8.f) Public Works Director ReportTo: City of Scandia, City Council July 22, 2015 From: Dave Williams, Director of Public Works Monthly Staff Report The public works crew has devoted some of their attention on preparing for the "Fat Cat" triathlon. We spent time during the week prior to the event patching pot holes, mowing and checking for debris on the course. We simply wanted to make it safer for the racers. We have been mowing the sides of the roads. This is one of the routine tasks performed to keep up a groomed appearance and also for safety purposes. Public works has also been called upon, due to rainfall and storms, to cut and remove fallen trees. Three large trees fell blocking traffic flow. We have had various locates for gopher -one -call for small and large construction jobs throughout the city. We have inspected some new installation of driveways. Due to some heavy rainfall, we have spent some time on grading the gravel roads. There have been some washouts that were becoming hazardous. Our summer employee has been busy with grass cutting and weed whipping. She also has spent time prepping the fence and grounds at the Swedish Monument area. Summer stretch students painted the white fence and planted new lilac bushes. The students also pulled weeds from the community center and lighted ballfield playgrounds. Met with City Administrator and City Engineer last week to go over reconstruction project on Quinnell Avenue North and Lilleskogen park improvement. Also met with Mark Juker from Automatic Systems to be educated on the new system and the new up -grades on the Anderson/Erickson SCADA system. Sat in on Parks and rec meeting last week. Main topic of discussion was lilleskogen park improvement and the Veterans memorial.