04-21-2020 Meeting
April 21, 2020
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with modifications.
Due to the health advisory issued by the State regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, to avoid public
gatherings and limit social contact, the meeting was conducted over a virtual meeting platform.
All council members and staff who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and
contribute to discussions. City Administrator Cammilleri and Deputy Clerk Eklund were present
in the Council Chambers. Cammilleri was the presenter and displayed the meeting materials for
participants to view on their remote screens.
Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. The
following were participants to the meeting: Council members Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller,
Chris Ness, Patti Ray and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff participating: City Administrator Ken
Cammilleri, City Planner Merritt Clapp-Smith, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, City Engineer Ryan
Goodman, City Attorney Chris Nelson, Public Works Director Adam Hawkinson, and Deputy
Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Council member Ray added a report from Bob Wilmers, member of the Internet Action
Committee, to the agenda; and asked that the Administrator’s report on property tax
disbursements be moved up in the agenda order. Ray, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to
approve the agenda as amended. Roll call vote: Ray – yes; Cusick – yes; Ness – yes;
Kronmiller – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) March 17, 2020 Regular Meeting
2) April 1, 2020 Work Session
b) Treasurer’s Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Accept Donation for Community Center/City Hall network infrastructure upgrade
e) Amend Park and Recreation Committee By-laws
Kronmiller, seconded by Ray, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Roll
call vote: Ray – yes; Cusick – yes; Ness – yes; Kronmiller – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion
carried 5-0.
Jim Maher, Chair of the Marine Community Library Board, reported that due to the Covid-19
health threat, the library is closed for the foreseeable future and programs have been cancelled or
moved to an online format via Zoom technology. A weekly River Radio program runs live on
Saturday mornings with news and interviews. In the meantime, Maher said they are working on a
way to provide access to books for patrons until the library can open up once again.
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City Administrator Cammilleri addressed the memo from Washington County which described a
potential delay in the property tax distribution to cities. The County is allowing additional time to
pay the first half property taxes without penalty for certain property owners impacted by the
COVID-19 pandemic, the related Stay at Home Minnesota order and business closures.
Cammilleri said the City has certificate of deposit investments that can allow for cash flow in
this event and should not experience an impact to operations.
Cammilleri also reported on an uptick in nuisance complaints, the start of the 2021 budget
process, and completing the LCCMR grant for the Gateway Trail project.
Discussion on replacement of the Zamboni
Parks and Recreation Committee Chair Terry Gorham reported on the Committee’s endorsement
to pursue replacement of the Zamboni ice resurfacer, scheduled in this year’s budget. PW
Director Hawkinson described the poor condition of the existing 1964 model which runs on a gas
engine. Hawkinson researched two machines from R&R Specialties and recommended a
reconditioned 1980 model priced at $18,200, less than the budgeted amount. The benefit of being
propane powered could help with advancement in the City’s GreenStep program.
Ray, seconded by Cusick, moved to approve the purchase of the 1980 reconditioned
machine for $18,200, use the old machine as trade in and purchase two propane tanks for a
total CIP expenditure of $16,844.00. Roll call vote: Ray – yes; Kronmiller – yes; Ness – yes;
Cusick – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
Approve 2020 Summer Recreation Programming
PRC Chair Gorham reported that the Parks & Recreation Committee recommends continuing the
successful Art in Action summer arts camp with St. Croix Festival Theatre, conditioned on
availability of the Community Center for the half-day programs. The organization would like to
run two one-week sessions this summer.
Kronmiller, seconded by Ray, moved to approve offering two Art in Action summer arts
camps. Roll call vote: Ray – yes; Kronmiller – yes; Ness – yes; Cusick – yes; Maefsky – yes.
Motion carried 5-0.
