7.b)1) Car Mar C15-009 Nechodom CommentsCarnelian -Marine -St. Croix Watershed District scandia Plaza 11 • 21150 Ozark Avenue + P.O. Box 1888 + Scandia, MN 55073 • Tel 651.433;22150 July 7, 2015 Ms. Sherri Buss TKDA 1ngneers 444 Cedar St. , #1500 St. Paul, MN 55101 re: CMSCWD Comment 15-009 Nechodom Sub -Division Dear Ms Buss: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposed simple sub -division on German Lake in Scandia- This project needs a CMSCWD Permit for Rule 4: Shoreline and Wetland Buffers. That rule requires the applicant to memorialize buffer areas around wetlands and on shorelands of the property to be sub -divided. We will work with the City in this regard to avoid duplication of effort. Any eventual construction on this property will require a separate review and permit from the Watershed District. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposal and do not hesitate to call witlyany questions. Shaver, Administrator cc: Ronald Nichodom Applicant by email: Kristina Handt City of Scandia Hutt & Hebeisen Engineers Carl Almer EOR, Inc. e-mail website www.CMSCWDA"