7.a)1) Veterans Memorial ProposalRECEIVED 7 h ZU i� Lilleskoitan Park Veteran's Memorial Proposal :;UPJ CITY OF SCANDIA Proposal: We, the Veterans Memorial Committee, wish to work with the PRC and place a unique veteran's memorial in Lilleskogan Park. Importantly, this veterans memorial will blend with the natural feel of the park. The memorial would be self—funded at no cost to the City of Scandia. Contributions towards the park cost for sidewalks in the memorial and parking areas will be made. Details on this proposal are attached. The subject of a veteran's memorial in our area has been studied and discussed over the past two years. Much has been learned through the process to lead to this proposal. It should be clear that this proposal is being made after much due diligence on site selection. We are submitting our request for Lilleskogan Park as it is the most desired location for the veteran's memorial for a number of reasons. This site offers the location that is most accommodating to the ideas and desires for what the memorial should be that we have continuously heard from community veterans, non -veterans and residents. That is, a simple, humble memorial that fits into the landscape of a peaceful setting where one can reflect and enjoy the freedoms for which the veterans have defended. Nothing grand or overbearing and placed in a peaceful setting. Lastly, pubic land is required for a Veterans Memorial. It is proposed that the location in Lilleskogan be at the north end of the parking lot, settled against the trees. This location offers visibility yet is not overwhelming. Lilleskogan is also a gateway park entering Scandia and it will reflect the values of the community. The memorial represents our strong values of patriotism and our appreciation of service men and women. It will show that we don't take our freedoms for granted. The Memorial also offers an education piece to future generations. In Lilleskogan it will be seen. Why a Veterans Memorial? There is no question that the subject of a Veterans Memorial in any community will bring out emotion and passion in those that you talk with. Veterans Memorials are important to many for many differing reasons. We have learned this- Veterans memorials are built for everyone, not just for the veterans. They represent a thank you to our veterans for providing the freedoms that we enjoy. We give them a place of honor, not because they want to be honored, but because we wish to honor them. We honor them not out of a sense of responsibility to do so, but out of our humble and utmost respect for them. A veteran memorial is important to community. It represents our community values. It shows that we support our country and those who have served to protect it. The fact that memorials are permanent structures allow for a forever showing of that support. In other words, they leave a legacy for our future generations. We have learned that all of this is important to all of those we have reached out to here in Scandia. Today's Veterans Fund We also recognize the need to support service men and women who are in need today. It is our utmost hope that the memorial will draw attention and donations to the ongoing Veterans Support Fund within the Scandia Marine Lions Foundation. We plan to have information available at the Veterans Memorial to show how visitors can donate to the fund. Design: Much work has been done on designs. The public has been asked and have provided their input. Through our process we know this: The memorial should be small, respectful and fit into the landscape. On this we all agree. This has been repeated by veterans, non -veterans, city officials, and residents. It is proposed to complete a memorial based off of the River Falls Wisconsin memorial and public input from our area. We would work off of the following ideas. • Three, five foot tall, earth -tone granite pieces will be blended into the trees. • Of these three pieces, there will be a four foot wide centerpiece with two square columns on either side. The centerpiece will have the dedication inscription and/or quotation. The columns on the sides will have service emblems permanently engraved. • Two benches will be added in the area. • Include concrete walkways that are lined with engraved paver bricks. Location within Lilleskogan: North end of the parking lot, facing south to the parking lot, 30' from the curb. (estimate) Locate this within the trees but open facing the parking lot. Dimensions: Approxiamately 12'x 12' Cost of Memorial materials: Centerpiece 3-0 x 0-8 x 6-0 $ 3696 Columns 1-4 x 1-4 x 5.0 $3648 each x 2= $ 7296 Total on granite pieces: $10,992* *Pricing includes all lettering and design, delivery and installation. (graham Monument Co.) Doesn't cover any concrete or landscaping. Flagpole and flag installed: $2010 Landscaping: Donated. Concrete and Park Development Expense: $10,000. Total Cost: $23,002 Maintenance Some maintenance will be needed periodically and we are discussing a fund for this purpose. A local service group or others could be approached to cover this. Funding It is proposed that the memorial committee will work to secure private funding for the memorial. By doing so it will lessen the costs to the city and others on the completion of the park. Sidewalks near the memorial area that would otherwise be installed are planned to be part of the memorial itself. This becomes part of the memorial cost and not city costs. Funding for this design should be accomplished through the sale of personalized paver bricks at the memorial, the sale of two benches, direct donations and other community support. We know that labor and landscaping will be provided. Based on rough calculations by just selling paver bricks alone, selling 200 or more bricks (or if determined, name locations) will provide the majority of the costs. The active fund raising will begin after PRC acceptance of a plan. We have held back on active fund raising until we have a plan to show the public. 200 names sold at $100 each equals $20,000 Bench sales: $1000. (2 @ $500 each) Timeline July • Hopefully we can obtain PRC's acceptance to pursue completion of the memorial planning in Lilleskogan. • Upon acceptance of a plan then the public fund raising campaign begins. August • Completion of final memorial details. Report back with PRC. • Continued fund raising through public advertising. September, October, November: • Fund raising continues. • Veterans Day 2015 is our goal to complete. Summary We would propose the following: 1. Locate a Veterans Memorial north of the parking area against the tree line. Using approx.: rsa sq ft. 2. Add a member of the PRC committee to work with us on the final design of the memorial. This would go with the goal of keeping the memorial to blend with the park design. 3. The memorial committee will do the fund raising and add no costs to the city of Scandia for this project. 4. The memorial committee through fund raising expects to donate up to $10,000 for sidewalks in the memorial and parking area. This is considered to be part of the memorial cost and will lessen the cost to the City for completion of the sidewalks. 5. With acceptance by the PRC, the Veterans Memorial committee will proceed to publicize the plan through local media and printed materials to actively solicit donations. This will begin the active fund raising phase. We have determined that the active phase needed to wait until the site and design were determined. Please see the timeline in this proposal. Barton W. Johnson, USA, lorry Peterson, USN John ULson, USA Greg Mine, LG Barry Nelson, USAF Gkn/ones; USAF Mary Pagt USA Steven C Andnmq USAF 7acharyJones, USA Veterans Memorial Dedicated to those who have provided the freedoms that we enjoy today. This memorial is dedicated to all U. S military veterans. William R Wilson, USN, WWII William It MLson, Jr., USM Gonnk L Rolntun, USArmy RobertJohnson, USN, WWII Llrrda Arnold USAF Michael While, USN Randall Simonson, USAF -� jim ow S I.Aw— r 9 r _ y n m 0 m @ N O m n m m i m n N m N o - - m c N 0 3 m a S m m s 'O p1 m G o 0 'm a -4 fh CC o c d '1 > m m O m f0 (n m o` m O w� try m w T; 3 0 m g I s� I m m m m 3 m Gf O m f0 (n m o` m O w� try m V am n NQ T; 3 0 m 1 N r y�rt� *r71 44 ti .s+Af7ff��aY � Z, wt IC Q, it, A4 4 a I im Page 1 of 1 �rtdTrt�.� � �i �•� http..Ilcdn2.hubspot.netlhubl359561file-852090057-png/boulder/Powderhorn_Stone Sign_... 6/19/2015 r• 1 I ; t -n r r 197ZS `990 IL Me i1 u ro v N •O CL m O E w a, E E m E c 7 O E mO° c c v O a, v -C :� � O L 01 ` d C 7 E O O O Z' LL �+ >. ra y c v) c C m O +, O m O Oa C 0a U C al Y fa •O O1 N .` W J aJ L O. d f0 N Ta com C f9 t' O CL O E c a r ° ai Y a) � E O a c '^ v O '^ L u r >- O ma 2 ' C 3 o O C U i v a C me O v c E c O m '� O Q .D 00 Q N O ni m 1`O v " a NN c a ro > OJ ` 2 ami vi O` a, >- N C, a, O A d a 7 O ? 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