Minor Subdivision at 13781 185th Street North. Marshall Smith, Applicant. (Resolution
No. 2020-13)
Planner Clapp-Smith presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve a
minor subdivision at 13781 185th Street described as follows:
Split Parcel 1 (PID # of 23.19-acre lot into 3 parcels:
• Block 1 Lot 1 - a 3.444-acre lot which has an existing residential structure;
• Outlot A – 19.356 acres from the original parcel
• Outlot B - a 0.39-acre vacant lot, which would be combined with a Gutmanis property
Combine Parcel 2 (PID # of 1.58 acres with Outlot A.
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Clapp-Smith described the findings and five conditions written into a resolution. Outlot A will
remain as an agricultural field. No buildable lots are being created. All development standards
are being met. Council member Ness stated that he lives nearby and has no issues with the
Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2020-13, Approving a Minor
Subdivision of the Parcel Located at 13781 185th Street North. Roll call vote: Ray – yes;
Kronmiller – yes; Ness – yes; Cusick – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
Bob Wilmers reported on the April 9th meeting of the Internet Action Committee. Midco’s first
phase of broadband expansion will begin in June and completed by late fall. Phase 2 will involve
Midco’s application for a 2021 DEED grant and reaching out to state legislators for their
continued support. Updates to the public Wi-Fi infrastructure at the Community Center will
begin soon.
The March building activity report was received. Last month 10 permits were issued at a
valuation of $124,976.00. Council member Ness asked if the lowered building permit revenue
will affect this year’s budget. City Administrator Cammilleri said this can be a topic for the next
work session.
The March incident and citation reports were received. Council member Kronmiller noted the
spike in calls to the Layton Avenue neighborhood and recommended Deputy Peters be present at
the next work session to discuss actions that could assist this area.
Fire Chief Mike Hinz reported that the department responded to 9 calls in March; 2 fire related
and 7 EMS related. Modifications to procedures are in place due to the COVID-19 situation.
Appoint new recruits
Fire Chief Hinz recommended the hiring of two candidates to the Fire and Rescue Department,
pending successful results of their physical testing next month. They would have a start date of
June 1st.
Kronmiller, seconded by Ray, moved to approve the hiring of Nicholas Bancks & Timothy
O’Neill conditioned on passing their medical exam with Osceola Hospital Occupational
Health Department. Roll call vote: Ray – yes; Kronmiller – yes; Ness – yes; Cusick – yes;
Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
Fire/Public Works Parking Lot Paving Project
Quotes for the Public Works – Fire & Rescue Parking Lot Improvement project were received on
April 14, 2020.
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Contractor Total Quote Bid
Bluhm Construction $51,748.75
T.A. Schifsky & Sons $60,084.25
Prefer Paving $66,580.00
Allied Blacktop $70,060.80
Knife River Corporation $72,290.00
Bituminous Roadways $74,952.50
Fire Chief Hinz stated that the Capital Improvement Plan budgeted this project at $75,000, so the
quotes came in very favorably. Hinz explained that the lot is exposed to very heavy equipment
and is deteriorating to the point of water infiltration into the building. Both Hinz and Engineer
Goodman recommended awarding the project to Bluhm Construction, the lowest bidder.
Cusick, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to award the Fire/Public Works Parking Lot
Paving Project to Bluhm Construction in the amount of $51,748.75. Roll call vote: Ray –
yes; Kronmiller – yes; Ness – yes; Cusick – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
City Engineer Goodman reported that Washington County is conducting an online survey to aid
development of a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan for future investment decisions. A pre-
construction meeting was held yesterday for the 2020 street project. Weight restrictions were
recently lifted, and the local asphalt plant will be opening on May 4th. Due to the poor condition
of Maxwill Avenue, an alternative bike route is being suggested to the Fat Cat Triathlon
Dust Control Quotes
PW Director Hawkinson explained that in 2019 granular calcium chloride was applied on a
section of gravel road and the results were very good with dust control for the whole season and
less wash boarding. Cedar Cliff development and one resident on Oakgreen Avenue are
requesting to continue with traditional liquid application for dust control this year. Staff is
proposing granular application throughout the Pilar Road area and liquid applications for Cedar
Cliff and the southern gravel roads (185th, Oakgreen and Old Marine Trail).
Quotes were received for both dust control products from two contractors. Hawkinson
recommended to accept the bid for dust control from low bidder Northern Salt Inc.
Ray, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to award the Calcium Chloride application for dust
control to Northern Salt Inc. as granular application for the Pilar Road area and liquid
application for Cedar Cliff and the southern gravel roads.
Council member Ness said if the solid product works better, one resident on Oakgreen shouldn’t
dictate a decision for the entire roadway. Hawkinson explained that the dry product was tested on
Oakgreen last year, but the liquid product appeared to work better, possibly due to the road’s
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Roll call vote: Ray – yes; Kronmiller – yes; Ness – no; Cusick – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion
carried 4-1.
Road Striping Proposal
PW Hawkinson proposed contracting with Washington County to apply double yellow center
lines on certain roadways in Scandia that have faded. The sections of roads were detailed in his
staff report and estimated at a cost of $3,795.54, with Franconia Township sharing in the cost of
striping 240th Street.
Ray, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to accept the proposal from Washington County for
road striping in 2020. Roll call vote: Ray – yes; Kronmiller – yes; Ness – yes; Cusick – yes;
Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
Memo of Understanding with Washington County CWMA for Invasive Species Control
PW Director Hawkinson explained that the City received an invitation from Washington County
to be a part of a Memo of Understanding with other communities committed to the removal and
management of terrestrial and aquatic invasive species. For grant purposes, the Washington
County Soil and Water Conservation District would take the lead in the fiscal administration.
Being a partner would help eliminate project overlap and aid in blending projects together.
Through the agreement, the city could gain additional knowledge of funding opportunities
available and best practices used by others to manage invasive species. There are no financial
obligations to be a participant in the MOU.
Kronmiller, seconded by Ness, moved to approve entering into the Memo of Understanding
with Washington County CWMA for Invasive Species Control. Roll call vote: Ray – yes;
Kronmiller – yes; Ness – yes; Cusick – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
At the April 1st Work Session, the City Council discussed entering into an agreement with Brit
Harmon, who operates Companion Animal Control, for reinstatement of animal control services
that the City has been without since the retirement of longtime Animal Control Officer Sherrill
Reid in 2018.
In addition to an agreement with Ms. Harmon, the City would need to enter into a separate
agreement with an animal impound facility. Otter Lake Animal Care Center in Hugo has agreed
to provide this service to the City of Scandia. Deputy Clerk Eklund explained that Northwoods
Humane Society in Wyoming is no longer serving as an impound facility for any communities.
The animal control and impound facility contracts were both included in the meeting packet.
Ness, seconded by Cusick, moved to approve the contracts for Animal Control Services
with Companion Animal Control (Brit Harmon) and the Animal Services Impound
Agreement with Otter Lake Animal Care Center. Roll call vote: Ray – yes; Kronmiller –
yes; Ness – yes; Cusick – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
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City Administrator Cammilleri reported that he has recently received a request regarding whether
or not it would consider adopting slow no wake restrictions on Goose Lake for high water levels.
Mayor Maefsky noted that she has also heard this request from several residents. Council
directed staff to pursue local surface use zoning for Goose Lake and to broaden the research to
include all Scandia lakes in the preliminary exploration.
City Administrator Cammilleri reported that a resident has asked the Council to reconsider their
decision made at the March 4th Work Session to not provide sand bagging material locally but
rather direct residents to Washington County. Since then staff was informed that the County only
delivers materials directly to local municipalities and does not provide sand bags to individual
residents. The sand and bags would have to be delivered and available to the public at Scandia’s
Public Works site. Council directed staff to continue this discussion at the next Work Session so
that they can survey local residents on lakes and river for their interest.
Office Assistant Bee Stignani explained the proposals that she has gathered to move forward
with a redesign of the City’s website. The current website hosted by GovOffice is out of date and
lacking in technology that allows ease of use on mobile devices.
