8.d) 2015-7-21 Engineering Updates• 1 • �Ohers & SoN�o
I i n n e s o t a
City of Scandia
Engineering Updates 7/21/2015
• Construction started the week of July 61h on Quinnell Ave. Contractor is currently
working on culverts and ditching work will follow the week of July 20th. Once the pipe
and dirt work are completed the road will be reclaimed and final tolerance in
preparation of paving. We are still anticipating the project to be substantially
completed by the end of the August.
• Lilleskogen Parking Lot Bid Award and Change Order No 1 will be on the City Council
Agenda for discussion and potential award during the July 21s' meeting.
• 2015 Bituminous Patching Project has been completed. The work was completed by
T.A. Schifsky & Sons and included the following streets; 238th Street N, Oakhill Road,
209th Court N, and Oxboro Circle.
• Seal Coating project is anticipated to start the week of August 3rd.
• Quotes were obtained from Contractor's to complete ditching along the Pilar roadway
that also includes two culverts. This item will be an agenda item for further discussion
and potential award.
• As a requirement of the Zavoral Mine Annual Operating Permit, crash data is reviewed
twice a year that is obtained through the MnDOT Office of Traffic Engineering. Please
find attached a summary report.
• Thursday, August 6, 2015, St. Croix Workshop on the Water for Local Leaders will be
held from S:OOpm — 9:OOpm at the Hudson Marina. Registration is required by July 24tH
This workshop focuses on bringing elected and appointed officials and community
leaders out on the River to build their knowledge and provide skills that will assist them
in making informed decisions and taking actions for community planning and water
resource protection and restoration. http://www.mnwcd.org/events/2015/8/6/st-