading and preserve the natural topography. Mark Lecy, the builder, answered questions about excavation on the site. Chair Squyres noted that Mr. Peterson made a good point to consider — that topography should be considered in balancing the distance from a water body. Amundson, seconded by Rynders, moved to adopt PC Resolution No. 2020-02, recommending approval for variances at 12632 182nd Street North. Motion carried 4-0. The recommendation for approval will be presented to the City Council at their January 21, 2020 meeting. FUTURE AGENDAS Election of Chair and Vice -Chair of the Planning Commission will be conducted at the February 4, 2020 meeting. ADJOURNMENT Rynders, second by Hogle, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk