03-04-2020 Work Session March 4, 2020 The City Council conducted a Work Session on the above date beginning at 6:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Christine Maefsky and Council members Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Chris Ness, and Patti Ray. Staff members: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, Deputy David Peters, and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Additions to the agenda: Mayor Maefsky announced 2.a) Proposal for pollinator garden and 2.b) Police report. Motion by Ness, second by Ray, to approve the agenda as amended. Vote 5-0. Motion carried. POLLINATOR GARDEN PROPOSAL Three Forest Lake high school students presented a proposal to install a 20’ by 20’ native pollinator garden on public property. They noted the decline in wild pollinators and their habitats, and that this project would have many community benefits as well. Funding and on- going maintenance would be provided by the school’s National Honor Society. Mayor Maefsky recommended the group work with the Park and Rec Committee and Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails for their input on site selection, to coincide with an OWLS planting project being discussed by the PRC. The Council members were not opposed to a pollinator garden on public property as long as there is a plan for its long-term maintenance. POLICE REPORT Deputy Peters reported that he is responding to complaints about snow removal in the Bliss area, and is busy with carry-over incidents from Hugo and Forest Lake. Peters has started the DARE program with the 6th grade class at Scandia Elementary. DISCUSSION ON PROHIBITING SALES OF E-CIGARETTE AND VAPING PRODUCTS Council member Kronmiller cited articles and research on the harmful effects of electronic cigarettes and recommended a ban on the sale of vaping products. Council member Ray read the response from the MN Chapter of the American Lung Association which noted legal implications and risk of litigation if only electronic cigarettes were banned. The organization recommended a ban on flavored products, including menthol, and listed several MN cities that have taken this approach. Ray said the American Health Center could assist with drafting the law for Scandia. Council members Ness and Cusick were opposed to a ban – smoking is a legal activity and if a ban were adopted, the products can still be purchased in other communities. Eckberg Lammer Attorney Chris Nelson said there could be legal implications with treating tobacco products differently (banning e-cigarettes but allowing tobacco products to be sold). If a ban is adopted, there must be strong findings to support the ordinance. Mayor Maefsky asked Council member Ray to arrange for a speaker from the American Lung Association to present information at the next Council work session for further discussion. March 4, 2020 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 3 SPRING FLOOD REPORT FROM PW DIRECTOR HAWKINSON Public Works Director Hawkinson provided a report on spring flooding concerns. Washington County is advising communities to make resources available to their residents, such as sand bagging materials at a public location. Because the County will have sand bagging materials available to all County residents, the Council did not see a need to have the supplies in Scandia. Administrator Cammilleri said that educational information on spring flooding will be posted on the City’s website and promoted in the spring newsletter. Mayor Maefsky said residents of Goose Lake are asking for a no-wake ordinance for the lake during times of high water. Council member Cusick explained that the DNR must approve a special water use permit before declaring it as no-wake. Council agreed that both Goose and Big Marine Lake should have high water advisory signs posted at the landings this spring. DISCUSSION ON INVASIVE SPECIES CONTROL PROJECT FOR WIND IN THE PINES PRESERVE Karen Schik, member of Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails, proposed a project to remove non- native invasive species from several Scandia parks and Minnesota SNA areas. Buckthorn and honeysuckle would be removed by cutting and stump-treating the plants. Great River Greening, a non-profit habitat restoration group, would be the ecological contractor with funding from an Outdoor Heritage Fund grant, estimated to be $25,000. A 10% match will be needed. Schik stated that FSPT will contribute $500 and asked the City to provide the remaining $2,000. The grant application opens this month, with the work starting in July 2021. A report from the Parks and Recreation Committee noted their support for this project. Ray, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to support the Invasive Woody Removal Project by providing $2,000 and a letter of support. Motion carried 5-0. APPOINT A COUNCIL MEMBER TO DEVELOPMENT CODE REWRITE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Council member Kronmiller volunteered to serve on the Development Code Rewrite Advisory Committee for the purpose of reviewing the proposals and making a recommendation to the City Council. REVIEW BUDGET PLANNING CALENDAR Administrator Cammilleri presented a draft 2021 budget planning calendar, and explained that a capital committee will hold workshops in April, and that capital planning will be reviewed each year. Ray, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the budget calendar as presented. Motion carried 5-0. CLOSED SESSION At 7:30 p.m., Mayor Maefsky announced that the Scandia City Council will go into Closed Session pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 13D.05 Subd.3 (b) to discuss threatened litigation subject to attorney-client privilege regarding the matter of the status of an east-to-west right-of- March 4, 2020 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 3 way segment of Meadowbrook Avenue North, north of Scandia Trail North. Council member Ray recused herself from the discussion due to a conflict of interest. The closed session ended at 8:05 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Ness, seconded by Cusick, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk