5.g) Recycling Grant Agreement with Washington County2015-16
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the County of Washington,
hereinafter referred to as the "County", and the City of Scandia, 14727 209"' St No., Scandia,
MN 55073, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantee".
WHEREAS, the County desires to encourage and provide opportunities for residential
recycling to reduce the County's reliance on solid waste disposal facilities, and
WHEREAS, the Washington County Board of Commissioners has budgeted funds to be
used to further develop recycling projects in the County.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Term:
The term of the Agreement shall be from the date this Agreement is approved by the
County to December 31, 2016.
2. The County's Obligations:
The County will pay the Grantee an amount of $16,212.00 which is to be used for
recycling program expenses in 2015 and 2016. Payment will be made in two
installments, one in 2015 and one in 2016. The 2015 payment will be made within 60
days of execution of this Agreement and the 2016 payment will be made within 60 days
of the county approving the grantee's 2016 recycling work plan.
3. The Grantee's Obligations:
a. The Grantee agrees to follow their 2015-16 Municipal Recycling Grant Application
and the guidelines therein (Exhibit A).
b. The Grantee will use all recycling grant money received in 2015 and 2016 as a
result of this Agreement, for base funding activities, recycling projects, and public
education related to recycling, as indicated in Exhibit A. If all recycling grant
funds are not used within the grant period, the Grantee must return unexpended
funds to the County unless the County approves utilizing the unspent funds for
recycling projects the following year.
c. The Grantee shall sign and return this Agreement to the County by August 1, 2015.
Failure to do so will result in a reduction or loss of grant funds.
d. The Grantee will prepare and submit annual recycling reports to the County. The
reports shall cover the time period from January 1 to December 31 and shell be
submitted to the County by February 15t" of the year following the reporting
period. The annual reports will be made on a form provided by the County.
e. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 115A.46 and 115A.471, all waste
generated by city/township government activities (including city/town halls, public
works buildings, parks, and for city/townships that arrange for waste services on
behalf of their residents) shall be delivered to the Ramsey/Washington County
Resource Recovery Facility in Newport for disposal. Failure to comply with this
provision shall constitute a breach of this Grant Agreement.
f. The parties agree that if the Grantee contracts or otherwise arranges for municipal
solid waste hauling service on behalf of its residents and/or businesses and the
Grantee issues bills for this service, the Grantee shall bill the County
Environmental Charge (CEC) as a separate line item on the solid waste bill and
shall make reasonable effort to collect the CEC. Exception to this provision is if
the licensed hauler collected the CEC for the previous year. All County
Environmental Charges collected shall be remitted to the County according to
section 14.5 of Washington CntintV Ordinance #178 or its replacement, Ordinance
4194. effective July 1St, 2014. Failure of the Grantee to comply with this provision
shall constitute a breach of this Grant Agreement and will result in loss of grant
4. Indemnification
The Contractor/Consultant agrees it will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the
County, its officers and employees against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages, and
expenses which the County, its officers, or employees may hereafter sustain, incur, or be
required to pay arising out of the negligent or willful acts or omissions of the
Contractor/Consultant in the performance of this agreement.
5. Insurance Requirements:
The Contractor agrees that in order to protect itself, as well as the County, under the
indemnity provisions set forth above, it will at all times during the term of this
Agreement, keep in force the following insurance protection in the limits specified:
1. Commercial General Liability/Professional Liability with contractual liability
coverage in the amount of the County's tort liability limits set forth in Minnesota
Statute 466.04 and as amended from time to time.
2. Automobile coverage in the amount of the County's tort liability limits set forth
in Minnesota Statute 466.04 and as amended from time to time.
3. Worker's Compensation in statutory amount. (if applicable)
Prior to the effective date of this Agreement, the Contractor/Vendor/Consultant will
furnish the County with a current and valid proof of insurance certificate indicating
insurance coverage in the amounts required by this agreement. This certificate of
insurance shall be on file with the County throughout the term of the agreement. As a
condition subsequent to this agreement, Contractor/Vendor/Consultant shall insure that
the certificate of insurance provided to the County will at all times be current. The
parties agree that failure by the Contractor/Vendor/Consultant to maintain a current
certificate of insurance with the County shall be a substantial breach of the contract and
payments on the contract shall be withheld by the County until a certificate of insurance
showing current insurance coverage in amounts required by the contract is provided to
the County.
Any policy obtained and maintained under this clause shall provide that it shall not be
cancelled, materially changed, or not renewed without thirty days notice thereof to the
6. Data Practices:
All data collected, created, received, maintained, or disseminated for any purpose by the
activities of the contractor, because of this agreement shall be governed by the
Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13 (Act), as
amended and the Rules implementing the Act now in force or as amended. The
contractor is subject to the requirements of the Act and Rules and must comply with
those requirements as if it is a governmental entity. The remedies contained in section
13.08 of the Act shall apply to the contractor.
7. Condition Subsequent
It is understood and agreed that in the event that reimbursement to the County from state
sources is not obtained and continued at a level sufficient to allow the Grant, the
obligations of each party hereunder shall thereupon be reviewed to determine the
necessity of renegotiating all or parts of this Agreement.
8. Records Availability and Retention:
Pursuant to Minnesota Statute Section 16C.05, Subd. 5, the Grantee agrees that the
County, the State Auditor, or any of their duly authorized representatives at any time
during normal business hours and as often as they may reasonably deem necessary, shall
have access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt, and transcribe any books,
documents, papers, records, etc. which are pertinent to the accounting practices and
procedures of the Grantee and involve transactions relating to this Agreement.
Grantee agrees to maintain these records for a period of six (6) years from the date of
termination of this Agreement.
9. Independent Contractor:
Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended or should be construed as creating the
relationship of co-partners or joint ventures with the County. No tenure or any rights or
benefits, including Worker's Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, medical care,
sick leave, vacation leave, severance pay, PERA, or other benefits available to County
employees, shall accrue to the Grantee or employees of the Grantee performing services
under this Agreement.
10. Nondiscrimination:
During the performance of this Agreement, the Grantee agrees to the following:
No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual preference or
orientation, disability, marital status, public assistance status, criminal record, creed or
national origin, be excluded from full employment rights in, participation in, be denied
the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any and all applicable
Federal and State Laws against discrimination.
11. Firearms Prohibited:
Unless specifically required by the terms of this contract, no provider of services
pursuant to this contract, including but not limited to employees, agents or
subcontractors of the Grantee shall carry or possess a firearm on county premises or
while acting on behalf of Washington County pursuant to the terms of this agreement.
Violation of this provision shall be considered a substantial breach of the Agreement;
and, in addition to any other remedy available to the county under law or equity.
Violation of this provision is grounds for immediate suspension or termination of this
12. Noncompliance by Grantee:
If the County finds that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of this
Agreement, the County may terminate the Agreement at any time following seven (7)
days written notice to the Grantee and upon failure of the Grantee to cure the default
within the seven day period. The County will require the Grantee to repay the grant
funds in full or in a portion determined by the County. Nothing herein shall be
construed so as to limit the County's legal remedies to recover grant funds.
13. Termination:
This Agreement may be canceled by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice.
Notice to the Cities shall be mailed to the City Administrator or to the City Clerk if there
is no Administrator. Notice to Townships shall be mailed to the Township Clerk.
Notice shall be sent to the official business address of the City or Township. Notice to
the County shall be mailed to: Department of Public Health and Environment, 14949
62nd Street N, PO Box 6, Stillwater, MN 55082-0006.
14. Merger and Modification:
a. It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement between the parties is
contained here and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and
negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter. All items referred
to in this Agreement are incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of
this Agreement.
b. Any material alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of
this Agreement shall be valid only when they have been reduced to writing as an
Amendment and signed by the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates
indicated below.
TITLE M y n r
FEDERAL ID # 41_ u q
Lowell Johnson, Director
Department of Public Health
and Environment
BY �z /'/
Ass't WasNii its i Co. Attorney
. .... County
Municipal Recycling
Grant Guidelines
Section 1.
Great Instructions
Municipalities in Washington County are responsible for establishing and maintaining municipal
recycling programs. The County provides educational, financial and technical assistance to local
governments to aid these programs. The County's municipal recycling grant program assists
municipalities with recycling program expenses.
Grant funding levels are dependent on municipality household counts and recycling program activities.
