9.c) Springsted City of Scandia MN- Ex Search- City Administrator FINALProposal City of Scandia, Minnesota Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services July 10, 2015 CWaters & Company �1 =xecutve Recruitment A Springsted Company W �IWaters &Company Executive Recruitment A Springsted Company LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL July 10, 2015 Ms. Kristina Handt, City Administrator City of Scandia 14727 209`h Street N Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Dear Ms. Handt: Thank you for your request to provide the Scandia City Council with a proposal to conduct a search for a City Administrator. We assisted the City Council in its last two searches and would enjoy the opportunity to work with the City Council and staff again. The attached proposal outlines our recommended approach to the search and a timeline for getting a new City Administrator on board. Please note that Springsted Incorporated has expanded its search services with the purchase of Waters & Company Executive Recruitment (WCER) last year. Our searches are now done under the name of Waters & Company Executive Recruitment, a Springsted Company. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions at 651-223-3053. We look forward to assisting the City of Scandia in the recruitment and selection of a new City Administrator. Sincerely, i C!�L� e�� Sharon G. Klumpp, Senior Vice President Consultant sml City of Scandia, Minnesota Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services for a City Administrator Waters & Company Executive Recruitment (WCER) recently merged with Springsted Incorporated, establishing one of the largest public sector executive recruitment and organizational management firms in the United States. Springsted Incorporated, the parent corporation, is a certified WBE. Three employee - owners lead the firms and their 70 -member staff. Our principal corporate office is located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, with regional offices located in Dallas, Texas; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Cleveland, Ohio; Des Moines, Iowa; Kansas City, Missouri; Richmond, Virginia; Denver, Colorado and Los Angeles, California. WCER has a team of seven primary recruitment consultants available to meet your executive recruitment needs. Each consultant assigned to this recruitment has extensive experience working with local governments. Our consultants bring an experienced, participatory and energetic perspective to each engagement; our unique approach and personal touch are reflected in our internal standard to provide outstanding services that exceed the City's expectations. Since 2010 our combined consultant team has conducted more than 350 executive recruitments. The WCER Recruitment Project Team will partner with the City Council staff as your technical advisor to ensure that the recruitment process for your next City Administrator is conducted in a thorough and professional manner. Our objective is to generate high-quality candidates and assist you with the screening and evaluation of these candidates. We have structured the WCER Recruitment Project Team to draw upon WCER's and Springsted's 50 -plus years of service to the public sector and our combined experience and capacity to find the most qualified candidates for your consideration. Physical Address Waters & Company Executive Recruitment, a Springsted Company 380 Jackson Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-223-3000 office 651-223-3002 fax Respectfully submitted, Rollie Waters, Executive Vice President Consultant Waters & Company Executive Recruitment El n Springsted Company City of Scandia, Minnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services. Objectives Objectives for the City Administrator search include: • Determination of the desired qualifications for the City Administrator • Recruitment of applicants by advertising the position and contacting prospective applicants • Assisting the City Council in its evaluation of candidates Interview coordination and attendance Assisting the City Council in negotiations with the top candidate WCER recommends an eight -step process for recruiting and selecting a City Administrator: City Council workshop—WCER will meet with the City Council in a workshop to discuss desired qualifications and expectations for the City Administrator and to review the current job description. The workshop will assist the City Council in determining the most important skills and qualities desired in the City Administrator and identifying priorities for this position. We will use the 2012 announcement as a template for the 2015 search. The workshop agenda will include a review of all information needed to prepare a job announcement. We will also review and revise the project schedule if needed. 2. Recruitment and targeted outreach—Based on the results of the City Council workshop, WCER will work with City staff to prepare a job announcement and coordinate placement of the ad with professional associations. We recommend that ads be placed as follows: • City of Scandia website League of Minnesota Cities • Minnesota City/County Management Association (MCMA) League of Wisconsin Municipalities Wisconsin City/County Management Association (WCMA) • Other publications and web sites identified in consultation with the City of Scandia • Waters-company.com and Springsted.com WCER's recruitment efforts will emphasize personal contacts with qualified individuals to present this position to them and discuss the reasons they should apply for this position. These efforts will ensure that qualified individuals who are not necessarily looking for a job will be aware of the City of Scandia position and encouraged to apply. 3. Serve as Point of Contact—WCER will receive and document all applicant materials and inquiries for the position. We will acknowledge each application received and keep applicants informed of their status in the process. Periodic updates will be provided to the City Council throughout the recruitment process to keep officials informed of the response to the job announcement. 4. Applicant screening and evaluation—WCER conducts an impartial and objective review of each application to determine those applicants who most closely meet the City's desired qualifications. We will conduct an internet search of the most highly qualified applicants and invite 10 semi-finalists to complete a questionnaire that will provide detailed information on their experience, skills and qualifications in areas of importance to the City. Use of a questionnaire w" Waters & Company ilk,. � Executive Recruitment EJ n Springsted Company City of Scandia, Minnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services. assures the City that it receives comparable information on all of the applicants. We will review the completed questionnaires and conduct a brief screening interview to clarify candidate information and to affirm the candidate's interest in the Scandia position. 5. Selection of finalists—The selection of finalists can be done as a committee of the whole or with a two -member subcommittee of the City Council. WCER will prepare a written report on the semi-finalists including candidate materials for the City's review. WCER will meet with the committee of the whole or the subcommittee to present the candidates and answer questions; the City will select up to six candidates to participate in first round interviews. Following first round interviews, three finalists will have a second interview with the City; the second interview includes a different format from the first round interview. 6. Reference and Background Records Checks—Once three finalists have been selected, WCER will conduct reference checks for all candidates who have been invited to interview and provide the City Council with a supplemental report outlining information obtained from references. The background records check consists of a review of driver's licenses and criminal histories, educational verification, a credit check and a review of civil judgments. 7. Develop Interview Process—WCER will develop interview questions with input from the City Council. Interview questions will be structured to learn more about the candidate's experience, his/her understanding of the City of Scandia and its current projects and issues, his/her approach to building an effective working relationship with the City Council and his/her management style. WCER will also be responsible for scheduling candidate interviews. Before the interviews, WCER will brief the City Council on interviewing techniques and review the types of questions that are not legal to ask in an interview. We will also provide the City Council with an assessment tool that can be used to evaluate the candidates. WCER will be in attendance at all interviews. We can assist the City in coordinating an informal tour of municipal facilities and the community prior to conducting the interviews, if requested. 8. Employment negotiations—After the City Council has identified its top candidate, WCER will assist in developing an employment offer if requested. We will negotiate an employment agreement with the successful candidate in accordance with direction received from the City Council and its legal counsel. WCER will continue to keep all finalists apprised of this last phase of the selection process. This step in the process becomes extremely important if, for any reason, the top finalist declines the offer. Once the successful candidate has accepted an employment offer, WCER will notify all other finalists of the appointment. Optional Performance Facilitation Services Immediately after the selection, all of the parties may feel confident that they share a mutual understanding of each person's roles, responsibilities and expectations. However, with time these expectations may lose their focus. If requested, within the first year of the City Administrator's employment, WCER will return to the City of Scandia to facilitate a discussion with the appropriate parties to review expectations and performance. Waters & Company .? „ C I Executive Recruitment EJ n Springsted Company City of Scandia, Minnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services. Triple Guarantee Our Triple Guarantee is defined as: (1) A commitment to remain with the recruitment assignment until you have made an appointment for the fees and tasks quoted in this proposal. If you are unable to make a selection from the initial group of finalists, WCER will work to identify a supplemental group until you find a candidate to hire. (2) Your executive recruitment is guaranteed for 24 months against termination or resignation for any reason. The replacement recruitment will be repeated with no additional professional fee, but only for project -related expenses. Candidates appointed from within your organization do not qualify for this guarantee. This guarantee is subject to further limitations and restrictions of your state laws. (3) WCER will not directly solicit any candidates selected under this contract for any other position while the candidate is employed with your organization. A tentative project timetable is provided below to illustrate the time allowed for each step of the process. We are happy to revise this schedule as needed to meet the City's needs. Project Milestone Proposed Date Notice to proceed July 15 City Council Workshop Week of July 27 City approves job announcement Week of August 3 Recruitment and candidate outreach August 5 - September 2 Applicant screening; candidates complete questionnaire, September 3 -17 Written candidate report submitted to the City subcommittee Week of September 21 Subcommittee interviews Week of October 5 WCER conducts reference checks and backgrounds on finalists October 12 - 26 City Council interviews candidates Week of November 2 Employment offer made/accepted Week of November 9 Effective start date (estimated 30 day notice) Week of December 7 The all-inclusive professional fee to conduct the recruitment is $12,800 and includes the cost of professional services by the Recruitment Project Team Leader, the project support staff and all project - related expenses such as advertising, preparation of the recruitment brochure, printing, three candidate backgrounds, reference and academic verification checks and consultant mileage expenses for on-site visits. The all-inclusive professional fee will be billed in four installments: 30% of the fee will be billed at the beginning of the recruitment; 30% at the implementation of Phase I; 30% at the implementation of Phase II; and 10% upon acceptance of an offer by the candidate. We are open to negotiate an alternative payment schedule if selected for this recruitment. zw' Waters & Company hrr; I Executive Recruitment A Springsted Company City of Scandia, Minnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services. All questions regarding the professional fees and project -related expenses should be directed to Sharon Klumpp, Senior Vice President at sklumppkwaters-company.com or via phone at 651-223-3053. OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR CONSIDERATION FEES Additional work related to the search process and as specifically requested by the City that is outside of the scope of this project (i.e. additional onsite meetings) is additional. $220 per hour The fixed professional fee for this recruitment anticipates three onsite consulting days plus expenses with one consultant. However, we would be pleased to provide additional onsite consulting visits for our standard hourly rate of $220 plus expenses. Contact information is provided on some of our recent searches. Additional references are available on request. City of Montgomery, Minnesota City Administrator Honorable Jean Keogh, Mayor 507-364-5685 jkeogh@cityofinontgomerymn.com City of Elk River, Minnesota City Administrator Honorable John Dietz, Mayor 763-441-2210 shortshotsl7@aol.com Village of Osceola, Wisconsin Village Administrator Mr. Gary Beckmann, Village President 715-294-3498 Recruitment Project Team Leader Ms. Sharon Klumpp, Senior Vice President Direct Phone: (651) 223-3053 Email: sklumppgwaters-company CWaters & Company FxPcutive Recruitment A Springsted Company City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Mr. Marc Sebora, City Attorney 320-587-5151 msebora@ci.hutchinson.mn.us City of Big Lake, Minnesota Honorable Raeanne Danielowski, Mayor 763-263-3801 cook113@aol.com Ms. Sara Haselbauer, HR Analyst Direct Phone: (651) 223-3006 Email: shaselbauer a,waters-company City of Scandia, Minnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services. 0 Sharon G. Klumpp Senior Vice President Sharon Klumpp is a Senior Vice President of Waters & Company Executive Recruitment, a Springsted Company, Sharon has extensive experience specializing in organizational and departmental studies, human resource management and executive search for public agencies. She also assists governing bodies and senior -level managers in the development, execution and evaluation of strategic plans. Sharon has extensive experience in serving government. She has served as Executive Director of the Metropolitan Council, a seven -county regional planning agency for the Minneapolis -Saint Paul metropolitan area, and as Associate Executive Director for the League of Minnesota Cities. Her experience also includes serving as City Administrator in Oakdale, Minnesota and as Assistant City Manager in both St. Louis Park, Minnesota and Saginaw, Michigan. Her private sector experience includes serving as the chief administrative officer for the Minneapolis office of a major global engineering and design firm. Sharon also served as an adjunct instructor at Walden University, where she taught public administration and organizational change in the University's School of Management. She served two terms on the Ramsey County Charter Commission and was chair for two years. Professional Accomplishments and Education Education University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Masters of Public Administration Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Watm & Company Executive Recruitment EJ A Springsted Company Affiliations International City/County Management Association International Public Management Association for Human Resources City of Scandia, Minnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services. 0 Sara Haselbauer, J.D. HR Analyst Ms. Sara Haselbauer is a Human Resources Analyst with the Organizational Management and Human Resources Team. Ms. Haselbauer started as an Administrative Assistant to the Project Management team in 2007. In August 2009, Ms. Haselbauer left Springsted to attend law school before returning in November 2014 as an independent contractor. Ms. Haselbauer has experience with analyzing data from various NRMSIRs to determine whether or not all material events had been timely filed in accordance with previous and current SEC regulations. She is fluent in legal research and drafting documents. Education University of North Dakota School of Law, Grand Forks, North Dakota Juris Doctor Certificate in Indian Law University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota Bachelor of Arts in Art History and Sociology Ww Waters & Company C ;; C I Executive Recruitment EJ n Springsted Company City of Scandia, Minnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services.