8.g) Admin Report� J
Date of Meeting: July 21, 2015
To: City Council
From: Kristina Handt, City Administrator
Re: Administrator's Report
The EDA made recommendations to the Planning Commission to include more uses as permitted uses in
the Industrial Park District. Their suggestions include uses such as light manufacturing, warehousing and
distribution, storage, nursery sales/greenhouses/landscaping services, contractor operations and offices,
print shops, recreation facilities/parks, municipal/semi-public facilities, and wholesaling as permitted uses
in the Industrial Park District. They further suggested some limitation on these uses such as no hazardous
materials and landscaping services not to include yard waste facilities.
EDA members plan to attend future Planning Commission meetings to help advocate for the
recommended changes to help businesses. Earlier this month the Planning Commission was reluctant to
allow any changes in the sign ordinance to benefit businesses as the EDA recommended. The Planning
Commission will continue to look at the sign ordinance next month and is open to lifting some restrictions
for community event signage.
Wastewater Committee:
The Wastewater Advisory Committee will be meeting at 6:30pm on Monday, June 201h to make
recommendations the 2016 budget.
Budget Meetings:
Our first meeting for the 2016 budget is scheduled for Tuesday, August 11' at 6:30pm. Brad Borg, chair
of the Capital Improvement Committee, will present the committee's recommendations for the 2016-2020
CII' first. Then staff will present a draft 2016 budget.
Additional budget meetings include Wed, Aug 19' and Wed, Sept 2'. The Council will then adopt the
preliminary levy and set the date (proposed Dec 2) for the public hearing on the budget at the Sept 15'
regular Council meeting.
Assessor's Assistant:
Chase Peloquin has informed the City he has hired an assistant to help with assessment services. Daryl
Moeller has 15 years assessing experience and holds a licensure as a Senior Accredited Minnesota
Union Negotiations:
The Mayor and I met with the union on July 10 and are working closer to a finalized agreement.
Log House Landing Planks:
I continue to work on the DNR waters permit for the planks discussed last month. I had been waiting on
info from the watershed which I received last week so I hope to finish it soon. We are also waiting on a
draft agreement from the DNR.
Slow/No Wake Zone for Big Marine:
Jim Shaver asked Scandia and May to work on an ordinance for a slow/no wake zone for Big Marine
Lake. This will require some coordination with May, Scandia and DNR. As you may remember from
last year when we did Bone Lake, the process can take a few months as it requires a public hearing,
application to DNR and approval from DNR before an ordinance can be adopted. This will likely have to
be completed by the new administrator.
Citizen Complaints/Contacts/Misc.:
➢ Planning and Zoning questions continue to be received in the office on a regular basis. Includes
questions on variances, setbacks, allowed uses, buildable sites, lot line adjustments and
subdivisions. Staff and the planner have talked with folks about two major subdivisions -one
which could yield up to 40 units of more affordable housing ($300,000 homes).
➢ Shore land Code violation received regarding property on Melanie Trail was inspected by
Administrator and Deputy. No violation was discovered.
➢ Road complaints: washout on Paris Ave, washout on Pilar, poor condition of 197'x' St (dinosaur
hill) due to heavy equipment for new house build.
➢ Street Signs -New street signs (consistent with design of last two years) have been approved and
ordered. The replacements will occur in the seal coat areas this year as well as Quinnell Ave.
We will again be offering the old ones for sale to the public. Listing will be available on the
website/Facebook later this summer/early fall.
➢ Closing documents were signed and completed for the fire tanker bond on July 1.
➢ Signed approval (city owned parcel) for Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District to treat
Eurasian watermilfoil on Bone Lake
➢ Request from resident to not mow along Quarry Ave as bees are pollinating
➢ Finalized and submitted grant documents to Car Mar Watershed for reimbursement for part of bio
retention pond at Lilleskogen. Expected to be approved at Aug 12 watershed board meeting.
➢ Saturday hours approved for Scandia Mine asphalt operations only on June 27'h for Washington
County Public Works parking lot paving. Project delayed due to rains.