Municipalities are encouraged to apply for the maximum level of funding (see page 19). Three levels of
grant funding are available:
1. A base amount is provided to cover administrative and basic recycling program expenses and is
dependent on the number of households in a community.
2. A second level, project funding, is targeted to specific grant projects that are related to
achieving recycling goals.
3. A third level, shared resources funding, is targeted to fund collaborations among municipalities;
such as a shared recycling coordinator.
I. Eligibility Requirements
In order to receive funding through the Washington County municipal recycling grant, municipalities
must meet the following eligibility requirements:
a) A municipality's curbside recycling program shall be established by ordinance or a contract with
a recycling contractor and be in operation during 2015-2016.
b) Municipality must support County efforts in obtaining hauler reports by ensuring compliance
through ordinance, contract or license requirements and the ability to exercise punitive actions,
if needed.
c) All multi -unit dwellings (4 or more units) must have recycling service available.
d) At a minimum, the municipality must meet or plan to meet the components under the BASIC
category of the recycling continuum (see page 10).
e) At a minimum, municipal staff must participate in one, in-person meeting with PHE staff to
develop the two year grant project work plan.
f) Verification of Compliance with Minnesota Statute 115.471 and 115A.46 Public Entities Law
(see page 7).
II. Funding Application
Municipalities must complete a funding application by May 1St 2015 to receive grant funding.
Completed applications must be emailed to Danielle. Lesmeister a co.washingtan.rtzn us . The
following are included in the funding application:
a. 2015/2016 2 -year project work plan (see pages 21-22)
Prior to application submittal, municipal staff must develop a 2 -year work plan in collaboration
with County staff ( Public Health and Environment or PHE) that identifies annual activities (a
maximum or 4 per year) that will be undertaken towards meeting components on the recycling
continuum. Municipalities that receive funding are required to participate in regular recycling
coordinator meetings hosted by PHE and also in individual project work plan meetings with PHE
staff as part of the application process. PHE staff will coordinate the work plan meetings. A
minimum of one, in-person meeting to develop the two year work plan is required for grant
funding. Project work plans are due May 1St 2015 with your completed application. The work plan
must include the following for each project:
o Description of project
• Whether a new activity or enhancing/expanding an existing effort
• Which component(s) this project addresses on the Recycling Continuum (see page 10)
• Start and completion dates
• Identification of staff involved
If and how a consultant may be needed for technical assistance
a Action steps expected to be completed for activity
• Targeted recyclable materials, if applicable
0 Identification of measurable outcomes expected to be achieved. Identify a minimum of
3 forms of measurements for each project, such as:
— projected tons diverted at an event such as a clean-up day
— number of residents impacted or reached
— diversion or recycling rate (pilot in 2015, full implement 2016)
— % change in knowledge or behavior (pilot in 2015, full implement 2016)
— % of new residents reached
b. Itemized budget (see page 18)
An itemized budget for each funding activity must be provided with the application and project
work plan. Any amount not spent in the first calendar year will be carried over to the second
calendar year. Budgets must include the following for each line item for the two-year grant
• Total County grant funds being applied for
City/Township funds to be contributed
• % of County grant being used for particular line item
• Total estimated cost
Estimated costs are needed for the following line items:
• Administrative costs including
o Direct salaries
o Direct membership, training, subscriptions
o Consultant services and or temporary help
+ Promotion
o Design, printing and postage
o Advertisements
o Videos
o Promotional items
o Special events
o Other (list and describe)
• Capital Costs
• Collection Costs (County grant cannot be used for recycling/waste collection costs)
• Other
4. An estimated percentage of an FTE (full time equivalent) per year is requested
Ill. Grant Funding Allocation
Funding is separated into three (3) categories:
1. Base funding: this is funding for activities that sustain the municipalities existing recycling
program. This includes funding for administration of a recycling ordinance, resident questions,
completing the municipal grant application, work plan and annual report, residential recycling
information and meeting the Basic components of the continuum. The table below shows how
base funding is determined for each community.
# of Households Eligible Amount for
2. Project funding: this is funding to develop and implement new or expanded recycling
projects that encourage movement along the recycling continuum. A municipality is eligible to
receive $0.50/household per project. A municipality may qualify for up to four projects per
year. The table on page 19 shows maximum funding eligibility for each municipality.
3. Shared Resources funding: this is additional funding beyond base and project funding to be
used to fund collaborations between communities, such as a shared recycling coordinator. PHE
staff will help to facilitate these opportunities.
Contact Danielle.Le sr; i ton.rnn.us. directly for more information on how to
apply for shared resources funding. This opportunity will require a separate detailed proposal
— Timeline
— Work plan
— Budget
IV. Eligible Expenses
Grant funds may be used for the following recycling related expenses:
a. Administrative
Salary and legal costs of personnel only while directly working on, part time or full time,
on the planning, implementation and promotion of eligible activities.
Base Funding
2. Project funding: this is funding to develop and implement new or expanded recycling
projects that encourage movement along the recycling continuum. A municipality is eligible to
receive $0.50/household per project. A municipality may qualify for up to four projects per
year. The table on page 19 shows maximum funding eligibility for each municipality.
3. Shared Resources funding: this is additional funding beyond base and project funding to be
used to fund collaborations between communities, such as a shared recycling coordinator. PHE
staff will help to facilitate these opportunities.
Contact Danielle.Le sr; i ton.rnn.us. directly for more information on how to
apply for shared resources funding. This opportunity will require a separate detailed proposal
— Timeline
— Work plan
— Budget
IV. Eligible Expenses
Grant funds may be used for the following recycling related expenses:
a. Administrative
Salary and legal costs of personnel only while directly working on, part time or full time,
on the planning, implementation and promotion of eligible activities.
■ Salaries, benefits and mileage for consultant services or temporary help with prior
written approval from PHE and must be related to eligible activities.
b. Public Education and Promotion
• Design, production, and distribution of flyers, brochures, newsletter articles, posters,
advertisements, videos, billboards, audio (radio, video, television, theater), electronic
(website and e -news) and other promotional items necessary to advance eligible
■ Development of promotional materials for a community event such as a clean-up day or
road clean up event
The percentage of cost for a municipality's newsletter devoted to recycling
Environmental commissions and related expenses directly related to recycling and
waste education (maximum of 25% of County grant funds)
c. Capital expenses
• Event recycling containers (ie Clear Stream recycling)
• Public space recycling containers (ie parks, trails, athletic facilities)
Recycling containers for municipally owned/operated buildings and internal spaces
d. Internal recycling
• Internal municipal recycling education and related needs (i.e. labels) or special events
e. Other
• Waste reduction projects (ie backyard composting promotion activities)
• Other expenses with prior written approval from the PHE
V. Ineligible Expenses
a. Permanent, year-round recycling drop-off locations
b. Staff and disposal expenses related to community clean up events or road clean- up activities
such as wages to workers and hauling/disposal expense for trash or material collected and used
as a fuel such as tires and used oil
c. Projects specific only to energy or ground water
d. Ongoing recycling or garbage service fees (collection, processing, transportation)
e. Costs for office equipment
f. Street sweeping expenses
g. Beautification projects or rain gardens
h. Lobbying
i. Funding currently budgeted or being provided by applicant
VI. List of Standard Recyclable Materials to Be Collected Curbside for Single Sort Collection
PHE created the list of standard recyclable materials to be collected curbside after researching current
materials collected curbside by haulers as well as the availability of viable end markets for those
materials. This list covers only the minimum materials recommended for residential curbside
collection. A municipality may require the collection of additional recyclable materials. A municipality
may choose how to enforce such as through ordinance or hauler licensing. At a minimum, the following
materials must be included in the municipality's curbside program:
• Boxboard including corrugated cardboard (OCC)
• Envelopes- window and metal clasps acceptable
• Magazines and catalogs
O Mail, office and school paper
• Newspaper and inserts
• Phone books
• Shredded paper in closed paper bag
Milk and broth cartons
• Juice boxes
Food and beverage aluminum/tin/bimetal cans
• Food and beverage bottles and jars
• PET (#1)
— water, soda and juice bottles
— ketchup and salad dressing bottles
HDPE (#2)
— Milk and juice jugs
— Dish soap bottles and detergent jugs
— Shampoo, soap and lotion bottles
• PP (#5)
— Yogurt, pudding and fruit cups
— Margarine, cottage cheese and other tubs
This standard list of recyclables for single sort recycling collection will be periodically reviewed and
updated by PHE as additional materials and end markets become available. PHE may add materials to
this list and require municipalities to begin collection of the new materials within one year of receiving
notification from the PHE.
VII. Verification of Compliance with Minnesota Statute 115.471 and 115A.46 Public Entities Law
As a condition of eligibility for the Washington County Municipal Recycling Grant funds, pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes 115A.46, subd. 5 and 115A.471, all waste generated by municipal government
activities, including, but not limited to city/town halls, public works buildings, parks, etc., and waste
arranged or waste contract for on behalf of its residents (such as organized garbage collection), must
be managed in accordance with the County's Solid Waste Management Plan and delivered to the
Ramsey/Washington County Resource Recovery Facility in Newport for disposal. Failure to comply
with this provision shall constitute a breach of the Municipal Recycling Grant Agreement.
VIII. Reporting
NEW: Hauler Reporting
Beginning in 2015, PHE will collect tonnage reports directly from haulers on behalf of
municipalities. Reports will be collected on a quarterly basis and will have tonnage amounts for
MSW/garbage, recycling and source separated organics listed for each municipality. To ensure
data -is provided to PHE quarterly, municipalities arg_gxp_ected to continue their role in
enforcing hauler compliance through existing ordinances, contracts or licenses with haulers.
Municipalities are expected to exercise punitive actions, if needed. The final, compiled hauler
reports will be available on the Resid Waste Dai i H.iul,_ : Form webpage on the County's
website for municipality's to view after the reporting period has closed. Beginning in 2016,
annual municipality tonnage reports will be finalized and accessible on the County's data
management system by January 31 of each year.
2. Annual Report
Municipalities receiving funding through the Washington County municipal recycling grant
program must complete an annual report. The annual report is a measure of a municipality's
progress towards meeting components on the recycling continuum and on program
expenditures. Annual reports must be completed by the municipality receiving the grant by
mid-February of each year. Changes in any funding amounts submitted in the original funding
application must be highlighted in the annual report. The annual report will include the
a. Work plan project status report:
• project completion (yes/no)
• performance measurements (minimum of 3 forms of measurement, as identified
in work plan, should be reported)
• description of information helpful to other municipalities desiring to replicate
b. Program expenditures: Total program expenditures must equal total program revenue.
Administrative costs including
— Direct salaries
— Direct membership, training, subscriptions
— Consultant services and or temporary help
— Promotion
— Design, printing and postage
— Advertisements
— Videos
— Promotional items
— Special events
— Other (list and describe)
• Capital Costs
• Collection Costs (recycling grant funds cannot be used for collection costs)
• Other
For each line item on the report's expenditures sheet, indicate:
- Total County grant funds used
- City/Township funds contributed
- % of County grant used for particular line item
- Total expenditures
Completed reports must be emailed to Danielle. LesmeisterPco.washiri ton.nin.us.
IX. Recycling Performance
A municipality's performance will be evaluated based on information from the annual report, from
hauler reports submitted directly to PHE detailing community tonnages, and reasonable effort towards
reaching outcomes from work plan activities implemented. PHE reserves the right to request
documentation for information submitted.
Failure by a municipality to demonstrate measureable progress towards one or more of the work plan
goals will result in a Recycling Improvement Plan be submitted 90 days of being notified by PHE. The
Plan must be negotiated with PHE and specify the efforts that will be undertaken by the municipality to
improve its recycling program to achieve the identified goal in the work plan by implement strategies
agreed upon by municipal staff and PHE. The plan should focus on components of the recycling
continuum. Funding may be withheld until the municipality's Plan is completed and approved by PHE.
X. County Responsibilities
a. Grant documents
PHE will provide the grant application and work plan by March 1St for each municipality to use
to request grant funding and to develop 2 -year project work plans. PHE will also provide the
annual report for municipalities to report on their recycling program. Annual reports will be
made available by December 31St of each year.
b. Meetings
PHE staff will continue to host quarterly recycling coordinator meetings and will make meeting
materials available on the Cit; inE Resources webpage on the County's website. PHE staff
will also continue to coordinate individual work plan meetings with each municipality to
identify grant projects.
Technical assistance
PHE staff will help identify if and how additional technical assistance is needed.
d. Payments
Grant payments will be made in two installments, one in 2015 and one in 2016, which is to be
used for recycling program expenses in 2015 and 2016. The 2015 payment will be made within
60 days of execution of the Recycling Grant Agreement and the 2016 payment will be made
within 60 days of the county approving the 2016 work plan.
e. Shared resources funding
PHE will help facilitate opportunities for municipalities to utilize this funding by partnering to
share resources such as a shared recycling coordinator.
f. Recycling tonnages
New: Recycling tonnages for each municipality will be collected by PHE from the community's
recycling hauler(s) on a quarterly basis. Reports will be published on the County's Recy_clinf_
, Data Flauler Form webpage.
g. Residential recycling survey
If requested, PHE will assist in the development of a survey on residents' recycling knowledge
and behavior for municipalities to promote and distribute regularly.
h. Online recycling information and best practices
PHE will maintain the :lity Recyc.liiMResources webpage on the County's website for use by
municipal staff to obtain information on recycling best practices, learn about other grantee
projects, track recycling coordinator meetings, and access templates and other educational
information designed specifically for use by municipalities.
g. Commercial Recycling
PHE has a separate funding mechanism to promote and support recycling in the commercial
sector. This program is called BizRecycling and more information can be found at
\A,ww. Less-[ rash.corn.
Recycling in multi -unit dwelling (4+ units)
A separate funding program may be developed for multi -unit dwelling recycling.
Supplemental documents required upon application submittal:
❑ Waste and recycling ordinance(s) (if applicable)
❑ Waste and recycling contract(s) (if applicable)
❑ City/Township council meeting minutes (if applicable)
❑ Verification of public entities law (Minnesota Statute 115.471 and 115A.46)
❑ A certificate of insurance indicating the municipalities' general liability limits as indicated in
Section 4 of the Agreement. Please be sure to include the certi icote with the application and
not have it sent separately by your insurance carrier.
� ,
Washington County Municipal Recycling Performance Continuum "Is, hinetoll
Residential Recycling ` COU11ty
• Submit grant materials by due
• Attend recycling coordinator
• Participate in shared resource
• Require single sort collection
• Provide recycling cost to residents
• Require standard recyclables
■ Provide effective resident
• Participate in county -wide
• Provide online recycling
BASIC plus:
• Provide new resident + education
• Include requirements in mauler
is Provide r+ei:yding in nionicipal
owned/4perat+eti public spaces
rfor lame communitie,l
Multifamily Housing (MfH)
* Ensure adequate NIFH rRcycling
infrastructure in place
* Target ed,,kation to MFH
Ze—= G......_�
* Rerwva weekly r'eci ding collect€eor,
• Implemen€ away tram hcime
recvclingopportunities �
® Pilot Vexed trasl� rat+ei
4 envIen1-:04. a re,--, _',i
pr„ gram: j
(1 i=rc+Me organics i
rpcyclIng C0r1-re1urk4ie5)
• Impien-.pnt c+[her waiste d,v,?#Jvn
y� s>ratµgia5 .
f • Evccgxag =12�I.yc�ti» tcs#rl Dsii P t
1 }
Multifamily Housing (MFH;
f G'`RI:lCt N4FH via,,te .ort;
Section 2.
Recycling Grant
Municipal Recycling Grant Application
Washington Co. Department of Public Health and Environment
1494962 nd Street N., P.O. Box 6 e Stillwater, MN 55082-0006
Office (651) 430-6655 • TTY (651) 430-6246 . FAX • (651) 430-6730
Your name:
Telephone #:
Your Title
Email address
certify that I am authorized to apply for grants from Washington County or have received such
authorization from the appropriate official:
❑ Yes (Name/Date)
❑ No
Email completed application to:
DanielleLesmeister - co.washington.mn.us by May 1st, 2015.
(d) 651-430-6683
Washington County Public Health & Environment
Late submittals will be rejected.
Part 1. General Program Information
1. Have you submitted your 2014 annual report?
❑ Yes
❑ No, please submit your report before completing and submitting this application
2. Please indicate how the collection of recyclables is arranged for in your municipality:
❑ By ordinance requiring licensed haulers to collect recyclables. If so, does this ordinance include
penalties for non-compliance? (Circle: Yes/No) What type of penalties:
❑ By contract with one recyclables hauler:
o Name of hauler:
o Contact person:
o Telephone #:
o What is the cost of recyclables collection for residents?
$____/ household/month or $ ton recycled
❑ None of the above, please describe how the collection of recyclables is arranged for in your
-Please submit a copy of updated ordinance or contract if changed from previous year -
3. Please indicate how the collection of garbage (MSW) is arranged for in your municipality:
❑ By ordinance requiring licensed haulers to collect garbage. If yes, does this ordinance include
penalties for non-compliance? (Circle: Yes/No) What type of penalties: -
❑ By contract with one garbage (MSW) hauler:
o Name of hauler:
o Contact person:
o Telephone #:
o What is the cost of garbage collection for residents?
$ /household/month or $_ton disposed
❑ None of the above, please describe how the collection of garbage (MSW) is arranged for in
your municipality:
-Please submit copy of updated ordinance or contract if changed from previous year -
4. A. Do you have an ordinance that requires businesses to recycle?
❑ Yes
❑ No
B. If yes, does this ordinance include penalties for non-compliance? (Circle: Yes/No). What type of
5. Use the table below to indicate by facility which materials are currently recycled in your
municipally owned buildings. If recycling is not offered at a certain facility. please place an X in the
grev column labeled "Nothinp-."
Materials in green columns are on the County's List of Standard Items to be Collected (pages 6-7)
Please see the County's List of Standard Items to be Collected Curbside for a more detailed breakdown
of materials found in each green column above (pages 6-7).
*SSO stands for Source Separated Organics and includes food waste and other compostable materials
such as paper products.
--- i
-� L
City/Township Hall
� Ice arenas
Golf courses
Sports facilities
Swim beaches
Public works facilities
_Police stations
Fire stations
Please see the County's List of Standard Items to be Collected Curbside for a more detailed breakdown
of materials found in each green column above (pages 6-7).
*SSO stands for Source Separated Organics and includes food waste and other compostable materials
such as paper products.
Part 2. Recycling Continuum
Place a ✓ next to each component your municipality currently meets. Your 2 -year work plan should
indicate the components your municipality is working towards meeting and should be developed in
collaboration with PHE staff.
(BASIC plus:)
(BASIC + iMPSOVED pleas:)
Submit grant materials by due
R"_ uire weekly recy;riing
Provide new resident education.
Attend recycling coordinator
Include requirements in hauler
implement away from home
recycling oppOrtunities °
Provide recycling in municipal
Participate in shared
owned/operated public spaces
resources opportunities
(for large communities)
Pilot tiered trash i aces
Ensure adequate Multi Family
Housing recycling infrastructure
implement a recycling incentives
Require single sort collection
in place
Provide souece separated organics
Provide recycling costs to
Target education to Multi collection (for contracted waste
residents once/year
Family k-lorrsingUnits and rewycliny, communities) _
Implement other waste diversion
Require standard list of
recyclables collected
Provide effective resident
-- -
Encourage backyard composting
Conduct Me;!ti Family Housing
Effective resident education
waste sorts
Participation in county wide
Provide online recycling
Part 3. Funding
Base Funding
Base funding is available for activities that sustain your existing recycling program and meet the
BASIC components of the recycling continuum. If your municipality does not meet all components
under the BASIC category, you must be making progress towards meeting them to receive grant
funding. (ie work plan projects) Examples of eligible activities include, but are not limited to:
Submit grant materials by due date
- Attend recycling coordinator meetings
Participate in shared resource opportunities
Require single sort recycling collection
Provide recycling cost to residents once/year
Require standard recyclables collected (see page 6)
Provide effective resident education
Participate in county -wide promotions
Provide online recycling information
The table below shows how the 2015/2016 base funding eligibility was determined for each
community. The table on page 20 lists each community's base funding amount for
# OF
Note: household data is retrieved from Met Council's most recent population estimates. These
estimates are the official population and household estimates for state government purposes,
including how local government aid (LGA) and local street aid allocations are determined. Previous
year estimates are prepared the following year and certified by July 15. For example, population as of
April 1, 2013 is estimated in Spring 2014 and certified by July 15, 2014. This due date is specified in
Minnesota Statutes 473.24.
Please enter your base funding amount $
Project Funding
An additional level of funding is available to develop and implement new or expanded
recycling projects that enhance existing efforts and increase movement along the
recycling continuum by implementing additional components. These projects should
increase awareness and participation in waste reduction, recycling, or backyard
composting activities and are valued at $0.50/Household (HH) per project.
Municipalities may qualify for up to four projects or $2.00/HH. The table on page 20
shows your community's maximum project funding eligibility (4 projects per year, or 8
projects for two-year grant period).
1. Indicate the number of projects your municipality will undertake in 2015/2016 as
indicated in your 2 -year work plan: (Maximum of 8 projects for two-year
grant period)
2. Please enter your project funding amount for 2015/2016 $ T _
(FORMULA: # of projects x $0.50 x #HH's = project funding amount)
Please ensure the description of each project you will undertake in 2015 2016 is
described in your 2 -year workplan before submitting_ your application.
Shared Resources Funding
As part of the 2015/2016 recycling grant program, PHE will fund collaborative opportunities
between municipalities. Funding can be used towards a shared recycling coordinator or for
hiring a consultant. Please provide a brief description of the shared resource opportunity
below (project description, timeline, proposed budget, etc) and PHE staff will contact you
directly to discuss further:
Base Funding Amount $
Project Funding Amount $
Multiply by 2 (for 2 -year grant term) $
Shared Resources Funding (if applicable) $
_ W T Al~ Grant Requested for 2015 and 2016 $
Part 4. Itemized Budget
A. For each line item, enter estimated expenditures and indicate the funding source (ie County
grant, Municipality share), the percentage of County grant used to fund activity, and total
estimated expenditures for each in 2015/2016 (2 years).
County share
Municipality share % County grant
Total expenditure
1. Administrative
Direct salaries
Direct membership, f
training, subscriptions
Consultant services
and/or temporary
Other: �l
1. Promotion
Design, printing,
Promotional items
Special events (ie
clean up days)
Other promotion:
3. Capital Costs
4. Collection Costs
(County grant funds
cannot be used for
collection costs)
S. Other (itemize)
B. Currently, what percentage of total staff time (in Full Time Equivalents- FTE) is allocated to your
residential curbside recycling program per year?
❑ 0-0.25% FTE
❑ 0.26-0.50% FTE
❑ 0.51-0.75% FTE
❑ 0.76-1.0% FTE
Part 5. Grant funding allocations per year
Base Funding
Project Funding
(4 projects)
Baytown Twp_ .
$1,500 $712
Cottage Grove
Denmark Twp.
Forest Lake i
Grey Cloud Island Twp.
}� $1,500
Lake Elmo
Lake St. Croix Beach
Lakeland Shores
Mahtomedi _
Marine on St._ Croix
May Twp.
v $1,500
j 1,396 $5,000
_Oakdale - J
Oak Park Heights
Pine Springs 146
Scandia 1,553
St. Mary's Point 152
St. Paul Park 2,003
Stillwater 7,309
Stillwater Twp.
863 $2,500
West Lakeland Twp.
A _ 202
White Bear Lake
$30,000 $47,928 $77,928
*Source: Nle trn',:)Ol�t q r C .I)cam, cil 61 ti Alf J-1001 - as of April 1, 2013
Section 3.
Work Plan Template
2- Year Work Plan
Prior to application completion, municipal staff must develop a 2 -year work plan in collaboration with PHE staff tha
be conducted towards meeting components of the recycling continuum. Municipalities that receive funding are req
recycling coordinator meetings hosted by the PHE and also in individual work plan meetings with PHE staff as part c
will coordinate the work plan meetings. For each project, you must include the following information:
❑ Description
❑ Whether a new activity or enhancing an existing effort
❑ Which component(s) this project addresses on the Recycling Continuum
❑ Start and completion dates
❑ Identification of staff involved
❑ If and how a consultant may be needed for technical assistance
❑ Objective and action steps expected to be completed
❑ Targeted recyclable materials, if applicable
❑ Identify a minimum of 3 forms of performance measures, such as but not limited to:
— projected tons collected/recycled at event
— number of residents impacted or reached
— diversion or recycling rate (pilot in 2015, full implement 2016)
— % change in knowledge or behavior (pilot in 2015, full implement 2016)
— % of new residents reached
See next page for an example project in work plan format.
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