6.c1 Resolution No. 2020-13 Smith Minor SubdivisionCITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA
WHEREAS, Marschall Smith has made an application for a Minor Subdivision named
Ravensfield South related to two parcels of land to split a 23.19 acre lot (PID
# into 3 parcels: (1) A 3.444 acre lot (Block 1 Lot 1) which has an existing
residential structure; (2) a 0.39 acre vacant lot (Outlot B), which could then be combined with a
neighboring property (Gutmanis); and (3) combine a 2nd parcel (PID # of
1.58 acres into the remaining 19.356 acres from the original parcel; and
WHEREAS, the property is legally described on the following page as:
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Government Lot 4 in Section 34, Township 32, Range 20;
The North 5 acres of Government Lot 5 in Section 34, Township 32, Range 20; except therefrom the tract
conveyed to Duane A. Bailey by Warranty Deed dated June 1, 1954, recorded June 14, 1954 in Book 189 of Deeds,
Page 307;
and except therefrom the tract conveyed to Thomas A. Oczak by Warranty Deed dated June 1, 1954, recorded
June 14, 1954 in Book 189 of Deeds, page 308;
and except therefrom that part thereof conveyed to W. L. Ferguson and Marjorie Ferguson, husband and wife
by Warranty Deed dated August 10, 1954, recorded August 14, 1954 in Book 190 of Deeds, Page 338, and described
as follows, to -wit: That part of North 5 acres of Government Lot 5, in Section 34, Township 32, Range 20, described
as follows, to -wit: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the said 5 acre tract and running thence West along the South
line thereof a distance of 46 rods, thence North a distance of 104 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be
conveyed, from said point of beginning continue North a distance of 100 feet, thence West to the shore of Big Lake,
thence Southerly along said shore to a point directly West of the beginning of the tract to be conveyed, thence East to
the point of beginning, containing ,47 acres, more or Iess;
and except therefrom the tract conveyed to W. L. Ferguson and Marjorie Ferguson, husband and wife, by
Warranty Deed, dated January 11, 1955, recorded June 14, 1955 in Book 195 of Deeds, Page 82;
and also except from said Government Lot 4, that part thereof platted as Erickson's 2nd Addition;
and subject to a perpetual non-exclusive easement in and to the following: That part of the North 5 acres of
Government Lot 5, Section 34, Township 32, Range 20, described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the East line thereof, 12 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence West at
right angles and parallel with the South line thereof a distance of 43 %a rods; thence North at right angles and parallel
with the East line thereof a distance of 92 feet; thence West at right angles and parallel with the South line a distance
of 21/z rods and 12 feet; thence North at right angles and parallel with the East line a distance of 33 feet; thence East at
right angles and parallel with the South line a distance of 4 t/z rods; thence South and parallel with the East line a
distance of 104 feet; thence East and parallel with the South line to the East line; thence South on said East line 21 feet
to the point of beginning; subject to the County Highway easement along the East line thereof.
And also except therefrom the N. 170.4 ft. lying W. of the E. 319.4 ft_ of Gov. Lot 5, Sec. 34, T, 32 N., R. 20
W., Washington County, Minnesota which lies within that part described in Book 310 of Deeds, page 781 by warranty
deed recorded on December 24, 1970 from Charles W. Erickson to Adelmo M. Rossi and Sylvia A. Rossi. Together
with that part of Gov. Lot 4, Sec, 34, T. 32, R. 20 W., Washington County, Minnesota, described as follows:
Commencing at the SE corner of said Gov. Lot 4; thence S. 89'40'14" W. along the S. line of said Gov. Lot 4 a distance
of 319.41 ft. to the W. line of the E. 319.40 ft. of said Gov. Lot 4, said point also being the point of beginning of the
land to be described (bearings are based on the Washington County Project Coordinate System, the E. line of said Gov.
Lot 4 bears N.
0'49'14" W.; thence N. 0049'14"W., 19.97ft.; thence N. 62°02'23" W. 327.53 ft.; thence S. 89°10'46" W.,
147.54 ft. to the W. line of -the E. 754.00 ft.; thence S. 0°49' 14" E., 173.93 ft. along said W. line of the E. 754.00 ft. to
the S. line of said Gov. Lot 4; thence N. 89140'1411 E., 434.62 ft. to the point of beginning. Together with an easement
for ingress and egress over and across that part of Gov.
Lot 5, Sec. 34, T. 32 N., R. 20 W., Washington County, Minnesota, which is described in Book 310 of Deeds, page
781 by warranty deed recorded on December 24, 1970 from Charles W. Erickson to Adelmo M. Rossi and Sylvia A.
Rossi which lies S. of the N. 170.4 ft. of said Gov. Lot 5.
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WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request for the Minor Subdivision at
a duly noticed Public Hearing on April 07, 2020, and recommended approval of the Minor
Subdivision, with conditions;
approves the Smith Minor Subdivision, to split a 23.19 acre lot (PID # into 3
parcels: (1) A 3.444 acre lot (Block 1 Lot 1) which has an existing residential structure; (2) a
0.39 acre vacant lot (Outlot B), which could then be combined with a neighboring property
(Gutmanis); and (3) combine a 2nd parcel (PID # of 1.58 acres into the
remaining 19.356 acres from the original parcel;.
FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following conditions of approval shall be met:
The minor subdivision shall be in substantial compliance with the Preliminary Plat dated
March 16, 2020.
2. Two existing accessory structures located near the south lot line of proposed Block 1, Lot
1, shall be removed, as indicated on the Preliminary Plat.
3. A secondary septic location for Block 1, Lot 1 shall be identified on the Final Plat
document, to be reviewed by the City and filed with Washington County.
4. The applicants shall record a Final Plat with Washington County within one year of the
date when the minor subdivision is approved.
5. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrows associated with this application.
Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 21St day of April, 2020.
Christine Maefsky, Mayor
Ken Cammilleri, Administrator/Clerk