Stignani explained that the proposed website redesign by Revize is recommended. The city
would enter a 3-year contract and lock in the fees for maintaining the new website at a cost of
$3,648.40. If the Council chooses to accept the proposal in April 2020, there is a $600 discount
being offered. A citizen notification system is designed into the Revize site, so that the current
QSend 311 subscription could be discontinued. Stignani noted that the current practice of using
Dropbox for public meeting packets could be replaced with use of the City’s existing account
with Laserfiche, a document storage provider.
Ray, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to accept the proposal from Revize for a three-year
contract conditioned on a $600 discount offering. Roll call vote: Ray – yes; Kronmiller –
yes; Ness – yes; Cusick – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
City Administrator Cammilleri summarized the recommended outcomes of the consultant’s wage
and compensation study last presented to the City Council in April 2019, and noted three
deficiencies needing to be addressed:
• Part-Time Fire Chief Position was not included in the study.
• Evaluation of job duties and responsibilities of the Deputy Clerk position.
• Calculated employer costs towards retirement and payroll taxes, which in select cases
were significantly impactful on budgeted expenses.
Cammilleri noted that in his evaluation of the duties and responsibilities of the Deputy Clerk, the
position was misclassified at a grade lower than it should be. Cammilleri recommended the
Deputy Clerk position be reclassified as City Clerk to reflect the job duties being performed by
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the employee. A job description of City Clerk was provided. The consultant with the project
agreed that the Clerk position identifies job points of 342.5, or a Grade 12 on the pay plan
previously recommended for the City in 2019. This grade placement for the position would move
from Grade 8 to Grade 12 and shift from hourly to salary.
Maefsky, seconded by Ness, moved to reclassify the Deputy Clerk to City Clerk and adopt
the job description as presented. Roll call vote: Ray – yes; Kronmiller – yes; Ness – yes;
Cusick – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
The Fire Chief position after being evaluated received 593 points. This places the position at
Grade 18 on the pay plan. Cammilleri explained the financial implications associated with
moving the wages of the Clerk, Fire Chief and Public Works Director to within 5% of the range
provided in the wage study. Applying the increases this year at the employees’ anniversary dates
amounts to a cost of $17,700. An option to apply the wage adjustments at the January 1st
calendar year amounts to $45,200. Cammilleri noted that step increases for staff have commonly
been occurring on their anniversary dates.
Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to implement wage adjustments on employee
anniversary dates. Roll call vote: Ray – yes; Kronmiller – yes; Ness – yes; Cusick – yes;
Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
Cammilleri explained that implementation of this study would require the City Council to
approve budget amendments, including a transfer from the City’s General Capital Fund to cover
the difference that was not originally included within the 2020 operational budget. An option to
place employees on the wage scale according to years of service was deemed too large of a price
tag to implement, leaving Option 2 for discussion.
Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to implement the wage study plan as recommended
by Option 2 -- The cost of implementation at this year’s anniversary date is $17,900 of
which $17,700 would impact the General Fund 101 (and will require a transfer from the
General Capital Fund (401).) $200 is the anticipated impact on enterprise funds. Roll call
vote: Ray – yes; Kronmiller – yes; Ness – yes; Cusick – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion carried
The final draft of the agreement between the City of Scandia and the Scandia Heritage Alliance
as recommended by Attorney Chris Nelson at the April 1st Work Session was presented. The
SHA plans to lease the south ballfield property to rehabilitate the Water Tower Barn and operate
as an arts and cultural center. City Administrator Cammilleri reported that the soil borings
recently studied have indicated the site is viable for the project.
Ray, seconded by Ness, moved to approve Resolution No. 2020-14, Approving a
Redevelopment Agreement with the Scandia Heritage Alliance. Roll call vote: Ray – yes;
Kronmiller – yes; Ness – yes; Cusick – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
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Ness, seconded by Ray, moved to adjourn the meeting. Roll call vote: Ray – yes;
Kronmiller – yes; Ness – yes; Cusick – yes; Maefsky – yes. Motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk